Fans and Reporters visit fancy sets of Huang Xuan’s Entrepreneurial Age

The production welcomes fans and reporters on set and everyone is dressed to the nine. Lol. Maybe this is a gala when their characters have made it big in the industry. Based on a novel, Entrepreneurial Age (创业时代) begins with our hero in the role of a software engineer, inspired by a new idea of a mobile app to send voice messages. He sets out to make it big with this small idea, getting investors and funding, and meeting our heroine who is an investor analyst. Thus begins the story of young people working hard, overcoming obstacles, and achieving their dreams.

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Zhou Yi Wei didn’t look tall in the trailers for Tribes and Empires but he looks well-built and taller than Huang Xuan here.

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The boys have similar noses! Heh.

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Oh Song Yi. I hope you have a good role.

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Directed by An Jian (Decoded) and written by Zhang Ting (Monk Comes Down The Mountain, Meng’s Palace), Entrepreneurial Age has been filming since May 2017.

Via: 01

  1. 2 thoughts on “Fans and Reporters visit fancy sets of Huang Xuan’s Entrepreneurial Age

    Why angela baby?? Would rather see Song Yi as the main actress.

  2. 2 thoughts on “Fans and Reporters visit fancy sets of Huang Xuan’s Entrepreneurial Age

    I get that AB is popular but her acting is so bad. She always get casted with a good actor but the drama is always ruined because of her…. she seriously need to take more acting lessons. I mean she’s pretty, and popular but if this continues she’ll ruin every single drama she’s in.

What do you think?