Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

A lot of dramas are coming out (heck nawwww February!!) and a lot started their productions this past week as well. Some will get mentioned, others will get mentioned when there is more info. Never sleep, cdramaland. Cause I don’t need to. *joking joking*

=======> ♦ Opening Themesong to Chronicle of Life. “Spring Festival” – Hawick Lau. Ending themesong is “Signs of A Love Too Late” by Xiang Xiang.

=======> ♦ Opening Themesong to The Imperial Doctress. “Approaching Heavy Rain” – Lala Xu.

=======> ♦ Another new song for The Legend of the Green Tailed Foxes. “Feng Zhi Lian” – Gong Shu Jun.

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=======> ♦ Liu Yi Fei looking real fly on her flight to Paris for a fashion show. You’re sure you’re not running on the runway, Milady? A pink coat is not easy to pull off. She looks flawless.

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=======> ♦ Totally forgot about this one: A Jackie Chan’s movie Railroad Tigers with Nick Wang, Darren Wang, and EXO’s Tao. The story is about how one railroad worker rallies up the boys to fight against the Japanese. Directing is Sheng Ding (Saving Mr. Wu, Police Story 2013). I’m a little too excited! Darren!! Love that puppy! Nick is here too! Exposure! I don’t know Tao so no comment.

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=======> ♦ Bed Scenes between Angela and Ethan Ruan in their romantic thriller movie, Kill Time. Smoking.

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What did you see, Angela?!!

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=======> ♦ How fast is production in China? 28-Year-Old Minor has fan-taken photos the second day after the opening ceremony! Below are our leads in Wallace Huo and Ni Ni.

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She looks so cute.

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=======> ♦ New stills and trailer for The Monkey King 2016. So many monkeys.. even Eddie is playing one. -__-

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=======> ♦ First stills of the lovely song writer Viann Zhang in Song of Phoenix.

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=======> ♦ Peter Ho and Zhang Li‘s republican spy drama, Dark/Mysterious Warrior (玄武), drops new stills of them soaked in the rain. Peter plays an undercover agent in the Communist party and his goal is to protect funds and finances against Japanese invasion. They look more like killers in the rain to me. LOL.

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You see that Machete??!!!

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=======> ♦ New trailer for Three Heroes and Five Gallants with Chen Xiao, Zheng Shuang, and Yan Kuan.

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Pleasegivemebromance. =D

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Never everrrrrrr let them put that porn stache on you sir of beauty. ;D

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=======> ♦ Crystal Zhang, Peter Sheng, and Alan Yu (Edit: I’m seeing things) were seen on the street of Shanghai filming the third ending for Go Princess Go. It’s a happy ending of the three endings and is deemed as a gift for fans on Valentine’s Day. Now you guys are pushing it a bit for me. Stick with the ending you decided!! With the removal of many webdramas thanks to SARFT, I’m way too angry about their stifling regulations to say much.

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Fiction Guo Jun Chen in Yellow.

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=======> ♦ Liu Hao Ran (Detective Chin Tang) and Chen Dou Ling (The Left Ear) are leads for new movie called Twins (双生). Chen Dou Ling did not study acting and it showed in her acting debut project. I thought she was returning to school… The entertainment world is not easy to let go once you’re in. Let see how she does in here.

=======> ♦ When discussion of making a movie version of Huan Zhu Ge Ge, Vicki Zhao opts to direct an animated show instead. GOOD FOR YOU!! I’m so glad you stopped these crazy bunnies from ruining a classic. =D

=======> ♦ Zhang Han is seen working real hard at a gym for an upcoming role in webdrama, The Ten Crimes. I cannot imagine Zhang Han with muscles. XD

=======> ♦ Tang Yan is rumored to be in a new film, Gourmet King, with Nicholas Tse and C.N. Blue’s Jung Yong Hwa. Filming is due to begin in March.

=======> ♦ Taekwondo Girl Season 2 will have a different storyline. They can’t hold on to the original cast so it will be new faces. I’m kool with that.

=======> ♦ Feng Shao Feng‘s name is attached as the lead for novel adaptation of Tong Hua’s The Starry Night, The Starry Sea (那片星空那片海).

=======> ♦ Hunan has bought the rights to remake School 2015. The original Kdrama stars young starlet Kim So Hyun, Nam Joo Hyuk, and Yook Sung Jae. Miss Kim plays twins and gets embroiled in the mystery of her sister’s death…or so we think.

