Formerly known as Si Mei Ren, the period drama is now Song of Phoenix, and will begin filming in January. The production team just releases four characters posters to whet your interest and a press conference today. The story is based on two historical figures in ancient China with Ma Ke taking on the role of minister Qu Yuan and Qiao Zhen Yu portraying the authoritative figure in King Huai of Chu. They were a tragic pair of Emperor-subject and Qu Yuan was exiled several times throughout his life, leaving him with ample time to listen and collect stories from the people, allowing him to express concerns about the corruptions of the state and himself through poetry.
Ma Ke. What juicy role! It is said that the source of his Qu Yuan’s life is from Sima Qian‘s Records of the Grand Historian, though it contains a number of contradictory details. [Wiki]
Qiao Zhen Yu. PRETTY.
Jackson Yi Yang Qian Xi plays the younger version of Qu Yuan.
Viann Zhang playing Ma Ke’s love interest, a song writer.
Press Conference Held Today:
Yu Yu and Liu Yun.
uhhh.. I don’t know what they’re doing…
Beside these five actors, Du Chun is also part of this series.
Directed by Zhang Xiao Zheng (Women of the Tang Dynasty) and Ding Yang Guo (A Different Kind of Pretty Man, Yi Guan Xiao Zhuan), and written by Liang Zhen Hua (Ice and Fire of Youth, Hero Dog), Song of Phoenix plans to have 70 episodes (okay, okay, ya’ll need to chill with this!!).
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I was going to take a short break from AVV but then I saw this. Hehe.
I AM SO EXCITED! When the news first dropped on Weibo, I was on the lookout for posts and additional plot information but it was too early for anything to be released. So glad they finally have more than just the cast list.
They have hired a consultant for this drama, an expert on the State of Chu. (For anyone who is watching Miyue, that’s the same Chu.) I’m hoping that means we will have more historical accuracy in the drama.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Also another tidbit that calligraphy of the title is from Mo Yan, the Nobel Prize winner.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Short break? I’m hoping this means you’re going on vacation then? =D
They said they will stick as close to history as possible. But that statement has been told many times before so I’m taking it with a grain of salt from now on. heh. I like the costumes so far which is a good turn.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Yes! I’ll be in Florida for a friend’s wedding next week. But the holidays are usually a busy time with family and friends. 😀
Agree. Loving the details on the costumes.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Another friend off the market? Life. I’ve been having the talk with my parents. Lol.
Hope you have a great one in the sunshine state. It’s really not that cold yet in the East Coast. Surprisingly scary!
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I am in my last year of the 20s and marriage hasn’t even crossed my mind. I’m alive, healthy and happy. When the right time and person comes, everything will fall into place naturally. Lol.
Thanks. I’m not really liking this warm and rainy weather right now.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I’m with you on both things. Parents are just worried because they are not used to seeing marriages happen so late. I was sweating today just walking in the weather supposedly for Christmas. =(
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Kappy, hope you enjoyed your Christmas! 🙂
I think that’s the norm now. It takes a while for us to settle into our professions and save up to get married. Everything is too costly now and we have too many options to entertain ourselves than to go out and find husbands. Lol.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
My parents say I don’t ever have to marry if I don’t want to. They’re totally cool with it LOL
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Good for you!
My parents have long given up. I mean I am already this old and not married so I guess all hopes are gone lol.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Girl, late 20s isn’t old at all! You’re still in the peak of your youth LOL! 🙂
I mean, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark didn’t marry till in her 30s and didn’t have babies till late 30s, and there are plenty of other examples out there of women not marry till well into their 30s (or even 40s and beyond). What’s the point of marrying young but rushing into a partnership that probably won’t make you as happy than if you waited for the right person to come along? Personally I’d rather take my time and enjoy bachelor-dom while I can, and then only marry if it’s to the right person…
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Also, don’t forget Zhou Xun and Archie Kao who got married in their 40s…
I’ve waved my 20s goodbye a long time ago and am happily living single with my fat and bossy 9 yo cat (yeah, I’m that cliche crazy cat lady LOL), family, and friends! My mom occasionally (and casually) says she still hopes I’ll find someone to settle down with, but she never pushes it.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
@lenje: Crazy cat ladies are awesome, don’t you know? I think my mom secretly wants me to get married and settle down because she’ll casually say “One day when you get married…” and even those looks that she throws at me sometimes is obvious.
@shimo: You’re right! I’m enjoying my time as a single gal so far but there’s always this voice in the back of my mind asking me if I’m truly OK with it. It’s weird because I’ve never felt that way even while doing solo traveling but when I think about my future being alone…I don’t know. It’s so hard to explain.
