I almost forgot this one premieres the same week as HQG!
English Title: The Lost Tomb
Chinese Title: 盗墓笔记
Cast: Li Yi Feng, Yang Yang, Tang Yang, Ying Er
# of Episodes: 12
Airing Days: TBA
Broadcasting Station: IQiyi
Synopsis: Wu Xie’s (Li Yi Feng 李易峰) grandfather was one of the infamous nine grave diggers who dug up from a Warring State tomb, a silk manuscript of the Warring States. Now that the Warring State silk manuscript has resurfaced again, the younger generation embark on a treasure hunt. None has ever thought that they would get caught up to an unfathomable mystery. If you’re a fan of “Tomb Raider,” “National Treasure” and “The Mummy,” you’ll love “The Lost Tomb”! “The Lost Tomb” is a Chinese drama series directed by Law Wing Cheong. It is based on a series of novels by the same title (also known as DAOMU) written by Kenny Xu Lei. “The Lost Tomb” also is known in English as the “Grave Robbers Chronicles” and “Grave Robbery Note.” [Credit: Viki]
Note: Video files are encoded by me in 720p resolution. File Size = ~400MB
Subbing Group: Viki
♦ Pilot Part 1 **REPACK 7.2.15
– 720p ZASK
– Since this drama is short, I plan on doing 720p… objection, please raise hand!
– I think the quality is good considering that it’s a webrip.
♦ Pilot Part 2 **REPACK 7.2.15
– 720p ZASK
♦ Episode 1 **REPACK 7.2.15
– 720p ZASK
– For ep.1, please use other host to download from, MU still remember by old upload.
♦ Episode 2 **6.28.15
– 720p ZASK
– For ep.2, please use other host to download from, MU still remember by old upload.
♦ Episode 3
– 540p ZASK
– For ep. 3, please use other host to download from, MU still remember by old upload.
♦ Episode 4
– 540p ZASK
– IQiyi already released the whole drama to VIPs and I guess I’ll be uploading the rest of the series too.
– You can download from MU starting with ep. 4. Whew~
♦ Episode 5
– 720p ZASK
♦ Episode 6
– 720p ZASK
♦ Episode 7
– 720p ZASK
♦ Episode 8
– 720p ZASK
♦ Episode 9
– 720p ZASK
♦ Episode 10 *FINALE
– 720p ZASK
– They counted pilot part 1 and pilot part 2 as two episodes.
Kappy: I’ve been working like a restless zombie so no time to watch anything yet…. Do participate in the Rating Chart! 🙂
Our Seashell’s First Impression Rating Chart (added entertainment value b/c something can be bad but entertaining!)
– Story:
– Chemistry:
– Acting:
– Directing:
– Entertainment Value:
Use this star symbol ✪✪✪✪✪. Half a star = ½
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Please continue 720p.I love my dramas in HD.Thank you!!
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Bookmarking! 🙂
Thanks for this! Couldn’t resist and just had to watch the first eps and while it differed much from the book, the entertainment value is great and I think the drama is well-worth watching! Looking forward to seeing more of this!
Yang Yang is damn hot and it’s nice to see Tang Yan play a badass for a change! Fatty is hilarious 🙂
I love how LYF and YY’s characters gaze lovingly at each other every time they meet and the background music changes to a slow piano/flute theme LOL HAHAHAHAHA 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Novel fans had a meltdown over the huge changes in story and characterization but I think the drama itself is entertaining enough so I’m gonna watch it anyway. I also love how most of our leads (LYF, Yang Yang, Fatty, KK) used their own voices.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
So I wasn’t the only one who noticed the gazes and the music changes between the two main characters! xDD
I’m loving this drama. I’m sure it’s gonna be an epic ride! :3
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
This drama is awesome fun and even in the books there’s this EPIC BROMANCE between LYF and YY’s characters, so I think it’s great that they play it up here in the drama. They and Fatty together form this ultimate trio so I look forward to seeing that 🙂
ROFL the whole loving gaze and music changes are wonderful and I hope to see more of it hahaha 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
YES! I need more of that *^* And for Kylin to keep saving Wu Xie xD
Btw, who was the girl in the 2nd episode? Since I don’t know chinese I couldn’t catch her name and mostly everything else lol
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
That girl in the second ep is an original character for the drama. Her name is Chen Chengcheng (LOL) and she’s apparently the niece of Chen Wenjin, who was Uncle’s fiance before she disappeared. That CCC girl is so annoying though. I hope she doesn’t show up after these 2 eps.
Yeah I’d like to see more of Kylin and Wu Xie too! They’re my faves! 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Ohmygod, her name is so stupid… xDD At least she doesn’t seem to be a love interest…
I hope so too tbh!
Bromance all the way! ♡
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
There were some rumors saying she may end up as a love interest for Kylin which I hope doesn’t happen OMG. She’s so annoying 🙁
In other news, Yang Yang dissolved his contract with HR (the company producing this series) so he probably wouldn’t reprise his role in season 2 (if there is one). The vice president (or something) left HR and took with him Yang Yang and Ying Er to start a new production company, so most likely their characters will be replaced with other actors if there is a season 2…
The goss is that Lost Tomb is getting swamped with bad reviews (like, epically swamped with bad reviews by the masses) so HR used this news to distract people’s attention … YY was never signed with HR and only signed with the vice president guy so yeah… I think it’s a shame if they change the actor for Kylin cuz I think YY is good in the role… The whole company shakeup was why YY wasn’t at the Happy Camp appearance with the Lost Tomb cast (according to the goss)
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I agree with you. I hope YY will appear in season 2. i hope there is season 2 bcz i love wu xie and kylin character & actors. I dont know why bad review becz i personally think it is fun to watch. If YY really leave lost tomb, big chances i will not that keen on watching season 2 eventhough for LYF.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
wooo I’m all up for bromance!!! and after coming from a depressed ending for yang yang in the four drama, I’m looking forward to seeing him in this~ sometimes no romance is better methinks :3
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Totally agree with you.
