I’m so proud of you Allen Ren Jia Lun. He recently nabbed a lot of attention and love for his portrayal as Li Chu in The Glory of Tang Dynasty, and has chosen to reveal on weibo his long-term relationship with his girlfriend. I think most people would choose to wait a little longer to reveal their love status, afraid of losing that new-and-hard-earned fan love, but he doesn’t. The moment he got support from tv audience, he affirms the woman who has been with him since his unknown days. I just love it. Love it!
On his weibo 3/6/17, he wrote, “Meeting on a beautiful, sunny day, we have held hands like this for five years. In the future, every spring day, every winter night, I will accompany you. Nie Huan. ❤❤❤”
Nie Huan is her name.
He didn’t show her pictures but netizens found her easily enough since there are pictures of them everywhere! Lol. His close friends of course know about them, since Andy Chen was in a few of the friends’ gathering dinners. 🙂 They hang out a lot with Yu Zheng and his line of pretty boys and girls. XD
Via: 01
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Very good example, love him!
U don’t forget your loved ones just because you became famous and try to hide them under the closet just for some unknown brainless fans. <3
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
There is actually a lot going on behind the scenes of his post but I will keep mum about it.
In the end, his happiness matters the most.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
You just opened a can of worms, Polaris. Lol. Let his and her happiness rise above the rest.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Hahahaha the can of worms had been opened way before I knew of it! =P
I’m always happy for my fave boys and girls when it comes to their relationships. As I said, his happiness matters the most.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Have been a fan of him for 2 years and I can say that the paps definitely know about his long-time GF. I knew about it 2 weeks in. Lol. They were just waiting for the right time to expose the couple, like any other couples. Companies would pay to have the photos deleted or not uploaded for the time being too.
And Allen never hid his GF, wearing masks and stuff like that when they hang out. It’s always clear, recognizable faces.
This is like the opposite of Yang Zi and Qin Jun Jie. You can expose us but if we don’t admit, that satisfaction is still not from the paps.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Thanks for the input. I read a couple of longtime fan comments on weibo over this matter. I think most are supportive and some just wish he hadn’t confirmed the relationship since it was already known amongst the fans. Oh well. Can’t please everybody~
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
what do you two know that you two are hiding!! you can just drop something like that and leave us hanging…. either say it or don’t say anything at all………… T________T
happy for the couple, though. i was shipping him with jing tian. lols.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Nothing big, luli. It was only a matter of time since the paparazzi already had photos of his girlfriend staying with him recently. Fans also knew since they would drop gifts off at his room inside the hotel. So either they were going to make the post or Allen would have to do it on his own. I’m glad he decided to do it. Would not look good if the papps did it. And by doing this, he’s also protecting his girlfriend too. Isn’t he sweet? <3
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
I’m with Luli. Tell us what is going on (:D)
Good for him to be the one to show off his relationship before anybody else. They both look good together. I hope no drama happens to them but Chasingpolaris and Kappy are giving off me the vibe of nasty drama going on on their lane.
Oh by the way, I can’t recognize the hot guy with wearing the white cap and black shirt . Who is he?
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Replied above to Luli. Just the usual paparazzi stuff.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
getting outed by the paps isn’t scary anymore. they have been together for 5 years, what is there to be afraid of?
maybe because i was a kpop fan before and they do WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY crazier thing to their idols, so leaving gifts is so calm and gentle in comparison. lols.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Hahaha I was a Kpop fan before so I know exactly what you mean. XD
What can I say, showbiz is an unpredictable place a lot of the times. XD
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Ahhh….I was wondering where I’ve seen him and why he was hanging around Yu Zheng and Merxat. He had a minor role in Memory Lost. Actually, the last two pictures of those young actors/actress with Yu Zheng all had minor roles in Memory Lost (minus his girlfriend)…LOL.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Yes he was. He was. Bright and proud. Heh.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Seems like love is in the air……it’s nice that he has a GF outside the industry. May the relationship last. Now I am just waiting impatiently for our Ying Bao Bao (ZLY) to have someone in her life. Someone who will truly care about her and think the world of her. Pamper her etc etc etc…..
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
His girlfriend looks like a cute regular person. I hope she isn’t harassed.
@chasingpolaris: Thanks. So basically it was going to come out anyway so it wasn’t exactly his choice to come clean? Well, even though he was pushed better to reveal it this way now rather than some sneaky paparazzi pic. This looks better and shows more respect for his girlfriend
From what you said I’m shocked they allow fans into the hotel, onto his floor and even outside his room. Sounds inappropriate and potentially dangerous!
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Yeah, I don’t even know what to do about the papps anymore. As for fans, I think it’s somewhat common for them to visit their idols. Probably not in hotels like this one ‘cause all of it just seems disturbing. I wish both the papps and the fans would leave the couple alone.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Why let pests make money out of his new hard-earned fame?
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
aww thats so sweet. Acknowledging her also shows he’s serious about her and 5 years does seem they are rock solid. congrats and may that beautiful love stand the test of time and the crazily not-private lives of actors.
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to put in a more accurate translation of his message, it’s way more romantic!
“The day we met, the sunlight was so great. Just like that we’ve held hands for five years. Every spring day and every winter night in the coming future, I am willing to be by your side. Nie Huan.”
21 thoughts on “Love Bug Report: Ren Jia Lun reveals his long-term Girlfriend”
Lol. So Nitpicky. Both sounds equally romantic. And you’re missing the hearts!! ♥