Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

I love friendships like this. No matter what you did in your past, they know you then and now and love you for it. Ruby Lin recently went on a vacation to Japan with her girlfriends, namely Shu Qi and Kelly Lin, and Shu Qi posted a weibo message, “Vacation trip with four girls!” attached along with the picture of only them three. Ruby then replied with “Girl Power,” confirming everyone’s train of thought.

Congratulations! Ruby and Wallace now have a princess! A beauty is being made. Hehe!

Vacation Pictures:

The whole group!

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Don’t worry, this image is photoshopped. The ladies having too much fun role-playing. XD

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Shu Qi looks so young with that hairstyle. Lol.

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My friends are planning a trip to Japan within the next four years too. EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!

 photo RuShu 1.jpg

The chosen picture for the news is the one below. 🙂

 photo RuShu 3.jpg

Via: The ladies’ Weibos

  1. 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

    Baby-faced beauties. 🙂 It’s always the quality over quantity. <3

  2. 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help


    They picked a good time to go too. Japan in the fall is beautiful.

    Kap, I hope it doesn’t take four years for you to visit. Hope you and your friends reach that goal sooner! Unless you’re aiming for the Olympics there then never mind lol.

    • 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

      One of my friends want to go next year, but my vacation time and sick are all used up now…. T____T The other friend who is planning is in dental school and wanted to go after he graduates. I’m stuck! XD I don’t wanna go when it’s packed with tourists! heh.

      • 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

        Japan is always packed with tourists! There’s always something going on every season. The times you do want to avoid is New Year’s, Golden Week, and Obon. Those times are the busiest traveling times for the Japanese–they usually take vacation times at the same time.

        • 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

          Ah, thanks for the tips! I’ll go back to this thread when planning is in session. 😉

  3. 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

    If you’re going to go to Japan you should check where you want to go first before deciding on the time since you want to be there where there is actually something going on.

    Like festivals. Japanese festival are really fun! you can try wearing a yukata!

    • 8 thoughts on “Ruby Lin drops hints she’s carrying a baby girl with Shu Qi’s help

      I definitely want to wear a Yukata! 8D It looks pretty!

What do you think?