@Kappy: I feel you! It’s like you’re expected to go down the same road as them.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
@ lenje: Those are excellent examples! Also Zhao Wei only got married in her late 30s and had a baby only recently … she’s 39 right now and her husband is even older.
LOL hey, nothing wrong with a cat lady! I know some cat ladies (neighbors) and they’re really lovely people! 🙂 Besides, you can spend time talking to us about dramas and life hehe! 🙂
My mom says she hopes I’ll find someone good for me (only so that I won’t be so lonely when I get old and parents aren’t around to keep me company), but if I can’t find someone who treats me well then it’s much better that I stay single (cuz she says I’ll be much happier that way LOL)
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I wish my parents were that cool/patient so I don’t feel bad whenever I tell them to let me live on my own terms and time. Lol. It doesn’t help that two of my best friends are happily married with kids. XD
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
My sibling/cousins/friends are either married or already have children, but I think my parents realized early on that I’m a bit of an oddball so no amount of prodding will actually convince me LOL
I dunno I guess I’m just enjoying freedom too much…
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
*getting my chair ready*
Oooh I’m so here for this! The costumes are AWESOME and I love how they posed with the sleeve covering half their face – very cool 🙂
Can’t wait to see Ma Ke and Qiao Zhenyu rock this drama. They have heavy roles and they’re both great actors so it’ll be great to see how they play this out! The calligraphy is awesome too! 🙂
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Dual lead roles too! I want some epic bromance onscreen for both! Can’t let the other group of guys have all the fun. *ahum*
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
LOL I had a look at the story outline and apparently Ma Ke and Qiao Zhenyu’s characters are a bit like 相愛相殺 (i.e. they love each other but hurt each other too LOL) … a little bit like Jingyan and Mei Changsu (but not as in love as Jingyan is with Changsu). Dunno how they’ll play this out but according to history, both Qu Yuan (Ma Ke’s character) and King Huai of Chu (Qiao Zhenyu’s character) die tragic deaths… and apparently they’re promoting this drama as an “inspirational / encouraging” drama … um…
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
LOL @ your comment about the other group of guys … bromance is all the rage these, days, ya know?
Bromance in Ancient Sword, bromance in Disguiser, EPIC (b)romance in Nirvana in Fire (oh c’mon, Jingyan’s not fooling anyone … we all know who the TRUE Princesss Jing is *cough* Mei Changsu *cough* – not sure if you read the novel, but the romance between our 2 male leads is even more obvious there … the directors deliberately changed scenes to make Nirvana in Fire drama LESS romantic between Jingyan and Changsu, by making Nihuang and Changsu a couple instead of Nihuang marrying Nie Duo like it was in the novel … and Hai Yan originally wrote the novel to be homoerotic but then changed it to “platonic” between Changsu and Jingyan to appeal to a wider audience, since homoerotic stories aren’t accepted by the general public and will DEFINITELY not be made into a drama, because SARFT won’t allow it)
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I look forward to seeing Ma Ke nail this role because Qu Yuan is a very important historical character (his tragic yet patriotic life is the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival). I have confidence in Qiao Zhenyu already cuz he is a consistently solid actor, and Ma Ke totally charmed me in Hua Qiangu (my biggest complaint is that Ma Ke had WAY TOO LITTLE screen time), and this time he gets to look like his beautiful self without the layers and layers of warpaint (the so-called makeup/style in HQG) … like seriously, if I had to name a natural ancient/period costume beauty, Ma Ke would be one of them! He’s one of the rare breeds who can look beautiful in both historical and modern costume, and he looks beautiful even with the girly goth look he had to sport in HQG!
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I’ve been waiting to hear more about this drama, and now the news is finally here. That English title, “Song of Phoenix”, I wonder if it’s an acknowledgement of the role that brought Ma Ke to great fame. 😀 Or it could be just a coincidence.
And 70 episodes, eh? Can’t wait to see the first trailer. 🙂
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Holy shit, 70 episodes??! This can be either really good or really boring (if they drag it out)…
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
This looks great! I”m happy Ma Ke gets an opportunity to show his acting talent in such a juicy role. I”m pretty excited about his co-stars too, including Viann Zhang. I’m in the minority, as I think despite her scandals and cray cray, Viann’s a pretty good actress.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Holly S***!!!! How can a guy be so damn gorgeous ?! 🙁 And continue to be gorgeous side by side VZ?! OMG! *fans herself enthusiastically* Ma Ke, you’re killing me …
He is also one of those rare types that look good in both modern and in ancient clothes. Whatever this drama turns out to be, I’m watching it.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Ma Ke’s beauty is out of this world, dammit. Seriously, this guy can act and is out of this world beautiful (*_*) … I’ve had my eye on him ever since I saw him in the first ep of Hua Qiangu … his sparkly beauty and aura/charisma totally dazzled me, and I was like, “this guy’s totally gonna be the dark horse and steal the show” … kinda like the first time I saw Wang Kai in Nirvana in Fire and was like, “WOW who IS this guy? He’s AWESOME!”