I hope they don’t add romance…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Yang Yang is also in Taekwondo Girl but I am not feeling the female lead character as a strong presence yet just from trailers and character stills. I think i would like him better in The Lost Tomb.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I had been anticipating the drama, and the first episode didn’t disappoint me – me like! If they can keep the pace and excitement, tone down whatever romance is in there to minimum (bromance is welcome, though) I can see myself getting hooked. BTW, who sings the ending soundtrack?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Also I have to say that in the drama poster LYF looks like he’s holding a flower instead of a flame and his face is like ‘I’m giving you this flower’… while the others look badass
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Oh dear, now that you’ve mentioned it… I can’t unsee it haha 😀
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@KxZ fan: I think the cast are doing a pretty good job so far. LYF and YY are great in their roles and so are the others like Fatty, Panzi, Uncle 3, etc.
I didn’t make this but LOL at the stuff Cnetizens come up with:
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
It seems I can’t embed images in comments. Oh well
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Lol. Poor Shimo!! Just place the links here (direct links ending in jpg/gif) and it will magically become pictures!
– ghost doing work –
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Like this?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
That gif….oh boy…. *fans self*
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I can’t tell if it actually shows as a pic or not cuz I can only see a link, not the actual picture. But it may look different depending on browser I guess
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
LOL it worked! I can see it now. Thanks for helping me out 🙂
ROFLMAO netizens are awesome cuz they come up with the best stuff hahahahaha 🙂
That’s some great editing there with the way they connected the 2 different scenes 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
OMG!! So that’s not one connected scene? LOL!! These netizens, mind be in the gutter! XD
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
The scenes are part of the same sequence, but LYF was actually panting from pain because his neck got attacked so he’s panting and his hand flies to his neck, and then the shot changes to Panzi (on a separate boat) taking off his jacket to do first aid on his wound (cuz he got attacked too). So the netizens took out the hand to neck bit and connected the 2 scenes smoothly so that it looks like, well, you know… 😉
They get points for being so creative 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Yep. Netizens are the most creative bunch when they like the actors/dramas!
Handsome. 😀
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
That he is <3
Now if only they'd get rid of that ridiculous fringe so that we can see more of his beautiful face!
I mean, LYF is cute/charming, but YY is definitely the hottest of the cast IMHO 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
They better not change actors if there’s a S2 cuz they’ll definitely lose a lotta fans, especially since most of the entertainment news is that YY’s Kylin is getting a lot of praise. But his gorgeousness aside, YY is doing a great job with his character and I always look forward to seeing more of him 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
You’ll be seeing more of him in that Taekwonda drama in exactly one week. So many dramas, Shimo…All the new faces too!
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Shimo, can you please elaborate more on that Lost Tomb being a failure? (Hence, no Yang Yang in Season 2?)
I read somewhere that the first episodes drew 100 million clicks, and it was considered successful. Why these conflicting news?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@ Kaptain A: I’ll be watching that Taekwondo series mostly for YY and then Chen Xiao LOL (I dun care about the girl cuz she has no screen presence whatsoever)
@ lenje: I wrote a bit about this in my blog but basically the 1st 2 eps drew A LOT of hits (insanely high number of hits, smashing records, etc.) but then after watching it, many audience members (especially those who read the novels) were so distressed at how “bad” (YMMV) the adaptation was: nonsensical plots, ridiculous/propaganda plot changes (including changing the main character into a parrot for propaganda, etc.), product placement (that car and red bull, OMG THE RED BULL STUFF IS EVERYWHERE), VERY ANNOYING original characters (that most audience are hoping for them to get killed off cuz they’re so annoying), cheap/bad special effects, etc.
By the time the 3rd episode came along, the general consensus was that it was a HUGE improvement from the first 2 eps (it was a lot better and much closer to the novel), although there were still some very obvious fake SFX but on the whole it was a lot better, apart from the ridiculous RED BULL STUFF and the bad styling of Yang Yang and Li Yifeng (most of the complaints are about the hair covering half of YY’s face and LYF’s dyed/curly hair LOL)
The initial bad press was why HR (the production company) released that bombshell news of YY dissolving his contract, etc. to draw attention away from the negative reviews and make people question about YY’s future appearance in S2 of the drama…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
The overwhelming negative reviews was what made people want to watch the series – apart from LYF and YY’s fans and novel fans who all swarmed to watch the series, the negative reviews made people who didn’t care or know about the series all swarm to watch it, which is why the hits skyrocketed and made the series a ratings hit (LOL)
No publicity is bad publicity, right?
