^ So many pretty faces in one frame. When is this lawful?!
Finally an event where Li Ying actually attended. I was feeling dejected that she never shows up at these star-gatherings and now she is here! Yay! Everyone who came received some sort of an award so it’s really dividing the pork. I have difficulties translating some of the award titles. Lol. Please help this sister out if you have a better worded name.
This show can also be called Hu Ge and his OTPs. Dude has so many. =P
Angelababy in a fitting white dress with her always beautiful and always hydrated long locks.
Angelababy and Boran Jing. Aww the two best friends (they started out around the same time was each other’s first onscreen kiss from what I read) here to snatch the Overnight Success Award. That’s what I’m calling it. They also confirmed their participation in the movie version of Just One Smile Is Very Alluring.
Zheng Shuang wearing a tux and looking real sharp. Quite literally.
Yang Yang. Looking cute with his bowtie. Quite a few bowtie-wearers tonight,
Zheng Shuang and Yang Yang for Favorite TV Actress and Actor of the Year. She hurries to the stage without him. Ha.
Zhao Li Ying. When asked which actor she wants to collaborate with the most in the future, she answers Hu Ge. =D Her dress is cute and I love how dainty she looks with the badass one-sided long earring. I googled the dress and it costs over $4,000!! The cutest thing about her look are those polka dots heels. So refreshing and cute cute cute!
My favorite photo of her. Like a model!
Wallace Huo.
Li Ying and Wallace receiving the Most Welcomed/Liked Actor and Actress of the Year. One of the MCs and a frequent guest on Run Brother, Miss Evonne Lin comes by and interviews the hottest stars of this year, and she asks, “Miss Zhao, surrounding us are the men you have kissed in dramas before, do I need to list them? So which lips give you the most feeling/emotions?” She answers, “Professor He!” And he laughs on stage and I’m nodding my head off, good answer baby girl!! Then she asks whether the 3-hour long kiss scene with William Chan was NG-ed on purpose and before Li Ying can answer, she asks Papa Wu in the back row instead. But he confesses that he wasn’t there when the scene were shot so Evonne brings up another matter. “Last year you came as a single man…but this year….Haiz…why didn’t you wait for me?” Actually Liu Shi Shi already revealed at the press conference of Love Like This that the wedding will take place in Feb/March of 2016 and she’s waiting to be surprised by Nicky. 🙂
The MCs checking out Li Ying;s dress.
When they head onstage, Li Ying zooms past Wallace on her heels like she has no time for him. LOL. Another tidbit: when William who sits beside Li Ying goes up onstage for the award + performance, Wallace beckons her to sit closer (in William’s seat). That was nice of him.
Zhang Dan Feng and Jiang Xin taking home the awards for Best Portrayal/Presentation on the small screen. What? And Why is she wearing such a frumpy dress?!! But I like the Reds on Dan Feng’s suit, now if only the pants were longer!
Nicky Wu.
Song Jia. Are we going directly to a bathhouse, Jia jie jie?!!
William Chan with an Idol Star Award. That golden earring is too much, man! =P
Yang Mi also in a dark red dress, winning for Film Star With Big Influence. I think it is cute on her.
Chen Kun for Character of the Year. More like hair of the year. Lol.
Japanese singer, Jin Akanishi for two awards: Most popular artist in Asia and Music of the year.
Jin Dong for most Talented Actor? He looks mighty hot with glasses! OH LORD.
Leo Wu and his BFF Liu Hao Ran. The next HuGe-Wallace duo? They are onstage for the Most Welcomed New Actors of the Year. So cute!
Ryan Zheng winning the Breakthrough Actor Award.
Little Wu is taller than you now? My, my.
Bai Bai He and her flare pants.
Vivian Sung and her co-star Darren Wang from Our Times. She looks beautiful.
Wong Cho Lam and his wife Leanne Li.
Chang Chen.
Korean groups. First up: Yoona from Girl’s Generation and Lee Teuk from Super Junior receiving the award for Asia’s Best Group Award, respectively.
F(x). Victoria Song takes home the title for Asia’s Most Influential Award.
INFINITE for Best Asian Performance Award.
EXO for Asia Best Popularity Award.
Saving the scandal man for last: Hu Ge. Yes, you, don’t give me that quizzical face!
Ready for his OTPs? Hand-in-hand with actress Yan Ni. They win the awards for Best TV Actor and Best TV Actress.
With Jin Dong.
With Leo. It’s so cute when he places the cape on Hu Ge like he would do in Nirvana In Fire. Hu Ge’s face. Aww.
With Wallace. Evonne Lin interviews the scandal of the year between Wallace and Hu Ge, stemmed from the promise that Wallace made that if he isn’t married in five years, he would stay beside Hu Ge. Hu Ge responded awhile back, “In five years, I might not be single. But if I were, I will definitely look for Wallace.” Lol.
When she moves to Hu Ge, he’s like, “Hi!” Professor He suggests they use their acting skill to enact out a few scenes. The gifs are as follow.
1) Not liking each other (the boys move away, look at the smile on Jin Dong’s face, haha!)
2) Loving each other (Wallace puts his arm around Hu Ge and the latter gently touches his fingers lovingly.)
3) Think: “I’m the most handsome.” (the men start posing immediately. MUAHHA =D)
4) You both like the same girl (both look up at Evonne in surprise) and she says, “Me!”
