Can someone be this lucky? As if snatching the outgoing and charming Ruby Lin off the market isn’t enough, Wallace Huo is returning to dramaland as the object of power and affection, Emperor Qianlong, for the strings of consorts and concubines. And when I say ‘lead’, it’s only a technicality, as we know palace drama Ru Yi’s Royal Love in The Palace (后宫·如懿传) is truly a battlefield led by Zhou Xun. When I read the news this afternoon, I thought it was a joke because just a few days ago, Huang Lei’s name was being brought up a few times and then later today, Wallace’s side officially confirmed his casting. Are you pleased?
Random Photo from Various Shoots:
You know my feelings about this man. I wouldn’t call him handsome, but he does possess flawless skin and looks very beautiful.
Via: 01
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
What??? You don’t think he’s handsome???
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
I had the same thought…LOL.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
I have 3 categories for men: Handsome, beautiful, and cute. Wallace is beautiful in my book. Lol.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Most of his shoots are filtered/photoshop. Also, he wears makeup like all artists do. I mean if you take a close look at his pictures playing basketball, no makeup and you do see wrinkles and uneven spots #justsaying
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
He’s a natural beauty with wrinkles and uneven spots. Better than being botox-smooth with a waxen face.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
He is not 25yrs ols. I rather his has the slight wrinkles, it adds maturity. No PS on his face…
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
This is the man who in the beginning of his CDrama career intentionally tried to shed his idol image by not taking care of his skin (going to sleep on set with stage blood/not using high end cleansing products ). He also smokes like a sailor and gets only a few hours of sleep while filming. The man will be pushing 40 soon as well. How he is still able to maintain that quality of skin is beyond me. His genes are resilient (that’s why him should pass them along).
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Yaay, more Wallace is a good thing 🙂 He is one of the few i actually like looking at in Qing dynasty style clothes and hair.
Which, when I think about it, is awesome because in these palace dramas girls are the major players and the guys should be the eye candy :)))
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Qing Dynasty clothes and hair look ok on the ladies, but not so visually appealing on the guys. Give me man-buns over pigtails any day.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
OMG SCREAMS SCREAMS SCREAMS!?!?!!!!!! I screamed when I saw the title of your post!!! Totally unexpected?! I didn’t expect Wallace to return to dramaland so quickly! Now I am even more excited for this drama wee! Im so excited to see Wallace’s portrayal of QianLong!
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
I read somewhere else that it was going to be Tony Leung. I don’t have anything against Wallace really but this makes me kinda disappointed. Imagine if they really managed to get Tony! *sigh* I should have guessed that was never going to happen.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
They wanted him but it will take more connections and persuasion to get Tony back to dramaland. I think only the elders at Tvb could yield that power.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
He is indeed lucky.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Yes, I totally agree with you, Kay. Wallace is indeed so lucky that we are at lost of words to say. Ruby Lin is really a gem in Wallace’s life, plus a flourishing career . . . what more can a handsome guy will ask for?
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Zhou Xun’s acting is going to drown him out lol. They should’ve casted an actor that matches Zhou Xun skill wise.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
I want to see Zhou Xun and Hu Ge in a drama.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
I have faith Wallace will deliver a good preformance. Wallace is what I would call a very sensitive actor-he reciprocates what he receives. I’ve watched him for years and his acting is captivating when he works opposite good actors and actresses. Unfortunately his acting has been overshadowed by his less-than preformaces because those dramas tend to garner more ratings. He stands to gain a lot from working with Zhou Xun no doubt. To be fair, in Dramaland, I’m not sure there’s a leading man who can parallel her acting. Jin Dong perhaps? Who else?
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Many years ago, Jin Dong was turned down for a part with Zhou Xun because of the great height difference.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
Luo Jin could challenge Zhou Xun’s acting, IMO. He arguably the strongest leading actor in the dramaland atm.
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
I Want to see liu tao and wallace pair up!!
21 thoughts on “Happiness comes in Two’s: Wallace Huo leads Ru Yi’s Palace”
This came off as a surprise. He mentioned in the past that he didn’t want to keep playing the same type of characters e.g. kings and emperors, etc. So why is back into this cycle…I can only imagine it’s the production team and a chance to work with Zhou Xun.
I hope this drama turns out to be enjoyable for me. Legend of Zhenhuan bored me to tears. Lol.