I can’t speak for others, but I’m watching this series for the LOLs and entertainment 🙂
I honestly don’t think it’s THAT bad.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Looks like my first impressions was wrong because after watching the whole series, it’s every bit as bad as the reviews say 🙁
Screw it, I’ll just go back to the books instead
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m interested in reading the original novels now too, since from the synopsis and plot descriptions I’ve seen, it looks like it’s a pretty interesting read. After the whole debacle with HR and their atrocious treatment of YY and his fans, I don’t think I’ll follow the drama series even if they have additional seasons. Do you know if the English translations (from Things Asian Press) are any good? Or should I take a stab at the original Chinese version with my rudimentary language skills?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
AWMAHGWAD * fangirls* is there no english subs or is this just chinese? COZ I REALLY WANT TO WATCH THIS
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
i’m dying for eng subs
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@kiyomi and harumaki, Viki has the license to stream this show outside of China, so they’ll be handling the english subs. Unfortunately, no one knows yet when it will become available on Viki for streaming/subbing
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m having a weird problem with the download for episode 2 (the latest episode). I downloaded from Mega however when I play it, it shows the pilot part 2 episode instead. I checked the file sizes and indeed both files are the same size. So I rechecked the download file and on multiup it shows the file of episode 2 as 628.7 MiB but when I click for the Mega link the file size is 474.5MB which is the same as pilot part 2. I thought that this is weird, so I checked some other hosts and they were the correct size. Anybody else have this problem? There are 37 downloads from Mega…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I think MU is confused between two files with the same name. No worries, I’ll do a repack for the first three episodes again. 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m having the same problem with MU download..even when i click on the link for Episode 2, the files turns out to be the part 2 of the pilot episode.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Please download using a different host and make sure the file size is 628mb before downloading. I don’t remember my login for MU so I can’t delete the duplicate files in the system.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Okay. Thank you! 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I find it odd that the film editors didn’t catch this:
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
AHA! Maybe they did and this is on purpose for pervy fangirls. =D
Tang Yan’s face: “I see what you did there cameralady.”
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
ROFL you may be right. Cuz the comments that popped up from Cnetizens were generally along the lines of “what a beautiful view”, etc. LOL (and some even commented that it’s a shame it wasn’t Yang Yang haha)
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
LOL! Men’s butt crack is equivalent to a women’s cleavage to some.
As long as I don’t see a forest there at that hidden valley. It’s all good. :p
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
LOL you’re right about the crack/cleavage comparison, cuz I heard some of my classmates say similar things (not about this instance, but about something else)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the forest and valley description is GOLD 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I found that the story of episode 4 is quite skip forward from episode 3, did you coincidentally upload by skipping the episode 4 (or maybe 5 too)?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Maybe I misunderstood about it by the program error…… please ignore my last comment (>/|\<)
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
If you find that the story skips around a lot or bits of it don’t make sense, it could either be due to mixing up the episodes or the fact that the production company (HR Century) has a personal vendetta against Yang Yang so most of his scenes ended up on the cutting room floor.
They cut out most of his scenes (especially all the action sequences) because they don’t want him to make a good impression on audiences. Two reasons: 1. they don’t want him to overshadow their top dog, 2. they’re changing actors for Kylin’s character come next season.
There was a bit sequence filmed in Tibet, but it’s been reduced to a 5 second long distance shot of a tiny random person in the corner of the screen in the first pilot episode. The most brilliant sections in the novel including a vicious battle with a bloody corpse, “lighting the lantern”, and other parts were all filmed (as confirmed by insiders and actors who filmed the scenes with Yang Yang), but HR cut all of them and so we’re left with scenes and narrative that don’t match up and large sections cut.
This series was originally 60 minutes per episode and was supposed to air in April. They delayed it till June because they had to cut YY’s scenes and re-cut the episodes to 45 minutes long instead. All this because of internal power struggles in HR that led to the resignation of one of the producers. YY and Ying Er left with him – in YY’s case, he never signed with HR in the first place and only signed with the producer.
(There’s much more ugliness behind the scenes but I won’t say anymore unless people actually want to know.)
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Shimo and Messengerman, AVV was down for a few hours last night and your comments didn’t make it to the database for safekeeping but it still shows up in my other backup file. I can send you the comments via email so that the hassle of retyping is out of the window.
Just Shoot me an email with your authentic emails. 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Hi Kappy, thanks for letting us know. I think you already have my email from back during the Pretty Man intro recap? If not just say so and I’ll send you my email like you said 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Now I feel like a loser, I lost my backup somewhere. T________T This week is just gonna suck!!
Sorry Shimo, but I did remember the questions (one?) you asked: 1) Yes, I will be uploading Taekwondo Girl since The Lost Tomb will wrap up today in my book. And the whole HR drama killed the drama for sure with their editing.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Thanks for letting me know! I remember what I posted, so I just ended up retyping it. It wasn’t too much of a hassle.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Hi Kappy, so do you want me to send you my email or did you want me to just retype my comments (from as much as I can remember)? When you said you lost your backup is that what you meant? Or did you want me to just send you my email? Thanks 🙂
And I’m glad to hear that you’re gonna up Taekwondo Girl because I marathoned the novel(s) last night and it’s pretty good! 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
There was just so much ugliness behind the whole LowR (what Cnetizens call HR) shenanigans. Not only did they kill their own production with cutting all of Yang Yang’s action sequences as much as possible, the dirty smear campaign they went on against YY was even worse, with JL (the current boss of HR and the one that kicked out the other boss) paying people to spread rumors to tabloids that YY whored his way through military academy while YY was overseas (most likely filming Divas Hit the Road). The smear campaign only stopped when students from the military academy came out to expose their lies and told them to stop ruining the academy’s reputation. This was back in April when JSK (YY’s current agent) got kicked out of HR.