=======> ♦ Feng Qiu Huang (凤囚凰) has a rumored male lead in Chen Xiao. The last time we spoke about this harem time-traveling drama was in 2014 (!!) when Yang Rong was rumored as the female lead. Still under Yumama’s hand so it’s looking positive for them to reunite! Weee~

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=======> ♦ Producer of As Long As You Love Me reveals that they negotiated a year to get Wallace Chung on board as the male lead. Apparently, he’s playing a part in producing too.

=======> ♦ A lot of actresses are looking for roles in the upcoming harem drama Ru Yi’s Royal Love In The Palace starring Zhou Xun as the lead. Among the names which could be used for publicity are Victoria Song and Zheng Shuang.

=======> ♦ A Step Into the Past will begin production in March. Waiting for confirmations of cast. William Chan was courted before.

=======> ♦ Elvis Han is attached to a new project Siege in Fog (迷雾围城), a novel written by Fei Wo Si Cun. Oh boy. Not a fan of this writer. Ee!

=======> ♦ Novel My Queen (我的皇后) written by Xie Lou Nan has been bought to be made into a television drama and a movie.

=======> ♦ Zhao Li Ying’s little heaven of news….

Her Chinese New Year Pics from Hunan.

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Quick photos of her in New External Waves. Zhang Han is standing on the side.

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They also uncovered some of her kiddie photos. She is the middle one. hehe. So cute.

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Via: 01

  1. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    Victoria and Zheng Shuang for RuYi??? No thanks, as much as I love both of them, their acting skills need improving and their image don’t fit that drama.

  2. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    ZLY’s news is always very much welcomed :D. But while I look forward to her upcoming stuff, it’s all kind of meh cuz none of them are coming out anytime soon and none of them really have any set schedules. I don’t want to get my hopes up and have them all be another Ji Xiang Tian Bao (we all know how that went…i wonder if producers/tv networks just forgot about it…).

    I surprisingly like Viann’s stills for Phoenix. I can’t say much for her acting cuz I haven’t really watched any of her stuff (well from start to finish at least…I tried Condor Heroes…big no, I skimmed through Yue Fei with HXM which was pretty good, except I just wasn’t interested, and I attempted WC’s Tian Long Ba Bu…also a no), but I generall have a “fierce girl” impression of her, an impression continued after seeing her in Run for Time also. But in these stills she looks surprisingly soft and different. Kudos to her acting then.

    Themsong after themesong! I REALLY like the opening theme to Chronicle of Life: it has a surprising jianghu/wuxia feel, which I don’t think really fits the story or video, but hey, I at least like the song itself. With the Fox one, I’ve liked all the songs so far, and I’m actually REALLY looking forward to it, despite the kind-of predetermined fate of disappointment. It’s illogical why I’m looking forward to it as much as I am, but I am. So there’s that. No opinion of Imperial Doctress. Honestly I’m not particularly looking forward to it, cuz while LSS’s acting isn’t horrible by any means, very consistent at least, it’s also very bland and sort of…non-varying. Imperial Doctress is sort of “her style” when it comes to period dramas, and her acting, at least from the trailers, doesn’t seem to be any different from her acting as Ruo Xi, or Jin Yu, or really anything else. It’s not bad, but frankly it’s kind of monotonous. I’m sorry if I offend anyone seriously looking forward to it. Just my opinion.

    Jackie Chan’s movie sort of went under the radar, I guess, but honestly the fact that I saw the name Nick Wang…I’m TOTALLY up for that!

    Is it sad that Chen Xiao’s sword in Five Gallants is so obviously plastic in that close-up still of the same pose?

    While I don’t hate Zheng Shuang, or Victoria (well I hate what her acting’s been so far, but I don’t hate HER, big difference), I really hope they aren’t a part of Ru Yi. I kind of want Ru Yi to have more seasoned, nuanced actresses to really bring out Empress Ulanara’s story, which isn’t adapted very often. Plus with big names like Mi Yue and Zhen Huan, I really hope Ru Yi doesn’t flop, and I feel like it will if the acting isn’t at the same level as the first two.

    Why is LYF so effortlessly beautiful! I LOVE her pink coat and black gloves. They look awesome, but I think I could never pull it off as flawlessly as she does. T.T She’s gorgeous. And she’s only at the airport!

    Crystal Zhang’s REALLY pretty in those bts shots. I didn’t really like her outfits from the little bits I saw of GPG, but she looks good here.