My Vote:
– Best Dressed Female: Angela, Zhao Li Ying.
– Best Dressed Male: Jin Dong, Boran Jing, Leo Wu, Zhang Dan Feng.
Via: 01
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I loved the event so much I also share it on my blog haha.
That last gif of Liying, it is like she is joining the two men in their “falling in love with the same girl” moment! CUTEEE!! Aww, I am so happy with this award (or shall I say, carnival? hehe)
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
If she has a drama with Hu Ge, it would be a true love triangle indeed. HAHA!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Woohoo! Nice batch of pictures from last night’s event! They managed to gather this year’s “IT” actors, didn’t they?
Most look nice, nothing outrageous, and red seems to be a favorite color. Liying’s very pretty and lovely, and I love her fun and pretty shoes! ZDF did need longer pants… and a pair of socks! William and Song Jia were going to the Turkish bath together, LOL.
On the other hand, I’m quite shocked with how Zheng Shuang looks. Her round face and long pants can’t cover for her bony figure. Girl needs sandwiches!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Lol… Turkish bathhouse!
Zheng Shuang has been looking so scrawny and like a walking stick, especially in pictures where she wears shorts. Sigh.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
AngelaBaby looked so beautiful she seemed surreal. A lots of pictures popped up on Weibo recently of her and Jin Boran from their younger days with #ThereIsAFriendshipCalledAngelaBabyJinBoran. She looked exactly the same while he had underwent a major transformation. I don’t know how he got rid of those puffy cheeks but he needs to share the secret with rest of us fat cheek fans.
I love Zhao Li Ying’s dress. For once, she wears the dress and not vice versa. She looked like she has been working out to build up her tiny frame. Which can’t be said for Zheng Shuang. What happened to the girl? Unless she is losing the weight for a drama/movie role, her agent needs to take her to the hospital ASAP. The girl is emaciated.
On a happy note, Wallace Huo, Hu Ge, Jing Dong, and Wu Lei showed up at the same place. Please forgive me if I lost my mind for a few seconds.
I’m happy that William Chan hadn’t lost his HK roots. Go red furry coat with golden medallion earring!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
It is said that she’s going to study overseas for half of next year and hence the role of Wei Wei in the movie version is given to Angelababy. Maybe with half a year of resting, she will look and feel healthier.
I love Boran and Angela’s friendship. So supportive of each other. 🙂
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I’m also almost positive Zheng Shuang is wearing a wig. I hope she doesn’t have a serious health issue! 🙁
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
huaaaa, the last gifs are EVERYTHING! hahaha.. so cuteeeee, really really so cute… not a ‘super’ fan of Wallace Huo or Hu Ge, but seriously, both are super duper cute and of course, handsome. haha, the way wallace move to ZLY, cuteee.. adorable…
but, William, what’s wrong with your style??? hip hop wannabe??? haha… seriously… where he got the inspiration? haha…
uhm.. kpop and jin akanishi… well, i dunno that jin is still so big after leaving johnny.
ps : lucky Evonne 😀
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I don’t know much about Jin but it’s cute when Chang Chen translated the speeches for him in the background here and there. ^_^
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Haha LOVE ZLY’s answer about working with HuGe. He’s like universally known as an easy person to work with. Professional when acting, has skills, but is easy-going and hilarious enough. Really hope my 男神 and new (sort of?) fav ZLY can work together. I mean, ZLY and Lu Yi’s already worked together, so lol generation-wise it’s not that big a move right? I know Hu Ge’s not actually that old, but generally speaking, he “came out” (idk the phrase in english, like. Got known? – started his acting career) considerably earlier than ZLY. Like a good decade. So even if he’s only in his 30’s I think, I count him as a veteran sort of, like in a different generation career-wise, since ZLY just started becoming super famous recently.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I want them to work together too! Then the MCs can ask more funny questions for the potential love triangle. HEHE.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
And haha. So many people have been commenting on Zheng Shuang’s boniness.
btw I really don’t get the difference between Most Welcomed award that Wallace and ZLY got and the Favorite TV Show actor/actress award that ZS and YY got. Aren’t they basically the same thing…
But anyways, it’s interesting how Zheng Shuang generally gets SO many haters (at least according to Youtube and hunantv comments), yet she got the most welcomed award. Maybe her fans or slowly outweighing her haters…She’s definitely getting a lot of popular roles lately. Like Lu Wei Wei in One Alluring Smile. Super excited for Angelababy’s version though! Yang Yang fits as Da Shen, but I feel like Angelababy’s more of what I imagined when I read the translated novel. Like Wei Wei’s supposed to look beautiful in a “sexy” sort of vixen-ish way. It’s a recurring point with her friends jokes and her discomfort that she’s considered too “sultry” and not innocent-looking enough to be #1 school beauty and only gets #2. I mean, it’s funny cuz personality-wise she’s really not sultry at all. Angelababy IMO fits the look. At the same time, totally interested in seeing how she acts in the role, cuz I always see AB as really playful and full of energy and cutesy, while Wei Wei while occasionally shy and can get sarcastic and hilarious evil, is generally very calm and quiet and sort of low-energy-vibe person.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I don’t get the difference either between the two awards. Dividing the pork indeed. I was surprised ZS won too because of all the negative comments online that I have read. She’s too stressed out.