The Lost Tomb was supposed to air in April and official announcements back then said 12 episodes of 60 minutes. Now the ones we got are 45 minutes long. Why the delay till June to broadcast? Because they had to cut out scenes that would make Kylin’s character look good (i.e. the action sequences) and when they did that, the episodes had to be re-edited to 45 minutes long. Even not including the first 2 pilot episodes, that’s at least 2.5 – 3 hours of stuff cut, which we most likely won’t ever get to see. Insider reports and actors who filmed the scenes report that they did indeed film those sequences (there were photos taken during the production as proof), and the scriptwriters also said that they scenes were scripted, but they just all ended up on the cutting room floor. JSK and JL were co-producers of this series, but JL was mostly in charge of post-production and JSK was already forced out in April.
Fast forward to June. If you watched the Beijing Lost Tomb conference (June 11), you’ll notice the entire audience was swarmed with Li Yifeng fans and none of YY’s fans were there. Why? Because they weren’t allowed in. That’s right. They traveled from various provinces to Beijing and were left to stand outside in blistering heat (summer over there) and after much haggling with security, only 20 or so were allowed in, and they weren’t allowed to bring any of their stuff in that wasn’t already ripped up by HR security (signs, flower wreaths, etc.)
Some girls sneaked in a couple of signs and anytime they raised their signs security would shoot laser pointers at their eyes. Unfortunately, one girl saw (recorded/photographed?) something she wasn’t supposed to see and HR people cornered the girl and forced her to sign something that would keep her mouth shut (a bunch of grown men forcing a high school girl to sign some contract after demanding all her personal ID and details … you can imagine the situation). Some people saw what happened and took photos and posted them all over Weibo before “officials” took them down, etc. But some other netizens saw the posts and reposted them everywhere.
Insiders report that YY stayed behind after the conference to comfort fans, and from them found out about what happened. Apparently he tried to find the girl but by then she’d already been sent away. After the conference he told HR where to shove it and after the very bad reviews of the pilot episodes (June 12), HR tried to divert the bad press by announcing that YY’s dissolved his contract with HR (when YY was never signed with HR and only ever signed with JSK) and when reporters asked if it’s because HR has been oppressing YY (there were many reports of power struggles, oppression, etc. in the media for months), of course HR denied it and said that they gave YY as many opportunities as they could.
Honestly speaking, I didn’t pay too much to all this behind the scenes news until I actually saw the Lost Tomb series and saw the epic cutting that went on. Insiders report (after the whole series was released and fans complained about all the cut scenes) that HR cut all those scenes because they would make the audience have a good impression of YY’s Kylin and HR doesn’t want to make the same “mistake” they did with William Chan – they expanded William’s character in Ancient Sword (and William played that character well) and it helped boost William’s popularity, inadvertently creating a “threat” against the popularity of their own top dog (LYF).
Sorry about the long post but I find HR (Cnetizens all call them LowR for a reason) utterly despicable and unprofessional. Showbiz is dirty and shit like this happen all the time, but that doesn’t make it right and even “pedestrians” like me find it disgusting. As for bullying fans, why would you do that? Aren’t they also your potential customers? I mean, you don’t have to be a LYF fan to watch HR productions. From a business point of view, who cares whose fans they are, as long as they’re your customers and help your production’s ratings?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Sorry about the long series of comments but Lost Tomb was one of my most anticipated dramas of the year and to see it become the mess that it has, has made me unable to resist commenting about it… You understand… 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Aw…that’s a real shame. I like the entire cast, but Yang Yang is definitely one of the highlights for me. Now I really want to see those cut scenes you mentioned. Is there any chance that those cut scenes can be found anywhere, or if there’s any behind the scenes fan videos of those scenes from when they were filming? I don’t know how China’s TV/film industry works in terms of video releases (for example, I’ve heard that Korean shows often aren’t released on DVD’s because everything is done as digital downloads), but if there’s enough fan demand, would it be possible to get the production company to release an uncut version of the entire drama, say on DVD or as a digital download?
Also, this totally explains why Yang Yang randomly went from being fully dressed to shirtless in one scene. I was wondering if I’d missed a huge chunk of the episode somewhere, or if Kylin randomly taking his shirt off was a thing, haha. And was there supposed to be something special about that tattoo? I have a feeling there was some explanation, but that it was part of the scenes cut out.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m not sure if you read my previous comments before the site went down, but you’re right if you think you’re missing chunks of stuff in the series, because that’s exactly what happened. A lot of scenes (including important story sections and action sequences) got filmed, but all got cut because HR has a personal vendetta against Yang Yang (more details in my comments just above yours) and they don’t want him to make a deep impression on audiences, because they’re changing actors for Kylin’s character come next season.
You’re right to feel cheated, because as audiences we all were. There were fancy sequences filmed in Tibet and big action scenes filmed with YY and other actors, but they too were all cut. Many audience (especially those who paid for the iQiYi VIP membership) felt they got cheated big time so Cnetizens have started an online petition requesting HR to release the complete cut. Unfortunately that’s probably never gonna happen so we won’t get to see the good stuff. Instead we get to see 10+ slow motion scenes of annoying characters pigging out and shoving their faces with food.