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Saw an old group picture from with Ma Ke, Wang Kai and Zhao Liying together about 10 years ago.
I might be the exception, but Ma Ke isn’t THAT gorgeous to me. His eyes are just too unproportionallly big for my taste. On the other hand, Jin Dong was a dazzler in his younger days and even more handsome and charismatic in middle age.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
LOL I saw that infamous photo and TBH both Wang Kai and Ma Ke looked pretty terrible back then, but that’s cuz they were poor and starving (especially Wang Kai). They both look much better now cuz they’ve matured and grown into their looks (and at least they’re not starving now … that makes a big difference … Wang Kai is still too thin though)
Oh yeah, Jin Dong’s my no. 1! He was a handsome lad back then but I love the way he looks now cuz again, he’s grown into his looks and his charisma is just off the charts awesome. Plus the dude is one hell of an actor (like WOW) with an epic work ethic and he’s got a great personality and refined taste (he’s a poet in his spare time and does traditional Chinese calligraphy and he also likes one of my fave singers too)
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
LOL I guess it’s really true what they say about beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because I actually like Ma Ke’s eyes the best out of his whole face 🙂
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
I can’t decide between his eyes and his lips. 🙂 JieJie’s pout is second to none. :))) His eyes stand out because his face is very small. I know that small face is a super desirable feature in China, so MK is amazingly attractive.
And speaking of HQG, when I first read about his character I was thinking that the way he was described, there was a serious danger of turning Sha Jie Jie in some sort of caricature, a comic relief character. Thankfully he and his dubber did an amazing job and everybody fell in love with his over the top diva personally.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
TBH if Ma Ke can look beautiful in the girly goth costumes and layers of warpaint that he had to sport in HQG, then he can look beautiful in anything. And yes, he’s definitely one of the rare breeds who can look beautiful in both modern and ancient costumes (*_*)
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Oh I love Ma Ke’s pout! It’s so cute but pretty too! 🙂
Sha Jiejie is my fave character in the novel and I knew it would be tricky to play this character cuz he’s so over the top and dramatic and everything (but AWESOME and so funny LOL). Ma Ke did such a great job and actually improved the novel character because MK could make Jiejie fierce and badass one moment and then gentle and vulnerable the next. I didn’t know MK before HQG but after watching him in the first ep I pretty much converted to a fan, and then the more I watched the more I liked him! 🙂 He and Zhang Danfeng were the standouts in the epic mess that was the HQG drama.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Ah! The more I read about this project, tne more I become excited. I am into the historical piece.This is the most exciting projects of Ma Ke out of many projects of his.? I really become Ma Ke fan and is oking forward to see him as Qu Yuan.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Totally agree! I did not know him before HQG but now I am his fan. His acting as Sha Jie Jie was amazing. I also watched the older works of his and I think that he is a good actor. Plus he is Gorgeous and has a lovely personality.??
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Haha. I think I’m in the minority. I like Ma Ke mostly and his character in HQG was definitely a highlight, but tbh I’m not as crazy about him and most people are. I’m not really sure why. BUT super excited for this cuz I LOVE Qiao Zhen Yu. To an INSANE degree! I rarely get a chance to fangirl over him because his works are usually very serious and under the radar or just plain not my thing. BUT HE himself is always awesome and rocking. Hot and talented and consistent. Why is his republican drama with Ady not out yet T.T?
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Maybe Ma Ke is a bit too young for your tastes? 🙂
But yeah, Qiao Zhenyu is awesome. Can always count on him to deliver consistently good performances. Have you seen 古剑奇谭?His acting was awesome in it! Such a sympathetic villain!
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Haha QZY’s one of those people who act with such poise and elegance. Him and Jin Dong, though not quite on the same level. Jin Dong charisma and awesome posture and just the way he carries himself stems from his real life habits and aura. QZY is simply very good at acting the elegant haughty graceful badass. His body language is generally more casual in reality shows and stuff.
38 thoughts on “Ma Ke and Qiao Zhen Yu’s Song of Phoenix drops first posters”
Totes agree with you about QZY and Jin Dong. JD is just an all round badass even in real life LOL. QZY has more of a relaxed vibe going on, judging from the interviews I’ve seen of him and stuff. QZY seems like an easygoing guy IRL 🙂