Yes, I do feel the same way with Angela and her mischievous and vixen-like beauty. There’s definitely gonna be a war when both shows are released.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Sarcastic and hilariously evil fake-vixen? You got my interest piqued. I can see Angelababy in that role.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Haha yeah. She’s a quite calm character sort, but occasionally she makes like hilarious deadpans and sarcastic quips that Da Shen’s friends call her evil and that Da Shen is rubbing off on her. Sort of like ZLY’s nickname “little dagger”. And while she’s generally more reserved, looks-wise, she’s voted as 2nd most beautiful on campus. Technically she should be first, but in the “survey” her male classmates were like “she doesn’t look innocent enough”, lol, which really offends her. Cuz she doesn’t even care about the award, but the fact that they say she looks like a vixen and isn’t innocent looking…lol her friends make fun of her on that. That’s why I feel like Angelababy fits that role better IMO. Zheng Shuang has a really serious, no-nonsense vibe which could possibly work if she portrays the character well enough, but she’s also not that best actress, so it really could go either way with Zheng Shuang.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
ZS has connections so she’d get that award regardless
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Oh. Em. Gee. Panda clutch bag. Very cute!
*le sigh* You realize how old you are once you need reading glasses to read the teleprompter. LOL~
Love those gifs, Kap, like always.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I stole them from weibo (^__^) because I had a lot of work this week. No time for giffing! My gifs usually have AVV somewhere. 🙂
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Hey Kap 🙂
T.T idk if it’s my computer, but lately some of the comments disappear. Is that like an issue or is it just me?
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Oh no! Don’t tell me! In which post? I haven’t seen anything except for *porn* spams in my spam folder. T__T
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Haha it’s weird. I can’t really pinpoint. It’s like I’ll click on one of the recent comments in the sidebar, and the page will show up with like only two comments and nothing changes when I refresh. BUT when I submit another comment, or click home then click the post, it’s all back. I think it’s just my computer though. Idk.
Or like If I have multiple tabs of AVV open, they’ll show as self refreshing, but the recent comments show different comments for each one, and when I refresh them manually they’ll be different again. The easiest way to solve it though apparently is just to click back to home and I guess as default everything sort of works out again. I really think it’s just me though, since it’s recent and no one else seems to have the same issue.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
It’s not just you because it happens on my end too
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Hehe this event was so cute and fun! Definitely a carnival 🙂
Can’t wait for the time when ZLY works with Hu Ge~
Btw I saw a fancam of WH and ZLY at the event. Hmmm makes me want to jump on the Huaying ship
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
kappy mentioned this in the post that he beckons her to sit closer when william went up for his award. nice of him.
i personally don’t ship them because he seems to be treating her like a younger sis and seems to be careful of rumors and zly has enough rumors on her plate. haha. look at the way they walked up stage too. opposite direction and everything. lol.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I was wondering if someone would mention this fancam shot! It seems pretty clear that he’s asking her if she’s cold and then just holding her hand to gauge the warmth. I like the video since it shows that at least they’re friendly — shows up those people who say that he doesn’t even consider her an acquaintance. But for the fandom, this hand-hold combined with the seat moving and then paired with last year’s fancam video of him hugging her backstage while she was walking by…the Hua Ying CP has been going crazy. (I really like their nickname, “cherry blossoms” — so pretty!).
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Oooo~ I didn’t know that’s what it their CP name meant. Pretty indeed!! 🙂
Hehe I definitely feel like they’re well acquainted 🙂 As for while they were getting on stage getting the reward. She looked back for him to walk up, but he went the other direction. When they were on stage, she looked happy to see Teacher He and kind of like ran to give him a hug, as Teacher He and Li Ying seem like good friends. So I don’t think she was like ignoring Wallace or something.
Also, I don’t know if you saw the video where she waved bye to Wallace after receiving the award. Since, LY had to leave right away for a press conference for a movie.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Thank you so much for the translations/this post!!! The only missing person I wish was here is Wang Kai. Imagine…hotness and talent overload in one row! Hu Ge and Jin Dong and Wallace made my night.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
ZS needs to eat more…the suit looks really bad on her, makes her seem so so so skinny, she is literally bones only! Sigh~
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I love Hu Ge, he is definitely the main man of the night! I am not looking forward to his year out next year… But I am aware he needs a proper rest. I have been gifted with so many back to back amazing dramas with Hu Ge this year. I will just watch more repeats next year……
I do hope Liying can cast a drama with Hu Ge. Ireally wonder what sort of chemistry they will create?? I heard Hu Ge will not star in Lang Ya Bang 2. Anyone else have read about it?
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Wait, Hu Ge’s going offline next year?! But…he like just started acting small screen again. In like the past few years he’s done a few dramas here and there, but he’s mainly focused on stage acting stuff, and next year’s he’s going to be absent again? T.T I guess that’s that idea where awesome high quality stuff is only available in small quantities…I’m sure there’s a saying or chinese idiom for that somewhere.
Idk about LYB2 since most speculations are in Chinese, but Hu Ge’s very first LYB2 post on weibo (it’s on pg 2 comments of Lang Ya Bang eps on AVV) seemed to imply that he was in it? Idk. There seems to be very little confirmed about LYB2 anyways.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
HG keeps changing his tune. The first official announcement of LYB2 was made by HG on behalf of the production team through weibo (implying that he’d be in it), but then as more news came out, HG seems to backtrack and distance himself from it, never confirming that he’d be in it or not. Also he keeps saying that he’d be resting next year, etc.