What a damn shame that the hard work of the actors and film crews got wasted, all because of HR’s pettiness and unprofessionalism.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
^ that’s actually meant to be “10+ minutes of slow motion eating”
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
After rewatching the HQ version of the later episodes (thanks, Kaptain!), I realized Yang Yang has quite a few bruises on him after his shirtless reappearance with the second blood corpse. I’m guessing that there originally was an epic smackdown between Kylin and the second blood corpse, which was completely cut out? Now I feel REALLY cheated. >_<
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
There WAS an epic smackdown and they filmed it multiple times (most of YY’s action sequences had MANY retakes to get the best possible effect), and that sequence is an important part of the book because it showed Kylin protecting the rest of the team and it was the first time Wu Xie (by extension the readers) saw Kylin’s special tattoo appear. It has significance to his mysterious character background and is a major scene in the novel.
YY had bruises and scrapes on him because wire-work is usually done with clothes & padding, but because that scene had to be shirtless (to show Kylin’s tattoo), YY did the wire-work + action choreography shirtless (and with no word of complaint). There were many scenes like that and some involved 30+ retakes, which is why he didn’t even need the makeup artists to add the bruises/scrapes with makeup – he already had them.
Along with the various action scenes, there was another big sequence towards the end of the series between Kylin and Jie Yuchen. The actor for Jie Yuchen confirmed that they filmed that sequence and it took almost a week, and he remembered it very well because he almost injured his back from doing that sequence. It involved lots of fancy fighting moves and leaping from 2 stories high, etc.
Crew who worked on those scenes confirmed that there was a LOT of wire-work and fancy somersaults, fighting movies, etc. and that they spent a lot of time and effort getting those scenes to look as good as they can, which why they did the MANY retakes and the actors who was involved in those scenes (Yang Yang and others) were often the last to leave the set during filming.
There was a beautiful sequence filmed in Tibet that the film crew got special permission to film on location, because that place is culturally sacred and a protected heritage site. They and YY flew there especially for the sequence, because that directly links to the prequel/sequel novels of Lost Tomb that show Kylin’s character story. That sequence got reduced to a 30 second scenery shot and a 5 second appearance of a tiny random person in the corner of the screen that we saw in the first pilot episode. And yes, there was proof that the scenes got filmed because the scriptwriters confirmed that it was the opening scenes of the script and there were production photos of YY in Tibetan robes during the filming.
This drama reportedly had the highest budget ever in Cdrama history for a web-broadcast series, so after the series came out and what we all saw was this scrappy product, a lot of media questioned WHERE was the money spent? Did JL (the current boss of HR) take the money for himself, etc.? JL actually came out and got interviewed on this after so many media reports demanding his explanations, and JL just said that they spent the money on building sets, etc. Afterwards audience commented that the sets themselves didn’t look that good so they doubt JL was telling the truth, but no-one can prove anything so…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Also you’ll notice that the only scenes of Kylin that weren’t cut were scenes involving him and the other lead characters and also just posing shots of him with his face 2/3 covered by a deliberately ugly hair style or his face covered by shadow (or only shot on the side). Insiders report that HR did everything they could to reduce Yang Yang’s presence in the drama, when his character is the Goddamn soul of the novel FFS. If Wu Xie is Watson, then Kylin is Sherlock. Anyone who’s read the novels will tell you that Kylin is the soul of the story while Wu Xie is the narrator (the story is written from Wu Xie’s point of view).
YY was handpicked for the role by Uncle 3 (the author of the novels) himself (who also invested money to produce this drama), and out of the main cast only YY was a novel fan and actually read the novels, so when there were scheduling conflicts, YY was going to reject Left Ear (a MOVIE role) for the role of Kylin, because he loved the character so much. Fortunately the schedules worked out and he also got to film Left Ear, which career-wise is a much more important role (than Lost Tomb) because it is a role that lets him get on the big screen.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
If the author hand picked YY to play Kylin and also personally invested money in the adaptation, does he get any say in what HR does with Kylin’s character going forwards and also the existing YY scenes that were completely cut out? Or did he sell all his rights to HR already? If there’s enough financial pressure (say, from the author or from fans refusing to support future seasons of the show), it might be possible to convince HR to apologize and/or release the uncut version of the drama.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I was so excited to watch this series because I like the novels and was so glad they cast Li Yifeng as Wu Xie (I really liked him after watching him in Ancient Sword and Fragrance). Unfortunately, the script, direction, pace, characterization have all become a mess and it pains me to say that LYF’s acting here is terrible compared to his acting in Fragrance! In Ancient Sword he was expressionless unless he got possessed by the sword demon, so not much acting to speak of there, but in Fragrance he was much better. Here, his character is going down a dangerous tomb for the first time and instead of showing the proper level of nervousness/fright, he acts like he’s taking a guided tour or something! Wu Xie has so much inner feelings but none of that is shown (or acted out).
Fatty’s actor is pretty good and brings his character to life. He’s quite close to how the novel shows him so I’m happy with him here. Yang Yang’s physicality is amazing and even with his face and right eye covered, he still manages to convey Kylin’s steadiness and focus with his left eye (LOL). I can’t say much more about Kylin cuz he’s been reduced to a Goddamn cameo to make way for the most annoying characters ever to take up all the precious screentime. That and the stupid Red Bull (EVERY. BLOODY. EPISODE).
