**NOTE (10/3/15): Full OST IS OUT!
Tracklist (Please translate if you can, anyone):
01. 兄弟情主题 – 孟可
02. 悲壮 – 孟可
03. 打斗 厮杀 – 孟可
04. 幽默 诙谐 – 孟可
05. 紧张 撤离 – 孟可
06. 对峙 – 孟可
07. 急促 – 孟可
08. 训练 – 孟可
09. 搭档 – 孟可
10. 悲惨 刑场 – 孟可
11. 父与子 – 孟可
12. 柔软悲情 女声 – 孟可
13. 肃穆回忆 – 孟可
14. 主题情感 – 孟可
15. 情感 1 – 孟可
16. 情感 2 – 孟可
17. 情感 3 – 孟可
18. 情感 4 – 孟可
19. 对话 温暖 – 孟可
20. 爱意 – 孟可
21. 甜蜜幸福 – 王姝旖
22. 主题 1 – 王姝旖
23. 主题 2 – 王姝旖
24. 悠扬 – 王姝旖
25. 诉衷情 (From the Heart – Interlude Edition) – Duo Liang
26. 诉衷情 (From the Heart) – Duo Liang
诉衷情 – 多亮
From The Heart – Duo Liang
无限柔情像 春水一般荡漾
Endless tenderness ripples like spring water
漾到你的身旁 你可曾听到声响
Ripples toward you, did you hear the sound
你的影子闪 进了我的心房
Your shadow dodges into my heart
你的言语你的思想 也时常教人神往
I often look forward to your words and ideas
我总是那样盼望 盼望有一个晚上
I always wish, wish for a night
倾诉着我的衷肠 从今后就莫再彷徨
To pour my heart out, for you to feel uncertain no more
无限柔情像 春水一般荡漾
Endless tenderness ripples like spring water
荡漾到你的身旁 你可曾听到声响
Ripples toward you, did you hear the sound
你的影子闪 进了我的心房
Your shadow dodges into my heart
你的言语你的思想 也时常教人神往
I often look forward to your words and ideas
我总是那样盼望 盼望有一个晚上
I always wish, wish for a night
倾诉我的衷肠 从今后就莫再彷徨
To pour my heart out, for you to feel uncertain no more
Alternative version of the song translated by Lee Xah
訴衷情 – 周璇
Grievances of Love – Zhou Xuan (circa 1947)
an endless wave of affection, undulates like the waters of summer.
it arrived at your side, have you felt it?
the image of you flashed into my mind.
your moves and thoughts are my thirsts and cravings
i always had this wish wished there’s a night.
where i whisper my grievances at your side, burden you with my worries.
sorrow is the billow of affection, and the bridge of affection, the guide of affection.
if you need the nourishment of love, hesitate no more.
3 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Disguiser OST and Lyrics Translation”
Have been waiting for this to come out! Love the ost and love the drama! 😀
3 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Disguiser OST and Lyrics Translation”
Thanks so much Kap; you’ve been working so hard lately. Both the disguiser and nirvana in fire’s osts are so amazing and awesome! I hope Hu Ge and Shandong prod continue to work together in the future! Cuz even though Hu Ge has another (two?) dramas coming out, the marriage one and the soccer coach thing (I think), and even the Lie Chang (according to dramawiki), I’m not sure I’m as interested in these premises. Lie Chang (and the marriage one, though I feel like I’ll watch that one just for ent value and to see more of Hu Ge) seems the most interesting plot-wise, but at the same time sounds very generic. It’s also labeled as “metropolitan, thriller, melodrama, romance”, which I’m kind of leery of, esp since it’s not produced by anyone I’m particularly confident about (ehem Shandong, gotta keep a hold of HuGe I’m telling you). Plus, except for Chen Long (our hilarious Commender Meng of NiF), I don’t know anyone. I hope he’s working on some productions next year that are…more interesting and less cliché-sounding – I’m sure he’ll be great, but I’m not so confident about the productions themselves.
3 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Disguiser OST and Lyrics Translation”
Thanks for sharing. I really love this drama and its OST.