TBH I reckon he’s just not saying anything on purpose to keep audience on their toes. Trying to generate suspense and excitement and all that. Or maybe Shanying and HG haven’t sorted out the contracts for LYB2 yet (who knows?).
Disguiser has confirmed that there will be a movie version, written by the same scriptwriter (who wrote the novel and script for the drama). Jin Dong has sort of confirmed his participation and the scriptwriter is adamant about getting the whole cast to come back. Filming for this movie won’t happen till 2016-2017.
LYB2 is rumored to start production/filming around the second half of 2016. Wang Kai at first hadn’t confirmed his participation because he didn’t know the details but has since then said he’d be involved (maybe his bosses at Shanying finally told him the project would go ahead or something…?)
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
tbh, I’m more sad about the fact that HG will be taking a break next year than his dubious participation in LYB2. I totally think he needs his rest, since he had like 3/4 (4 with Lie Chang) basically back to back dramas this year. BUT I also feel like I just started seeing him more back on my screen. So I’ll be really sad to miss him for another year…
Yeah I expect they want the cast back for the movie. Usually drama to movie adaptations aren’t successful because it’s just too rushed for things and relationships etc to develop the same way; they’d have to change a lot of the plot, I think. Disguiser was partly successful because of the plot and directing, but for the most part it was the cast that carried it through with the amazing acting going on. If they want the movie to be successful and liked even a little, they’d have to get the cast back. The fact that Jin Dong’s sort of onboard is a pretty huge step.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I mean, c’mon, we need Hu Ge back for LYB2 cuz otherwise where else can we get fun stuff like this?
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
For the Disguiser movie, I totally agree! The script and direction were great, but the it was the cast that made it awesome. They brought the characters to life and they had amazing chemistry together. It just won’t be the same if it’s not the same cast … I mean, where else can we find this epicness:
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Zheng Shuang would look much better if she had her hair up in a bun. Not even a high bun, just a bun with braids or something. The long hair makes her look so tired. And yes, she’s too skinny. 🙁
Hu Ge and Wallace…I have no words. Keep it going, guys~
Liying is gorgeous. I don’t like the sandals though. Probably because it’s nowhere near summer time here and I’m freezing just looking at exposed toes. LOL.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I think that’s (ZS) just a byproduct of her over health, not really her hair? She seems really tired and overworked and underfed and just really stressed lately. Even her smile’s sort of just for polite appearances. She doesn’t seem very happy lately. I don’t know her much at all, but she seemed all right in Divas hit the road…but not so much now.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
She looks even skinnier in person, I bet. Photos really do add 10lbs.
I hope she takes care of herself. Health should come before career.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
LOL Wallace needs to play up his CP-ness with Hu Ge to distract media/tabloids from his scandals with female actresses
and brothels90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
They’re going to 國劇盛典 so let’s see if they play it up there!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
LOL I heard that the organizers will be seating Wallace and Hu Ge together on purpose for this event so let’s see what happens then hahahahaha 🙂
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Funny how Hu Ge asked the production company he worked with for Nirvana on Fire and The Disguiser, “Why is it you keep wanting me to die?” but later also said, “If I can die so many times in this lifetime, then it will be an honour to continue to work with you.” Haha…. that man has a silver tongue… smooth talker. See how he praised his co-actress even when receiving best tv actor award for himself. Even the MC said he does not need to ‘pay lip service’ to others anymore… he’s already gone beyond that and established himself as an actor. So true!
Hu Ge is an actor I have been following since his “Legend of Condor Heroes” days. He definitely has great potential to be a serious actor. So, please…. stop killing him all the time or give him the role of a sick person. Give him a historical drama that actually ends well (with him NOT dying) please??? Pretty please???? 🙂
Funny how Wallace Huo’s seated next to Hu Ge. It’s like the drama gods answered my prayers! Those two are my fav actors. At least Hu Ge did well with choosing to act in Nirvana on Fire but Wallace…..what’s with Hua Qian Gu??? I get that it’s a popular drama online (and the novel sold like hotcakes) but it’s really not the best rated drama around. It’s a total failure in my eyes. At least Wallace make up for his momentary slip in ‘Love me if you dare’. Now, that is the sort of script he should be looking for to further establish himself as a serious actor!
As for Papa Wu…sure it’s nice effort for braving to produce and direct your own drama but the fact that Zu Mountain did not even make it into best drama or popular drama etc says a lot. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch past episode 2 and I persevered till ep 6 with HQG!