    I’m actually quite sad about the Taekwondo Girl news, cuz despite the cliched-ness and idol-ness, and raw acting from HBQ, I have a soft spot for HBQ, and I rather liked the fancy unrealistic match scenes. And I was looking forward to the return of a beautiful cast (YY, Wu Lei, Chen Xiang, Zhao Yuan Yuan). And I really wanted to know what happened. Sucks to have them put out teasers and a sketch of season 2’s plot only for it to not happen. But I’ll probably still check out season 2 and see what new faces there are. Honestly, I hope I don’t see too many familiar faces from Grade One Freshmen…I didn’t particularly like any of them or think any of them were particularly good…but somehow I have a sinking feeling…

    While I love Yang Rong…I’ve honestly given up on her kind of cuz I’m tired of ranting about and being disappointed with Yumama’s productions.

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      That is me everyday Juli, stalking and reading ZLY’s news. Gasping in excitement at all the rumors out there, then sighing in disappointment when nothing comes of them. Lol. Tough being a fangirl!

      Nowadays, it’s hard to hold onto a cast because once they hit it big, their wings want to fly and spread wide. Sad but understandable. Let it be a vehicle for new faces. 🙂

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      ZLY’s 10 years movie SHOULD come out soon…there’s an official date for it, except I don’t trust it a ton since they’ve moved it, what, like, 3 times now? Her movie with Zhang Han should also be getting a release date soon — the official movie weibo dropped some hint suggesting as much recently when they released some new stills from the movie, I think. I am actually REALLY looking forward to that movie. The storyline seems like a combination of She’s All That and A Beautiful Mind. 🙂

      It would SUCK for Zhou Xun if Ruyi ended up flopping — such a blow to the ego too since I’m sure most people consider her to be actually superior to Sun Li in acting chops.

      • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

        I’m so excited for Tomboy movie!! EEE!! Those stills of hers are treasures (I’m compiling them). So crazy and nerdy! Favorite combination. 😀

        The person who releases those dates is MEAN. MEAN!!

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      I also like the opening and ending theme songs for Chronicles of Life…but you’re right, it doesn’t really fits the whole ‘theme’ of the show.

      I’m going to give CoL a try but honestly they should stop pairing ZS and Hawick together. There’s like no chemistry between them. Does the Chinese audience think this too or they actually think they’re a cute OTP? I probably ending shipping her with the other male lead in this drama just by judging teasers + trailers.

  3. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    Chen Xiao is nothing like Rong Zhi, the male lead in Feng Qiu Huang. RZ is considered to be one of the prettiest human beings in the land–he is even prettier than the female lead Chu Yu–and Chen Xiao doesn’t fill the bill. The book and its male lead are my favorites and I’d be flipping tables if Yumama casts CX as Rong Zhi. ?

    Viann looks good in those stills. I like her overall aura in them.

    Crystal is always so pretty look at. Actually, both Crystals. 🙂

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      Awww Polaris, Chen Xiao is not pretty enough for you? 🙁 Is the male lead in FQH a pretty male like female, or a pretty male?

      Tian Ai has a very distinct sharp look, reminds me a lot of Jing Tian.

      • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

        Chen Xiao is decent looking. I like his smile, if that’s any consolation. 🙂 Rong Zhi has a feminine type of pretty to him. He’s beauty and brains, and no one can ever figure out what he’s thinking or what scheme he has planned. Chen Xiao is just too manly for this role imo.

        She does! I hope she gets more drama offers ’cause I’d like to see her acting develop.

        • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

          Chen Xiao is just too manly for this role imo.

          Agreed. I feel better. Lol.

      • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

        I think Tian Ai literally has a face of a dozen drama stars. When she is wearing her hair down, I swear I could see Yuan Shan Shan in her, and also Yang Mi and Yang Rong.

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      Nobody wants to see Hu Ge or Nick Wang opposite Yang Rong in Feng Qiu Huang? I can do without Chen Xiao, his acting is so-so in my opinion. Also, he and Yang Rong’s been in too many series together already, I want a new pairing….especially her witn Nick Wang, LOL.

      • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

        I would, if they fit the image of Rong Zhi. The problem is that they have masculine features. Rong Zhi is a very feminine kind of pretty guy. I suppose they could change it up since Feng Shaofeng was able to play Lanling Wang, who, in history was actually feminine-looking. But that change would infuriate the fans of the book.

        • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

          Is it sad that I can only think of Yang Yang? Actually, I feel like if I were asked about any period drama, except maybe if the main character was a rough, general or something, my go to “looks” guy is always Yang Yang. He’s not “feminine”, per se, but he’s the only one I can think of who’s got the slightly more elegant, refined features over chiseled. Of recent popular young dudes, I can only think of Luhan as “feminine” looking, but his acting isn’t worth it…so still wouldn’t recommend him.

          • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

            @Juli: I agree with your points on Yang Yang and think that’s why he was chosen to play Ye Hua. He has that elegant aura to him and has the acting skills.

            @lenje: I think Alan Yu could play one of the princess’s lovers. He’s definitely feminine enough, but yeah like you said his acting is not all there yet.

            RZ is a difficult character to portray. He’s 17-18 years of age but his soul is probably in the 40s. He’s not a poker face but he keeps his emotions in check. It looks like he doesn’t care for anything in the world but that’s because almost everything is in his control. (Except the female lead but that’s because she’s from the future.) To everyone else in the book, he’s absolutely perfect and that’s why all of the female lead’s “lovers” see him as the most important figure and leader. He had the most power within the Princess’s house besides the Princess herself. When Chuyu arrives from the future and into the Princess’s body, she gradually gains the power back.

            So essentially you’re looking at someone who’s at the top of the pedestal and then thrown down by the person who put him there, but he has to create many illusions for the rest of the world because he has a lot of hidden plans. Chuyu’s presence and his feelings interferes with those plans but you wouldn’t be able to tell how much or what he’s going through.

            I will stop here because this may turn into an essay about how much I like his character. =P

            (If they can’t find anyone, I’d rather they’d just drop this drama, to be honest.)

          • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

            AGREED! This is what I love about Yang Yang so much~ The only thing he has to do now is to pick up good scripts and maybe act as a super evil character~~ That would be a sight to see!

        • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

          How about Alan Yu? Polaris, you think he was “feminine looking” in GPG. But he hasn’t convinced me yet about his acting chops, and the role seems to require capability to show layers in a subtle way.

  4. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    I don’t think I’ll be looking forward to Chronicle of Life. Anything with Zheng Shuang and her atrocious acting in it = a big no for me.
    And please, not in Ruyi. Have Crystal Zhang in it instead.
    Love the BTS pics of GPG’s 3rd ending! Are you sure Alan Yu is in it? I don’t see him. I do see Guo Junchen (Yang Yan) though.
    Omg, I hope the rumor about the male lead of Feng Qiu Huang is true. I want that YR and CX reunion!

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      I’m high on Alan Yu’s stuff. xD You’re right, it’s the eunuch!

      I would like to see Chen Xiao and Yang Rong again too!

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      I’m seeing things. Lol. But Yes, Junny is there, in yellow.

      Actually, Crystal’s name is thrown in the mix as well. She would be one scary concubine! X)

  5. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    OMG kiddo Li Ying looks so cute!!! Why she looks so sad at the performance? She is pretty though in that hairstyle.

    Love the songs for Chronicle of Life but I have no desire to see the leads. They have no chemistry……

    Excited for Chen Xiao and Yang Rong!! So pretty!!

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      Maybe it’s because she’s singing the themesong of Hua Qian Gu? hehe. That song ain’t happy anywhere! =D Even I am reminded of all the torture I went through…

      • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

        Color me thoroughly impressed by her singing improvements, btw. If you go back and listen to the ending theme from Prime Minister with Chen Xiao and compare it to her recordings for Zu Mountain and her various live performances recently, she’s gotten so much better!

        A lot of the super A-list drama actresses actually have really odd singing voices (LSS — too low and throaty for me, YM – too nasally, TY – just…odd), ZLY’s by comparison is a little weak/breathy, but is definitely the “prettiest” in the mando-pop girl singer way. I, for one, am very happy to see this side of her develop. Going back to her start in the talent show that discovered her, it’s clear that she really likes singing, even if she has some weak spots!

        • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

          Our girl has definitely improved since that competition for sure! I laughed so hard watching her singing in that competition. Just so hilariously bad. xD

  6. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    Hey, The Imperial Doctress opening theme song was sang by Lala Xu, not Tang Han Xiao. Tang Han Xiao is the composer of this song.

  7. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    First, Angelababy. I admit I’ve never actually seen any of her movies or dramas — I just read the general web consensus that she’s beautiful but a horrible actress. But her stills up above actually look pretty good. Is she getting a bad acting rap undeservedly?

    Oh man, Wallace…I hope he’s not trying to pass for like, 22 in those pics from the new movie. Not dissing his looks generally, because I think he is absolutely gorgeous, but he’s matured into handsome manliness…and does NOT pull off fresh and young very well.

    I’m really digging the Yan Kuan stills from Five Gallants — except for that horrid red string thing, but otherwise, he’s looking good! If there is any romantic rivalry in that storyline, I may be rooting for the Yan-Shuang pairing…

    It must be the season of Zheng Shuang soon, eh? Seems like that girl has dozens of dramas coming out left and right.

