Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

Whoa. I can’t believe it. Fans are buzzing with happiness on weibo. After seven years of never-ending waiting, Happiness of an Angel or Tian Shi De Xing Fu (天使的幸福), the modern drama with Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao as leads has been picked up again by HunanTV. They still didn’t drop an exact air date but the fact that it got “to air soon” is a good sign for this slumber baby. It will be interesting to see how the content and fashion of this production contend with today’s blink blink color palette. Filming took place at Hainan Island. It’s gonna be beautiful!

Now you guys can dance! Weeee ~

UPDATE: Airing on 5/22!

Old Stills:

Liu Shi Shi.

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Ming Dao. Our haughty doctor.

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Happy family of three. Little girl is Tang Zhen.

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The other couple is Jeremy Tsui and Jessie Chiang.

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Old 15-Minute Trailer:

Synopsis: Xiao Han, who runs a small lodge, is the prettiest girl in the little village on Hainan Island. Her humble background and lowly education makes her unconfident, yet she is still optimistic, hoping for her very own happiness. Jie Luo is the haughty son of a woman who is in command of a big business group. He was asked by his mother to help her in renovating some parts of the island, and thus lived in Xiao Han’s lodge. When Jie Luo was trying to purchase some land, he ran into problems which were soon solved with the help of Xiao Han. Their personalities are miles apart, but when they got to know each other through working together, they slowly fell in love. However, Jie Luo’s mother was against them being together and wanted Xiao Han to leave Jie Luo in exchange for the continuation of the island’s renovation project. For the good of the island, Xiao Han reluctantly agreed. This dealt a great blow to Jie Luo, and finding Xiao Han became his only job… [Wiki]

Happiness of An Angel has 30 episodes and the premiere date will be revealed soon is 5/22!

Via: 01 // 02

  1. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    Wow! It’s been so long that I didn’t even realize it’s been 7 years. I’ve been waiting for this since I was a freshman in high school. Lol. I hope it’s good though.

    • 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

      LOL! Yes, we did age while waiting for this drama. hehehe!

  2. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    I was so excited when this first started promotion back when production just ended…back then I was such a die-hard LSS fan. Honestly speaking after 7 -years my interest in this (and in LSS…still elegant and timeless tho) has waned by quite a bit so I’m not expecting much. Will still watch tho…probably.

  3. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    Wow this came absolutely out of nowhere! I definitely thought about this drama on occasion and thought it would never air. Will probably give it a try and you’re right Kappy, it would be nice to see a drama with realistic colors and natural lighting compared to what we see now n_n

  4. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    Wow finally, I thought this would never air! Ming Dao is the original 霸道總裁 hehe.

  5. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    😲 been so long…

  6. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    7 years later..that’s crazy lol
    Anyone knows how c-actors are getting paid? Do they get paid right after they have done filming ? In some countries, actors/actresses are getting their checks after their series done airing….

    • 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

      Chinese actors get their paycheck after filming, thankfully.

      • 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

        Oh thanks god, that’s good to hear lol

  7. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    Omg I’m so happy! Liu Shishi on my screen <3 And in a modern drama, no less. Hopefully this will be good.
    Btw, why is it 7 years? I thought the drama was filmed in 2012. Unless the "coming soon" means it's planning to air in 2019… lol.

    • 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

      It is because the plot line had the mention of hiv and the Chinese government doesn’t like the mention of such disease on national television

  8. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    It still amazes me how a drama, fully filmed, was completely forgotten for 7 years to only be brought back to the public now??? I’m still confused with how Cdrama production works at times. Well at least there’s a possible chance of airing soon, maybe??? I don’t even know anymore lol.

  9. 13 thoughts on “Liu Shi Shi and Ming Dao’s Happiness of An Angel to air on HNTV after 7 years!

    Airing date announced: 5/22/17. Yay!!!

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