Happy Friday fellow drifters! Lots of pretty this week!
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Boss Yang Mi and her three kids. Lol.
Zhang Yun long.
Dilraba Dilmurat is stunning in this outdoor shoot.
Vengo Gao looking sharp with the tux and then those eyes…
Could you work if he stares like this?!
Song Wei Long attempts the gangsta look. No kiddo, No. LOL.
Zombie Audition Alert.
Zhao Wei.
Xu Wei Zhou.
Yang Yang with a dog making dessert?! Where to find one….?
Hehehe. How did they even time it to get this perfect peeing shot?
And lastly, Miss Jiao Jun Yan giving the boys a nose bleed for this edition of HIM magazine. Love Love LOVE how she carries her sexy self with confidence and that smile.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Vengo Gao …. rawrrrr such a handsome stud. For some reason, in some pictures he doesn’t look that Chinese?
Diggin’ the casual shots of Yang Yang, as opposed to the try hard shots of Song Wei Long who is a handsome kid with natural bad boy vibes and doing anything more is just cringe inducing.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Han Chinese IS an ethnicity. Maybe dee is referring to that?
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
but dee didnt say Han
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Joo – that’s exactly what I meant! He even looks ‘mixed’ in certain shots.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
YangYang <3 There are many teasers in weibo from last week. this is the compilation video for YangYang Bazaar magazine
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Yang yang ??? i love how snuggly those shots are hahaha
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Yang Mi and her kids are so in the hot right now! They all looks gorgggg!
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Kappy, I wonder do other folks here laugh at these photos too. . . . .
This is a first time I had a blast, laughing.
This entry had raised my curiosity, “does other countries’ celebs photo shoots have funny concepts like China’s”?
This entry caused me searching for korean celebs photoshoots to compare. Frankly, I have never cared about looking at celebs photo shoots. That is why I wonder does other countries’ celeb photo shoots have funny concepts like China’s. LOL
The ones that had me literally laughing at were the second to last photo of Xu Wei Zhou with his back pose (I was scrolling and scrolling and he did that; it caught me by surprise ?) and then yang yang with the bear killed me.
I’m deceased. LOL
The bear doesn’t look happy with its ears bitten though, which is sad; and was that really pee on yang yang’s shoe (wet)? Poor puppy.
Bear into the washer?
At the end of viewing yang yang’s photos, honestly i’m confused what was the concept of his photoshoots? ? jk
BTW, Song Wei Long looks like Tony Leung Chiu Wai (Little Tony). On the first pic he really looks like him. His cute round nose and hooded eyes match younger Tony’s.
Is it just me? and does gangsta wear flower pattern jacket and shirt? ?
haha the third pic of Vengo Gao, i’m that girl. I would turn like that if I saw him walking pass on the street. He looks like a hollywood actor in the old days. Not Clark Gable but someone else.
Zhang Yun long or James Dean? His last photo is too much ? hehe.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
This is something I wonder about too. I like Yang Yang–he’s extremely good looking. But what is up with all of the “little boy” images. Yang Yang anxiously waiting for his teddy bear to come out of the dryer is just… odd. I would think that at his age, he would be going for a more mature image? In his interviews he always talks about maturing as an actor, so why doesn’t his management group push that idea in his photo shoots/commericals. Do Chinese girls/women find those images appealing? They must based on the quantity of them. But for a photo shoot that originally promoted a “You are Yang Yang’s GF” kind of theme, I wonder? Realistically, if I found my mid-20’s boyfriend snuggling with a teddy bear, I don’t think my first thought would be “Oh he’s so sexy!”
If only all of the photoshoots could look like Vengo’s! Smolder is always a good concept.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
To be fair, 90% of his magazine shoots have been all masculine and mature and what not. For fans i think this is a cute refreshing change. Magazine photoshoot concepts have never made sense anyway LOL
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Agree. As a fan, I’d find it completely boring if all his photoshoot themes were all the same. People will complain then that he’s always in the same kind of photos. Lol.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
@royce: what about asian females over 25 who still haven’t outgrown hello kitty? I find that so immature.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
@anon hey don’t misunderstand. I like yang yang on this cute photoshoot. I was just “didn’t get it”.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Ha! I laughed at your comment Anon. “Hello Kitty” is really the most correct description.