    I was kind of sad when I read the romance news for Liu Hao Ran and his girlfriend (the girl who played the slightly heavier “food-obsessed” concubine in Zhen Huan). While I didn’t follow his acting much, the clips from Up Idol and Happy Camp made me a believer in the puppy love rumors for him and OYNN.

    Kaptain — I think Zhang Han would be insulted to no end re: your comment on his muscles. Don’t you remember all of the selfies that he posts while flexing/exercising without a shirt on? 🙂 (Okay, I admit, I found most of those pictures NOT flattering or attractive for him at ALL, but clearly he thinks he’s very muscular!)

    On ZLY, again, I need to repeat again that I am LOVING her switch in stylists. I hope her friend/old stylist does super well on whatever reality show he’s doing so that he can expand to other pursuits and not come back to be her stylist. And finally, can I just say that there are pictures of me from preschool where I am wearing the EXACT same outfit as her in those childhood photos? Down to the pink bows in my hair, the red dot on my forehead, the extremely garish makeup (imagine that on a THREE YEAR OLD), and the red pants. I love that she’s so normal and relate-able!!! 🙂

  8. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    Good lord…I literally have no interest in any of the upcoming dramas. *le sigh*

    I feel like I see Hawick Lau pop up every 2-3 months looking exactly the same. This has got to be his 3rd or 4th Qing dynasty role. Or maybe it’s his second…I don’t know. He’s just seems to be everywhere with the same expression. lol.

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      There are more on the horizon, don’t lose hope. =D

  9. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    Taekwondo girl with new faces… hmm… well, im waiting for a happy ending! not an open ending 😀

    well, Nick Wang with long hair emm… #istilllovehim lol

    Railroad tigers… well.. Tao *ught… i still feel bitter seeing him leaving exo*… alright, im watching this movie for Wang brothers! Nick and Daren. Im totally in love with both. Daren.. thanks for your fabulous our time!!!!! <3

    yay for Wallace Chung. what is 'as long as you love me' about??

    Three Heroes and Five Gallants, i couldnt stand zheng shuang's acting. i watched her in Million years— and her acting was bad! sorry not sorry.

    btw, is hawick the richest celeb in Mainland??? he's everywhere… and Tang Yang too, hehe.

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      Where has thou been Yui? Missing out on Wallace Chung’s news like that?? *tsk tsk* He frowns upon you. Lol.

      In the previous batch, I posted that As Long As You Love Me is his next drama with Ying Er and Qiao Zhen Yu, after Sandglass. Novel by Fei Wo Si Cun (Too Late To Say I Love You). Ring a bell? 😀

      Quick synopsis.. The leads are step siblings and the brother (also a mafia leader) has a vengeance against her mother for attempting to kill his father… His affection is now replaced by anger. Sounds like a lot of abuse. O_O

      • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

        ah my bad. i even commented about Ying Er. ught.. i need to refresh my brain… i read it here and also in WC’s fanblog. yet, i keep forgeting lol… thanks for reminding me.. 😀

        so this one also seems mellow like sealed with a kiss. sigh. but well, as long as i get Wallace Chung, im okay, haha.

        • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

          thanks Juli… i was glad reading so many comments on shushengbar yet their comments made me cringe… sigh. agree with peanuts, the character suits Hawick or perhaps bcuz i like his performance in SWAK. but i wonder how Wallace lives this character. huaaa… this makes me more excited <3

  10. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    HOLY SHIT GUYS they just released the character stills for LYF in Zhuxian and THEY LOOK AWESOME!!!
    Calling our Professional Picture Poster Kappy!!! Please post them!!! 🙂

  11. 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

    Oooh… so it’s the Ru Yi drama! I stumbled upon some tweets which apparently were of Victoria’s fans. They were accusing that Crystal Zhang’s team were spreading rumors abt Victoria’s being considered for the drama, and they were furious abt it. LOL. I don’t understand, why would Crystal’s team do that? More likely it’s the producer throwing in artists names. Besides, I don’t think it’s a bad rumor.

    • 38 thoughts on “Bulletin Board: Cdramaland/ENT News (27)

      uhh…have you looked at weibo this past week? Zhang Tian Ai’s team basically dragged all the popular actors on weibo with her including not only Victoria, but also ZhengShuang, TangYan, Wallace Huo, and Wang Kai. Whether it was using other celeb’s names for the good or bad, her team put the two together and then tagged her drama name in the hashtag. And it was very obvious a lot of the weibos were “shui jun”, paid weibos. Quite a lot of gossip weibos and forums pointed out that that’s quite shallow.

What do you think?