In summary, great night where all the familiar faces that grace our screens congregate. Didn’t hurt that we get to watch musical performances too. I’m not into chinese music industry….so can anyone tell me the name of the group with three young ugly men playing electric guitars and a rather overweight bloke at the far back (partially covered in darkness) as drummist? They are pretty ok for a rock band. Would love to google them despite their lack of pleasing physical attributes. 😉
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Finally, I found someone who agrees with me on Hua Qian Gu. I have no objection with Wallace Huo or Zhao Li Ying’s acting. I like the CP. But, I do have major beef with how the drama was presented. The editing made the characters and plotline seemed repetitious at best and nonsensical at worse. In comparison, Love Me If You Dare’s character motivation and action actually made sense. While I don’t love LMIFD, I feel satisfied and don’t feel aggravated every time I watch it.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
*gasps* what are you talking about kuma!! did you not read any of the HQG’s posts here at AVV? lol complaints about the production piled up so high. we only watched for the cast. LOL. i didn’t even watch it all. just skimmed through the ending to see how they ended the fiasco.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Hahaha yes those posts! Spent more time complaining about it than really watching lol.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I only managed to stomach through HQG by fast forwarding, cuz Zhang Danfeng and Ma Ke are worth the effort. The ending is a Goddamn train wreck, the whole series is a mess from start to finish, and effing hell, even a long-time fan of Wallace like me (who liked him from way back in the Chinese Paladin 3 days) can’t stomach watching him bumble through Bai Zihua. I had such high hopes for him (he was my dream cast from the get-go), but faaark what a Goddamn disappointment that was.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Lol, exactly. It’s a “bad addiction”. Personally, I watched it for the other cast (ZDF, MK) and for the fun of bashing it here. The FF button was my best friend. Although to be fair, regardless how badly done it was, it also generated a lot of discussion materials, and not necessarily for the purpose of complaining. We actually talked about social issues, HQG’s mental state, etc. But perhaps because there’s no point discussing the drama itself LOLOLOL
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I can’t even watch HQG without breaking into 10000000000000 swear words. It was the biggest POS of an adaptation and Wallace was terrible in it. I had high hopes for him but Goddamn he was just so bad (like effing terribly bad). The HQG novel had so many flaws but managed to get away with them because the characters and the melodrama successfully kept the readers interested, but the drama amplified all the flaws and lost all the good parts of the novel.
Zu Mountain is just as bad if not even worse. HQG at least had Ma Ke and Zhang Danfeng who can act and Jiang Xin (whose talent was wasted in the series), but Zu Mountain has no redeeming points whatsoever. They only used the title of “Zu Mountain” to cash in on the famous novel but the actual drama bears no resemblance to the novel. What an effing insult to the original classic.
I’ve been following LMIYD and Shanying really lost the plot with this one. The script/plot is a mess and confusing as hell, the pace is off, and both the female lead and male lead are awful and need to go back to drama school (I mean, if you can’t even deliver your lines properly then you don’t deserve to be called an actor/actress). The “acting” is superficial and the so-called emotions are fake as hell (the female lead can’t even cry properly WTF – the cute girl who plays her sister is a better actress than she is).
Like seriously, I get that LMIYD tries to be the Chinese version of BBC Sherlock / CBS Elementary, but if you’re gonna copy, then at least put some effort into copying, yeah? Wallace is no Cumberbatch and Sandra Ma is no Lucy Liu. While I don’t expect greatness, at least put some effort into it. I bet these 2 didn’t even read the novel and FFS these 2 seriously need to be dubbed. I never realized what a difference voice dubbing makes until now. A good voice actor basically does half the work already.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Speaking of which, does anyone know if Jiang Xin got her iQiyi award for HQG or for Hua Xu Yin? Because from what I read (I haven’t watched Hua Xu Yin myself), she was excellent in the latter.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I dunno what Jiang Xin got the award for, but I’m telling ya, she was EXCELLENT in Huaxuyin! JX is a wonderful actress with amazing onscreen charisma, and she really makes her characters come to life onscreen. Her talent is wasted in HQG because they made her play an batshit harpy, but watch her in Huaxuyin and her Song Ning is the most badass female general and most tragic female character rolled into one. Jiang Xin is well known for her awesome talent as Huafei in Zhen Huan, but it’s after watching her incredible Song Ning that made me develop a full blown girl crush on her. Huaxuyin changed a lot of stuff and the script gets chaotic at times, but the acting in the series is epic (and not just Jiang Xin, but other cast members too). Like, on par with Nirvana in Fire goodness.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Agreed 100% on the dubbing. Sorry Wallace fans — I know he’s been working on it and I’m sure it has improved a ton…but the one thing I liked better about HQG was his voice there!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
It’s because the voice actor for Wallace in HQG is the voice actor for Nicky Wu in Bubu Jingxin! The voice actor is experienced and already did half the work for Wallace in HQG!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I haven’t watched a single episode of Zu mountain so I won’t bother defending it, but is it possible that since it’s still ongoing and won’t finish for another couple months, it will actually be part of NEXT year’s film awards? Given how much IQiyi paid for the rights to that show — it seems like they would DEFINITELY dole out some awards for it, even if they have to come up with the lamest titles (i mean, didn’t it win “most anticipated series of 2015 last time around?).
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Bleh, I checked out the first 10 eps of Zu Mountain but had to stop at around ep 4 (I wanted to stop at ep 2 but then decided to give it one more chance) … I fast forwarded to ep 10 and it just got even worse. OMG. I don’t even know how the hell this series got made. Nicky Wu is OK as an actor but FAILS as a producer. Out of all his projects, only Incisive Great Teacher is watchable and that’s only because of the cast (especially Gui Gui who was AWESOME in it)!
His Bride With White Hair was an epic flop (critics and audience both hated it), and his Zu Mountain is a ratings and review flop too. iQiyi of course would give it some awards since they paid good money to broadcast it so they want to make some cash and get some “good” press for the series, but nothing can change the fact that Zu Mountain is a stinking POS that shouldn’t even be made in the first place. If they stuck to the original novel (which is a Goddamn masterpiece), then it would’ve been great, but just like Bride With White Hair (another CLASSIC), Nicky’s production/scriptwriting team decides to change EVERYTHING and make up their own shit and just cash in on the famous classics’ titles for publicity. Both productions suck monkey dong and aren’t even worth watching !@#@!%^@#@!#
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I actually haven’t watched ANY of his productions…even though I was half a Nicky-Shi Shi shipper and you’d think I would have at least watched Great Teacher. Something about all of them just always struck me as too silly and neon-colored-y to be worth the time suck of watching them. Maybe he needs to make a modern day piece for me to give it a shot.