Those immature ladies were not as bad when they first came out, but they got over populated over the years and I got too tired of them now.
Cute immature guys are kind of a new trend that I really like as long as it doesn’t get too far stretched like crying on the ground for candies, it’s totally fine. But I’m sure after a few more years with them being over populated then it’ll get annoying too.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
I don’t know about others Royce, but I do laugh out loud at the increasing rate of crazy concepts of these magazine shoots – not just in China. Lol.
Song Wei Long does resemble a number of actors in their younger days. When you place his picture next to younger pics of Wallace Chung, Aaron Kwok, Tony Leung, he does look a lot like them, especially with the 90s middle split but curvy bangs. 😀
Yun Long looking good. *_*
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
the concept of yangyang’s photoshoot is boyfriend at home, this is for female magazine and last year Yang Yang has being cover for Harper’s Bazaar Men style which concept is masculine man.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
that’s why there are yangyang photoshoot when he sleep, eating spaghetti with a dog, doing laundry, baking cake. that teddy bear remind me American movie Ted (2012), it’s funny movie and very vulgar, that teddy bear can speak and doing anything like human, he even have sex and using marijuana LOL
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
thanks kappy ! you bless for my eyes.
how i hope there’s ‘every’day photoshoot instead of friday photoshoot. hehehe xD
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Everyday photoshoot, that is too much! Lol. I have to glean and pick and choose. XD
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
So much beauty! Love Yang MI’s outfits and styling. Zhang Yunlong, wow who knew he was hiding all that underneath his clothes? I mean I actually did then I forgot. He’s like Xu Ke… The ex boyfriend in My Amazing Boyfriend, you wouldn’t know how ripped they are. I want shirtless scenes in that upcoming drama with Dilraba. Yang yang, cute as always but I’m disappointed because Harper’s Bazaar always does amazing cover photoshoots and this is a cute concept but very average photography for them. They should have done more for him. Song weilong, so good looking but this photoshoot does him no favors. vengo looks delicious . Xu weizhou… What has he done since addicted? He seems popular in celebrity circles do why isn’t he using those connections? All I see is him attending events and doing photoshoots
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
OMG Gao Wei Guang ??????? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
WHHOOOOOOoooo! That Vengo stare is a nose bleed to death! XoX HOT!
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Dilabra & Vengo are my fav shots. No wonder Vengo is a model. He looked effortlessly hot!
I really like Yang yang but i’m not fond of those shots.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Vengo is so attractive, but his acting leaves so much to be desired. When I watch his shows I constantly remind myself to forgive his perpetual intense stare on account of his handsomeness.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
I didn’t like Vengo much from Three Lives Three World, but the first time I saw him was in Destined to love you and I remembered him since then because of how comedic he was in there!
He has that powerful look, so he fits very well into a villian-like role as well as a cool protagonist. But what was so funny is that he was actually sooo nice and also one of the goofy minions in Destined to love you, totally what I would never expect from such a strong looking man, which made him too cute in there.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
wow everyone is so hot in these photos
like they’re ALL HOT
yang mi is looking like a total badass boss
zhang yun long is so hot with his cute handsome face and sexy body
dilraba is absolutely stunning
vengo is sex on legs like hello
zhao wei remains a goddess
yang yang is so handsome while being cute at the same time with the dog and cake and outfits
but miss jiao junyan is the biggest surprise of them all because she is PERFECT with her androgynous look while absolutely killing it with the hotness! DEM LEGS OMG <3
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Zhao Wei! She looks amazing in that shoot. Was literally gurgling with excitement when she posted some of those on her ig.
That Yang Yang shoot was by Chen Man and it’s kinda hard to believe. It’s the simplest, dare I say most mainstream shoot she’s done to date.
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
my favourite shot was the dog peeing shot. 10/10
30 thoughts on “Friday Photoshoots: Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Song Wei Long, Jiao Jun Yan”
Dunno why everyone is focused on the boys when Jian Jun Yan is smoking…!! GAHH. She and Zhang Tian Ai, totally slaying the sex appeal. No one comes close!