Cheng Pei-pei is AMAZING and even with her little screentime, she has such an impressive presence. She, YY, and Fatty are definitely the ones who bring their characters to life and are spot-on casting.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Wow, after reading your comments about all the extra scenes that were filmed but then cut, as well as YY and the film crew’s dedication and amazing work ethic, I weep for what this show could have been, both for the audience, who have been cheated out of what could have been an amazing show, and for YY, the crew and the author, whose hard work and sacrifice have gone to waste because of the production company’s pettiness. This is truly a damn shame, and I really hope that now or at some point in the future, someone in the company will decide that enough is enough, and apologize to YY and his manager for their shameful treatment of him, as well as release the full uncut version of the drama to the public. In the meantime, I hope YY’s next dramas treat him better and that he gets the recognition that he deserves going forwards. He’s definitely won himself a new fan here, and I look forward to seeing him and supporting him in Taekwondo Girl.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Your reaction is basically how I reacted when I found out the truth after scouring the Chinese interwebs. I normally don’t care all this stuff but Lost Tomb left me so disappointed I was determined to find out the truth. I never even seen Yang Yang before this series, but from his very brief appearances he’s made such an impression on me, I wanted to find out more. Also, because I was looking forward to this series, I followed the production news so saw the BTS of how the crew did this and that.
After the epic mess that was the first pilot episodes, I kept following the series and its related news even more closely, because I hoped that the series would improve with the later episodes. Unfortunately, the more I watched, the more uneven the series became, and the only thing that motivated me to watch was Kylin’s character, whose moments became more and more rare and in-between. 🙁
The latest news is that they’re replacing YY for Season 2 (no surprises there) and they’re planning to charge money on iQiYi for people to watch. Even if they weren’t gonna charge money, I wouldn’t watch Season 2 anyway because Season 1 was so disappointing! Also, I’m GLAD to hear that YY won’t be in Season 2 because NOBODY deserves that kind of treatment. What’s the whole point of all that hard work if it all ends up on the cutting room floor anyway? If he’s in Season 2 then I may try to hunt down a cut of his scenes but now that he’s not in it I’m relieved because I wouldn’t have to go through all the trouble (I wouldn’t be able to resist if YY’s actually in it).
You’re also right about YY winning fans – I was a pedestrian but now he’s totally won me over too 🙂
I watched 4 eps of Taekwondo Girl and it’s pretty decent so far! I marathoned the novels last night and the story is really sweet and encouraging and has a happy ending for all involved so it’s all good 🙂
It’s SO GOOD to see Yang Yang’s handsome face properly in Taekwondo Girl and not 2/3 covered by hair! Also, watch Taekwondo Girl and you’ll begin to see why HR felt so threatened by YY and had to cut all his action scenes – the young man is beautiful in motion and his graceful movements are so great to watch onscreen.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
The cast actually trained with a Taekwondo instructor for filming this series so at least the moves look good onscreen! 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Same here; I had no idea who any of the actors were in The Lost Tomb (this was my first foray into C-drama), but out of the entire crew YY caught my attention immediately with his intensity and physicality, whereas LYF’s acting seemed like something was missing (he has essentially the same, unaffected look on his face in all the scenes, no matter how excited or nervous his character would reasonably be in a given situation).
I also found out that YY has an extensive dance background, which explains why all his action scenes look some convincing and beautifully done. With his dance background and his personal involvement in the story/character (having actually read the source material novels and being a fan), I think that YY was PERFECT for the role of Kylin, and his departure is HR’s major loss, not his. I’m glad to hear that Tawkwondo Girl turned out well so far; I’m l thought the show looked promising from the trailers, and I’m looking forward to seeing more YY on my screen. Kaptain, you’re planning on uploading Taekwondo Girl after you finish the last episode of The Lost Tombs, is that right?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Yes I will be uploading Taekwondo Girl, just need to find a reliable source.
First foray into Cdramas?! Hope you will stay with us for a long time, Messengerman! 😀
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Physicality aside, what I really like about YY’s performance as Kylin is the way he conveys emotions with his eyes. Kylin almost never shows emotions and doesn’t speak unless he has to – he’s always described as being so silent that people never notice if he’s around or if he’s disappeared. So when playing Kylin’s role, YY has to be expressionless most of the time, but watch his eyes: gentle when looking at Wu Xie, cool and detached when looking at others, fierce when fighting demons or breaking the 3000 year old demon’s neck.
(I didn’t make any of these gifs but found them on the internet but they look cool so I wanted to show them here)
Kylin has almost a God-like presence in the novels (according to how Wu Xie describes him anyway) but is also one of the most mysterious. Apart from Kylin’s silence and coolness (and his favorite past time of looking at the sky), his deadly fighting skills and graceful movements are what Wu Xie often describes. So Uncle 3 made a great choice in picking YY for the role because he has the physical skills, the right look for the character (Kylin is described as a very young looking man and very lithe in body), and after watching his little screen time in this series, he also has the acting ability for the role. For a young actor such as YY I wouldn’t expect an Oscar worthy performance, but as a young actor YY’s certainly nailed the character and showed us Kylin’s inner world.
THIS was what was missing from LYF’s Wu Xie. Your description is spot-on in that he’s always got that same wide-eyed innocent look and he’s failed to show us Wu Xie’s inner world (which is actually very everyday man and snarky and smartass – it’s what makes Wu Xie such a brilliant character and makes readers identify with him very quickly). When Fatty calls Wu Xie naive (and they absolutely overkilled that line in this drama OMG!), he says it to refer to Wu Xie’s inexperience in tomb raiding, NOT Wu Xie being actually naive or idiotic! Book Wu Xie is actually pretty smart and is calculating like the business owner he is, such as not trusting the hired mercenaries out to attack/kill him and always looking out for his own and his friends’ interests first. Compare that to the drama Wu Xie who’s an idiot / Mary Sue / damsel in distress most of the time.