Interesting, because now that I think of it, this is also how I generally feel about most of Yu Zheng’s productions…
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Ew yuck Yu Zheng productions … I stopped watching them after Palace with Yang Mi and Feng Shaofeng (it was so silly and ridiculous and I only watched it cuz Yang Mi and FSF had good chemistry)
Nicky is a better actor than producer. His productions are so brainless and silly…
My mom is the biggest Long-Shi (Nicky/Shishi) fan and so I often check out their stuff for her sake, but I’ve started to be wary of them after the mess that is Bubu Jingqing (which I only skimmed and then didn’t bother to waste my time) and his other productions like Bride with White Hair and this Legend of Zu…
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You’re better than me. I stopped watching after Beauty Without Tears. Didn’t even watch the entirety of it, only the Hawick and Zhang Meng parts because their characters’ love story is considered one of the most touching in Chinese history. LOL. But yeah, Yu Zheng pretty much screwed everything up.
I agree with you on Nicky being a producer. I had wanted to check out Legend of Zu for ZLY and William, but the quality of the drama from the previews gave me a very bad impression.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Thanks for the post Kaptain!
First and foremost, ZLY looks stunning! She was already pretty but now she’s just glowing radiantly with all the recent photos. I really hope she can get her wish come true and work with Hu Ge! Hehe! She is definitely a talented actress and I hope she can be taken a serious one too. Also, I love how she having fun at this award! 🙂
Like most of you, I agree with your comment on ZS. She is looking way too skinny and just unhealthy. She was so pretty when she first started in the industry. And yes…the award feels weird given to her because she does gets a lot of backlashes and I do feel bad for her sometimes but her acting hasn’t improved for me so she kind of deserve it?
Also Kaptain do you mind telling me what was the award name that Vivian Sung and Darren Wang got? Newcomer? I really adore these two after finishing their movie Our Times. These two are definitely the “It” boy and girl in Taiwan right now.
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Not a problem. Vivian and Darren got Rookie of the Year award. You were right on the money. 🙂
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Sorry for the double post! *_____*
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I read that Victoria walked the red carpet twice and put her signature on the wall twice too – one time as an actress Song Qian and second time as a member of f(x). She even didn’t sit with the rest of f(x).
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I don’t know her much at all, but from the first ep of Sisters Over Flowers, she seems super bratty and entitled. Like she gives off a really strong arrogant and spoiled sort of vibe. Idk, I don’t understand why she’s so popular all of a sudden. Her acting’s average idol level, nothing spectacular, and her singing isn’t any better than the other f(x) members, and Amber in f(x) is part chinese/taiwanese too, so…it just…doesn’t make sense.
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“from the first ep of Sisters Over Flowers, she seems super bratty and entitled.”
Lol this was really amusing to read something like that about her. The “Sisters over Flowers Victoria’s attitude controversy” had actually caught me off guard lol Because in kpop world Victoria is considered one of the humblest and nicest idols. No no I am not making this up, she indeed is considered such! lol haha
There is a theory that this is because of Dragon TV’s evil editing (for ratings) plus Victoria’s mistake was to bring korean variety style (too much aegyo and such) into chinese variety. It was probably a huge lesson to her. I think this person gave quite an objective judgement: https://cdramadevotee.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/noona-over-flowers-%E8%8A%B1%E6%A0%B7%E5%A7%90%E5%A7%90-chinese-version-first-impression/
“I don’t understand why she’s so popular all of a sudden.” “Her acting’s average idol level, nothing spectacular”
Is it any different than all those other ex- and current- chinese kpop idols (Luhan, Kris, Tao and such) though? I see no difference from them. They all have their own rooms for improvement. They all became popular through kpop. They all are newcomers with big fanbase. I am nice tolerant man, I don’t single out her from the rest just because she is a woman.
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If you’ve seen any of my other comments in other posts, I’ve also expressed confusion over how popular the EXO dudes are. I’m not against Victoria, well maybe a little but that’s just personal opinion. I’m just expressing how her attitude seems from what I’ve seen. And I’m definitely not singling her out just because she’s a woman. I don’t understand where you got that from. I’m just responding to your first comment. Idk. In your first comment it seemed kind of like a negative impression of Victoria, then your second comment is defending her. Don’t get offended, you’re just confusing me.
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There’s no such thing as objective. That blogger knew Victoria from her Kpop days… already formed an opinion prior to everything else, therefore biased. If anything, Julianne is more objective since she had no prior knowledge of Victoria and just watched the variety show – plain as it is.
EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion and she just wrote hers, so why called out her comment as “singling Victoria out because she’s a woman?” What? Makes no sense.
As a frequent visitor of AVV, I have seen Julianne commented ton of times before about the EXO boys and their popularity for really no reason other than being in Kpop. She doesn’t like them either, so she’s quite fair if you ask me. It’s all in your mind about her singling out Victoria because you’re her fan. Seriously, not everyone has to like Victoria in order to be called “objective.”
