Oh So Cute!! Acting with your significant other has quite a few advantages, always together, smiling and fighting like dogs and cats. Yang Zi is like a hyper bunny and likes hitting him and Qin Jun Jie bugs her in little ways and just accepts quietly. HAHAHA. You’ll meet the Chusen package (don’t forget Shu Chang and Mao Zi Jun) beginning on May 8th, airing Mondays-Wednesdays in Legend of the Dragon Pearl.
They had a press conference today and finally dropped a new trailer plus a behind-the-scene video (must watch!)
Press Conference 5/2:
The real and reel OTP. 😉
What skincare product is miss Shu Chang using?! She’s glowing lately, in every single shoot.
New Trailer and BTS Video:
Via: 01
6 thoughts on “Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie banter and flirt in Legend of the Dragon Pearl”
They are soooo cute <333 I hope they date happily for a long them. He can't stop looking at her.
6 thoughts on “Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie banter and flirt in Legend of the Dragon Pearl”
gahhhhhhhhhhhhh the BTS video is sooooooo freakin cute!!
she’s like a bunny with endless energy. i love how he just takes it all. from the kissing public till now…she has a lot of affection to give. hahhaha rarity for a young actress.
6 thoughts on “Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie banter and flirt in Legend of the Dragon Pearl”
Ahh, so cute! I am definitely watching this one. Btw, I can’t see the BTS video cuz of geographic restrictions >< I'm getting an error for "This video contains content from Fujipacific"
6 thoughts on “Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie banter and flirt in Legend of the Dragon Pearl”
It got copyrighted. =/ Reuploaded to Vimeo! 🙂
6 thoughts on “Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie banter and flirt in Legend of the Dragon Pearl”
I didn’t watch Chusen but I had watched the BTS videos for these two only lol. Pure entertainment. XD
Yang Zi is so adorable and one of the few in her generation who can actually act. I’m still waiting for a role that is on the same development level as her Hu Xiangxiang in Battle of Changsha though.
Shu Chang is so pretty <3
6 thoughts on “Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie banter and flirt in Legend of the Dragon Pearl”
This is one of those dramas when you go in an can already ship a couple without limit since they are also an item offscreen.
Hopefully their ending in the drama won’t be too bad but we all know how these type of drama ends.