Because we need more dramas in April to cater to everyone! Here’s a another webdrama with three of your favorite actors! Qiao Zhen Yu, Tang Yi Xin, and long time no see hottie long legs, Qi Ji! The synopsis for Psychologist is pretty vague, we have a divorced psychologist (Qiao Zhen Yu) clashing with another personality in Tina Tang, whose identity is a mystery, for better or for worse (dual personality?) I don’t know what that means. Lol.
3 thoughts on “Webdrama Psychologist with Qiao Zhen Yu, Tang Yi Xin, Qi Ji”
I saw and loved Qi Ji in Cuo Dian Yuan Yang, looked at his filmography and realized he wasn’t really popular. *Sadface
3 thoughts on “Webdrama Psychologist with Qiao Zhen Yu, Tang Yi Xin, Qi Ji”
I feel the same way! Besides being tall and handsome, I think he’s a good actor. Yet he’s constantly playing 2nd lead or the villain =(
3 thoughts on “Webdrama Psychologist with Qiao Zhen Yu, Tang Yi Xin, Qi Ji”
Someone else watched Cuo Dian Yuan Yang! Yay! I fell the same as you! I loved him in that drama with Zhao Li Ying. They were so adorable together and he did such a lovely job of playing the stif, stoic responsible brother/boss with so emotions bubbling underneath. He’s tall, handsome and good actor and I was so surprised to see his career never really took off…Even Han Dong who played second brother in Cuo Dian… went on to have a much better career and, of course, ZLY’s success goes without saying. I wonder what went wrong 🙁