I’m not sure what happened with LYF here, because while he gets criticized a lot for his acting, he showed much improvement in Fragrance and was quite good in his role. Here as Wu Xie his acting is bland and flat, pulling the same expressions through most of the series and failing to show any real emotion. Wu Xie is a lively character who’s such a snarky shit (but charming in his own way). Of course, the script is partly to blame because the script absolutely WASTED Wu Xie’s character and reduced him to a propaganda-spouting caricature, but even with that, an actor can still manage to show some real emotion to let the reader feel the same apprehension that Wu Xie is supposed to feel since it’s his first time going tomb raiding. Instead it feels like Wu Xie’s just taking a guided mystery tour most of the time.
And this scene drives me effing nuts (I didn’t make these gifs either and got them from the internet):
Like, you heartless bastards, at least check that Kylin’s gotten outta there before you happily blow up the joint! WTF Kylin just let out his blood (again) to hold off those beasts and make sure you guys all get out safely, and you just burn the place down when he hasn’t even gotten out yet?!! Where are your Goddamn consciences??! In the novels they were actually pretty sure that Kylin got out BEFORE they burned the damn place down but here Kylin is more like an afterthought from Wu Xie, with his Uncle quickly offhandedly dismissing his comment.
One of the most touching novel moments is when Kylin and Wu Xie are having a heart-to-heart and Kylin comments that no-one will even notice if he’s disappeared from this world, and Wu Xie replies, heartfelt and without second thought, “Even if nobody notices, at least I will notice.” and Kylin’s (to Wu Xie) “No matter what happens, remember that I’m on your side.” and the epic tearjerker “I’ll use my lifetime to exchange for 10 years of your blissful innocence.” – this is when Kylin offers himself to guard this place for 10 years in place of Wu Xie – they can’t get out of it and it’s more like an imprisonment/duty of sorts and 2015 (according to the novel timeline) is when Wu Xie is supposed to take Kylin home.
Kylin and Wu Xie’s special bond (along with their brotherhood with Fatty) is the CORE of the Lost Tomb novels, but this drama has failed to deliver any of that and instead feels like Wu Xie has an epic crush on Ah Ning (who Wu Xie never felt any romantic feelings for in the novels because hello, she’s a mercenary who’s more a like a frenemy) and the epic “Iron Triangle” of Wu Xie, Kylin, and Fatty has become Wu Xie, Fatty, and Ah Ning or the annoying extra characters.
What is this epic character assassination OMG!
Uncle 3’s reason for making this drama series was to give this gift to the fans for their 10 years of waiting (the Lost Tomb novels finished around 2005 IIRC and fans have been waiting for the day that Kylin comes home, so to speak) and dedicated support. This was supposed to be a heartfelt gift to the fans (while making money, of course) so that’s why there’s so much outrage over the mess it has become.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Ok, now you’ve sold me on the story (the original novels) itself. Never mind the mess that the drama became, where can I find the original Daomu Biji novels? I found an English translation by Things Asian Press, which is only up to the 6th novel (out of 9, is that correct?), but they haven’t released any new translations since 2 years ago so I don’t know if they’ll ever finish the series. Do you know if those translations are any good? I’m also considering trying to read it in the original Chinese, but I’m not sure where I can find some copies that won’t cost me an arm and leg in international shipping costs.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@ shimokuren, I read all your comments and was shocked. I coulnd’t believe your story because i never heard such a thing between actors and producers. Because of this sad/mean story i was a little bit depressed and wasn’t sure if i want to watch season 2. It‘s such a shame what they did to YY. But i have 2 points to comment and 3 questions.
1. I watched all the 12 eps and was dissapointed with the drama. I’m from germany and thanks for eng sub i could understand all asian dramas. The Lost Tomb series don’t have eng sub but since i have read the novel in english (i only read book 1 and 2), i could imagine what they were saying/doing. But there were so many extra scenes that wasn’t in the novel, so i couldn’t understand half of the drama. why this big change in the Script/drama? The lack of actions is embarsassing.
2. YY left such a impression on me and i watched the whole series because of him. He got the looks, has the skills/Talent and acted exactely like Kylin *.* Okay, i love Wu Xie even with LYF‘s innocent look and blant acting. Kylin/YY and Wu Xie/LYF had such a good chemistry and i saw/feel the bromance between them. When Kylin saved Wu Xie numerous time, you could see the epic sparkle between them.
my questions
1. Did they announce who‘ll remplace YY? If they did, who’ll be the new second lead actor in season 2? I’m not sure if the new actor can have this great chemistry YY and LYF had.