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First, you said you don’t understand why she so popular all of a sudden. It’s wrong. No, she didn’t become popular all of a sudden. She spent good 7 years to gain her current fanbase and popularity. When she first debuted in 2009, she was a nobody with no fanbase. Now after 7 years we have a celebrity with decent fanbase. Ironically, she made her popularity through varieties, korean varieties to be precise. It is Invincible Youth 1 and We Got Married with Nichkhun which made her popular in Korea and brought her chinese fans (also, it helped her group f(x) to gain popularity and become relevant in kpop). That’s why it caught me (or us, her fans) that her participation in that Sisters over Flowers was not really that successful lol We thought varieties were those things where she would shine… Personally I think she made a mistake using same approach as those she did with korean varieties.
Second, do I think she is bratty and entitled? No. Why? She is considered one of the humblest, friendliest and professional female idols out there in kpop (if not the humblest, friendlist!) by almost everyone who is somehow familiar with kpop and that includes many accounts from stylists, backstage staff, entertainment workers and such. Every single rumor about her and f(x) members portrait her as one of the most positive idols off-camera. She made her a name from being an unknown dancer to a relatively popular celebrity through the years by means of hard work and great work ethic. She is slowly climbing up the popularity ladder. First in kpop. Now in chinese entertainment. She didn’t get everything ready on a silver plate. She didn’t get a fanbase overnight. Don’t get confused, pls. My first comment was not negative about her. I just tried to be objective.
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“That blogger knew Victoria from her Kpop days…”
That also means she has a better knowledge about her and her opinions have high chance to be valid. And did you read that blog post? Quite an objective analysis, I must say. It criticized Victoria’s image on the show, the way she act on screen and how she is interacting with other participants.
“EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion and she just wrote hers”
True. But if everyone starts expressing how she/he feels about everyone, the universe would have turned into chaos. There is always an appropriate time and place to write/say this or that stuff. This time it was off-topic and unnecessary. It was just an article about an award show and who attended it. Me too have a certain feelings toward certain celebrities and their fan girls. But I don’t feel the need to express my negative opinions when it’s off-topic and unnecessary. That’s the point.
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Alt, I’m talking about being objective and subjective. Knowing a lot about a person doesn’t mean their opinion is valid but it always means it’s biased to some degree. It’s better to watch someone anew from a show, like Julianne did, and she’s entitled to say whatever she wants about the people on that show without having to be called out like what you did to her. AND that’s my main point. YOU singling Julianne out. I don’t see you defending other stars like Kris Wu when people bash him.
Also, I think Julianne meant the rising popularity in China VS in Korea. Her instant popularity in China will naturally make Chinese fans confused if they don’t follow Kpop. You have to take that into consideration before criticizing. Not everyone will know everyone.
What?? People are always gonna express their opinions. The world is already in chaos last time I checked. This is a blog for discussion. You can say whatever you want unless you start insulting people, which you have done many times before.
“Fan girls this, fan girls that.” Yea, you fanboys are ALL ANGELS. Give me a break.
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No it is not. The world is not chaos. For now. But people always tend to do more to increase entropy when it is unnecessary. Let’s not haha:)
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Btw I think we all can support and cheer for our favs without involving other celebs. This is one proven way of a peaceful co-existence, girls 🙂
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Alt, that’s an interesting observation that you made there. Is there a reason why you think Victoria was able to do that?
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I dunno but I thought it was the organizers…? She received some individual award as Song Qian while her group was invited to perform and receive some group award… That’s what I read. And from a few photos I’ve seen, she was sitting with some chinese actors.
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Thanks for your input.
To be fair, I do think you were being objective in your initial post because you were merely making an observation / stating what you read about Victoria at iQiyi. There weren’t any negative connotations to what you said. So she appeared solo and with her group, but she didn’t sit with them. That’s all there is to what you said there.
The conversation spiraled into something eye-opening for me as an outsider who can’t even recognize Victoria without her name in a caption. =P
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@chasingpolaris, let me do the honor of introducing Alt to you polaris. he’s not new around here. he first came here under the username of HateFangirls and attacked many commentors whenever they left a comment that is remotely not “nice” towards Victoria (don’t like her acting, blah blah, blah). He called them names and used very unpleasant words (comments were deleted by kap). he’s a big fanboy of hers and can’t stand any sort of criticisms. boy needs to learn not everyone HAS to like her.
and to be honest, im quite surprised about his “peace-talking” conversation in this post when he was the one antagonizing everybody just a few months back. lols. yea, i remember you alt.
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What even… lol is this some female-specific circle jerking kind of thing…
Girl, looks like for you it’s time to mature, decrease the amount of time you spend here and stop being little butthurt freak lol
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please im not being butt-hurt, just simply informing a friend about your two faced attitude in the past. you didn’t deny what i said because they are true and still exist somewhere on the internet.
you grow up. i have the right to live as i please. my maturity is not for you to comment on.
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Pls stop. Learn to get over something and be mature, Jane. lol
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I didn’t even know until reading this that “Victoria Song” was “Song Qian” OR that she had a singing group past! Thanks for enlightening me all. 🙂 Now I don’t have to be confused whenever I see “Victoria Song” and wonder why I have no idea who that is!
I only knew of her because of her stint on “First year in school” or whatever that HunanTV reality show was…now I’m wondering if I’m actually thinking of someone else, I THOUGHT that girl’s name was Song Qian…Is she the one that had to leave Sisters Over Flowers and was replaced by Yang Zi?
