It’s been two months and yet my heart and brain still can’t wrap a grip around the happening that is We Are In Love Season 2 with three confirmed couples: Bolin Chen X Song Ji Hyo, Zhou Dong Yu x Shawn Yue, and Wei Da Xun x Li Qin. The only salvation for me is to let you guys follow and watch it. Lol.
Thank-you for suffering in my stead! Premiering in just a few days 2/28/16.
First Couple: Bolin Chen (Go lala Go 2) and Song Ji Hyo (Running Man). The boys on Running Man have been dropping jokes the past two weeks. My Monday heart can’t take it!
These promo stills crack me up. Doesn’t it look like a street photoshoot instead? Lol.
Second Couple: Wei Da Xun (Forever Young, Fighting Youth) and Li Qin (My Amazing Bride).
Third Couple: Shawn Yue and Zhou Dong Yu (Sparrow). Shawn ah, with the glasses, you look like her uncle. >.<
Based on pictures alone, Li Qin and Wei Da Xun might be my favorite. Not like it matters because I’m not watching! MUHAHHA! XD
Via: 01
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
i seriously dont get Shawn and Dong Yu. Sigh. why oh why???? and bolin… aaagghhtt. im speechless. wow, ji hyo looks kinda different with dress hahah, i used to see this eonni on running man so… hehe..
i know wei da xun from Go fridge! 😀
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
It feels like a conflict of interest for me, Ji Hyo has a loveline with Gary (which never really ended or anything) but in another dating show with Bolin (which is also scripted to a certain degree)… that’s some awkward arrangement for her, isn’t it?
Zhou Dong Yu’s baby face is weirding me out too with Shawn being 10 years older.
Such weird couples for this season.
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
Based on pictures alone, Li Qin and Wei Da Xun might be my favorite. Not like it matters because I’m not watching! MUHAHHA! XD
LOL, pretty much my thoughts when I first saw the pairings.
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
so Bolin is paired up with a girl who has rumor with another guy, and on top of that they don’t speak the same language, assuming that he doesn’t speak korean and she doesn’t speak chinese, so i’m guessing they will use English to communicate? still…awkward.
the problem with Shawn and Zhou pairing, for me, is not the fact that Shawn is older than Zhou, but more like Zhou looks toooooooooo young, it makes Shawn looks like a pedophile, in fact any guy would looks like a pedophile next to Zhou, she’s even more baby face than the other baby face in the industry like Zhao Li Ying, Charlene Choi, etc…on top of that, Shawn looks like the type of guy who only interest in voluptuous woman. this pair is definitely awkward at best lol.
what were they thinking…
what a weird season lol.
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
Someone speak to Bolin’s manager already! The guy’s so popular, he doesn’t need to do this virtual dating show to boost his ratings!
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
I was hoping you recap it so I didnt I have to watch it. lol
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
You’re evil! But nahh, I have enough on my plate this season. X)
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
i am just lazy. lol
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
I won’t get into second season either.
I’m an orphan now. Utterly sad to share the worst news of my life, my mum passed away late last month because of heart failure. All so sudden. Papa went to Heaven three years ago. It’s such a HUGE impact compared to how I went through this with Papa’s demise. So yeah, I’ve been busy taking care of her unfinished business. I, like, resigned from my current job a while ago when mum was weak. Been by her side ever since. Being the eldest daughter, I put my grieving period in the back burner, so I can focus funeral planning, catering, gathering kins, sort legal matters, and now sorting mum’s belongings. It’s been tough (letting go)… it’s a struggle implementing the Konmari Method, I tell ya. Enough of my drama, but yeah, I may need time to myself to actually grieve and let go after 7×7 is over. Plan to travel, and make a comeback in the work force and strive forward.
Miss y’all.
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
Keane… I don’t know what to say. I’m also the eldest and couldn’t imagine functioning through life.
Live, travel, stay happy, become stronger. Heal.
We’ll be here, hopefully, rocking away on this tiny boat.
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
I realize you are (the eldest), I recall you saying so a few times before. You just can never image the details of it all. I can share with you the inner workings to prep matters better than me. *knock on wood*
I tell ya, I think I aged twenty years within a month.
I hope I made an adequate effort while the elders are watching and critiquing my every move I make on behalf of the beloved. I’m truly living under a microscope ATM. Ancestors, psshhh, go figure!
Don’t say such things, Y’ALL WILL STILL BE HERE when I come back. Y’all are my comfort zone, also my healing platform. I’ll pop in now and again, and eventually want to continue where I left off. JIA YOU, KAPPY!
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
I don’t doubt how many years you have aged Keane. It’s unthinkable. Don’t mind those elders, as long as your mom knows and appreciates your efforts where she is now.
Jia You!!
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
Condolences, Keane. Your stength is truly admirable. Hugs and wish you all the best in life!
14 thoughts on “Official Promos gear up for China’s We Are In Love Season 2”
The editing in the official posters are so horrible!! So unreal and make the celebs look ugly O____O
Shawn Yue is old enough to be Dong Yu’s father! OMG…..
What language do Jihyo and Bolin use?