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^^ No problem lol
Yes she is that Song Qian (stage name Victoria Song) who was on Sisters over Flowers and had to leave. Looks like her first participation in chinese varieties as a fixed cast member went not really that well as much as I don’t want to admit it as a fanboy. Not to mention, she was in the midst of a drama filming (from Jan to May she was filming a drama named “Beautiful Secret” with Peter Ho) so she only been to Turkey and returned to her drama filming. Her fans in Turkey had some great fun. Somehow they managed to find the filming locations lol
I don’t think she was on some other chinese shows. In 2012, she filmed a low-budget young audience 32-episode C-grade drama with cliche plot “When Love Walked In” with Calvin Chen and ZhouMi of Super Junior. It aired on Hunan Tv, (both the drama and her acting) was not the art of work, didn’t become some supa dupa trendy mrendy hit, only managed to grab #1 spot in its airtime few times, eventually ended up being in top 6 or 8 if I remember correctly. But it did help her gain decent new portion of fans. Prior to that she already had her fans from ultra popular korean We Got Married show. 🙂
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
I looked it up — it was Song Jia who was on the Hunan TV variety show about elementary kids — now it all makes sense again. I’d heard of Song Jia and how she’d won a lot of awards and is a bit older and is firmly in the non-idol category…so when I saw all the new news about Song Qian in various idol vehicles, I got confused since it seemed like the roles she was getting were not in line with what I’d heard about Song Jia’s career. Cleared up. 🙂
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I personally like Angelababys and Yoonas dress the most! 😀 Simple and elegant<3
And Angelababy looks stunning, she's glowing!
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
So many thoughts:
– Yang Yang trying to steal my heart in every picture I see of him. Ugh.
– Is that the trophy??? Looks like a huge slice of kiwi at some angles LOL. Are they purposely doing that?
– ZLY and Hu Ge –> PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN. Better yet, add Wallace to the mix
– Ahhh my Infinite and Exo boys! Exo’s matching outfits crack me up though.
– I love Krystal’s resting bitch face so much.
– William…no, just no. It’s not Halloween and you shouldn’t even be trying to dress up as a pimp for Halloween anyway.
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So much eye candy for one event. LOL at Hu Ge + Wallace Huo + Jin Dong in the sitting next to each other – the bromance and hotness there is just too strong (the only one missing there is Wang Kai – but I guess iQiyi had to make sure that they wouldn’t get fangirls dropping dead from heart attacks from watching the event). I really hope they film a drama together someday (everyone has worked with Shanying so we may see them together – imagine the casting + quality production).
Why Zheng Shuang – you looked so cute and pretty when you started. You did not need plastic surgery in the first place (and not the second round either – she looks different here from the One Smiling character stills released earlier). She is also way too skinny – which is probably why she did not wear a dress because it may have been more obvious than the loose suit which cuts out a lot of body figure. I really hope some rest will make you look healthier and maybe some psychological help/ counselling because it would account for some of the decisions you have made in the last few years.
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Yeah too bad Wang Kai wasn’t there – it would’ve made the collection “complete” LOL
WK is laying low and focusing on filming these days … there are some professional (paid) haters (from rival production companies) out to get him (slander / defame him in the media with made-up scandals, etc.) cuz of his rising popularity. Dude can’t go out on the streets without being mobbed… It’s been one media storm after another for him (first with the underwear, then the letter from the landlord, and then gay allegations being the latest one) until the Shanying lawyers stepped in with official letter telling haters to leave WK alone.
Seriously I dunno why they make such a big deal out of homosexuality cuz even if he was gay, it doesn’t have any effect on his talent or his charisma (which is why I like him in the first place). And it’s ridiculous cuz just because he has gay friends, it doesn’t automatically mean he’s gay. And there’s nothing wrong having gay friends – some of my long-time family friends are gay and they are some of the nicest people I know (it REALLY effing pisses me off when people use sexual orientation as a way to denounce a person’s character)…
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Oh and btw I agree with you about Zheng Shuang – I think she looked better without all the plastic surgery cuz she looked sweet and cute with her natural face from before.
Also I think she is too skinny and needs to put on some weight to be healthy…
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haahhahha,,,,,how funny that i wish they are real couple.. 🙂 Wallace + Hu Ge…LOL
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Nah, both of them are straight as they come (especially Wallace with his MANY ladies) … they only play up the CP-ness to mess with fangirls.
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Zhao Liying and Huge collaboration is indeed one of the most anticipated, a day after Liying statement that she wanted work with huge is become top hot search list on weibo.. ??
And for When shuang she really have a lot of number fans. You can check in voting weibo for best actress in national drama festival or other voting site, Zhao Liying and Then Shuan always be the top in the rank. Though in my opinion ZLY is much better in acting than Zhen..
I like to see how Wallace and Liying interaction in here. So sweet of him for giving so much care to his disciples.
I heard Liying will start shooting for princess agent on march this year.
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Hi I want to know where is this video ?
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IQIYI All-Star Carnival Night 2015 Wallace Huo and Hu Ge i want to see this video please answer me
90 thoughts on “IQiyi All-Star Carnival Night 2016”
Hu Ge always the best of the best style and perform!!! 胡歌无可取代,古月与你同在!! U are the One!
Lol….Kim Soo-hyun shock…… shock…..shock …….shock……http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/65872ed7gw1ek1b8yndc8g209q06oqv6.gif