2. Is there a chance that YY’ll return as Kylin? I want to see him as Kylin 🙁
3. Do someone of you knows when the season 2 will be realeased?
Thanks and sorry form my bad english
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@DarkLight, I don’t think there will be much movement on the casting and filming for season 2 (if it happens) until later this fall. But if one of the main reasons for HR kicking YY out is because they feel that the popularity of LYF was “threatened” by the coolness of YY’s portrayal of Kylin, I think they’ll have the same problem no matter who they cast as the next Kylin, unless they find an actor that simply sucks and gives a very bland portrayal. Simply due to the fact that Wu Xie, the character, is more the intellectual type whereas Kylin is the physically badass warrior type, the character of Kylin will ALWAYS look “cooler” than Wu Xie, regardless of which actors portray them. Also, if HR’s treatment of YY is widely known in China now, I’m not sure what actors would be willing to fill in that position in season 2 and onwards, since that could very well be them in YY’s shoes in the near future. Unless HR wants to perpetually sideline Kylin and basically make him a background character and switch the actor every season? Yeah, that’ll go well with the audience ;D
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@ Darklight and Messengerman:
I couldn’t make up the news about HR even if I tried! At first I couldn’t believe what I read but it’s everywhere in the the Chinese media and internet. I would never believe it but there were photos and many, many reports over these few months. HR tried to keep everything quiet but the media, insider, and fan reports always managed to find things out.
HR can say all they want that they “always gave YY as many opportunities as they could”, but their actions speak louder than words. If they really made everything “equal opportunity”, they wouldn’t need to cut all his scenes. Even with all their deliberate attempts to make YY look bad, he still shines as the best part of the series, so what does that say about HR? There’s a reason why Cnetizens all call them LowR, because HR’s actions are the lowest of the low. HR has no respect for the audience or fans (who are their customers) and their pettiness show that they don’t respect the actors and film crew who work for them either. There’s an online petition of sorts going around by Cnetizens requesting that LowR give the audience back what they promised, and show us all the deleted scenes that shouldn’t have been deleted, but I doubt the people at LowR will listen.
YY never signed any contracts with HR, so anything HR says about YY dissolving his contract and being ungrateful, blah blah blah are all lies. YY only signed a contract with JSK who was an executive at HR along with JL. However, in the internal power struggle that HR tried to keep quiet from the press, JL ousted JSK and so when JSK resigned, Yang Yang and Ying Er both left with him because these 2 actors are signed with JSK. You’ll notice that even Ying Er’s scenes at the last episode got cut too.
Uncle 3 sold the drama adaptation rights to HR so he’s probably stuck with them for the series, but he sold the movie rights to another company. Yang Yang was appointed by Uncle 3 himself and signed the contract for the role of Kylin as a personal contract, not through the production company or any agency. In other words, he still may have chances of appearing as Kylin but it really depends on what happens.
TBH I don’t think YY should continue playing Kylin in the drama series because what’s the point of all that hard work filming if all his scenes are going to be cut anyway? HR doesn’t treat him with even the minimal respect, when actors (and film crew, etc.) are actually assets for a production company because they are the people who help the company make money. If anything, I want YY to be Kylin in the MOVIE version, because the movie version is scripted by Uncle 3 himself and the production company (NOT HR) will hopefully let him enact the character to his full potential.
Latest news is that Boran Jing will be in the movie version of Lost Tomb, so what I’m actually hoping for is if Boran plays Wu Xie, then YY can play Kylin. The 2 actors themselves have a very friendly relationship so hopefully that will also translate well onscreen.
Now back to LYF: anyone who’s seen me around on this site can pretty much guess that I’m a LYF fan, and TBH I was most looking forward to seeing him in this drama. The book version of Wu Xie would’ve been a great role for him because LYF played a similar (sort of) character in Fragrance and he was really good in it. However, the drama version of Wu Xie is one of the biggest disappointments in any screen adaptation of a book character I’ve ever seen. They’ve destroyed all the best parts of his character and anyone who plays him will have already been half-screwed over, so to speak.
That said, LYF STILL could’ve acted his character much better than he has done here. Just because I’m a LYF fan doesn’t mean I have to blindly praise him when his performance truly isn’t good. In fact it’s because I like him that I care about how his performs. From what I’ve seen, LYF hasn’t stepped into his character’s shoes and so his portrayal of Wu Xie is flat and lacks heart. It feels like he’s just “acting” rather than becoming the character onscreen.
I’m not favoring YY on purpose but the fact is that YY has embraced Kylin’s character and has become Kylin onscreen, which is why even with his little screentime and with his face mostly covered, audiences all around have acknowledged YY’s performance as Kylin and are all eager to see him play the character again. Even people like me who’ve never seen YY act before have become charmed by his performance.
Wu Xie and Kylin complement each other. Wu Xie is the intellectual and Kylin is the action. Wu Xie is emotive (in the sense of a very rich, imaginative, and funny inner world) while Kylin is always emotionless on the surface (and mysterious in that we never really know what he’s thinking or feeling). The only people who understands Kylin the most are himself, Uncle 3 (the author) and Wu Xie.
Wu Xie is such an important character in the books (apart from being the narrator) because the books show his growth from being inexperienced to becoming a leader in his own right. In fact, if Kylin is the “soul” of the novels, then Wu Xie is the “heart”. We can’t have one without the other, and both characters are better when they’re with each other. Add the hilarious and loud Fatty and we have the awesome Iron Triangle that forms the core of the novels’ story and character development.
So really, BOTH Wu Xie and Kylin have potential to be legendary characters when adapted onscreen. In fact, most people would probably identify with Wu Xie because he is the everyday man with realistic concerns and the smarts to get by in this world. He’s basically one of us. He admires Kylin a lot because Kylin is almost God-like with all his skills and mysterious demeanor, but at the same time they make each other complete – not necessarily in the romantic sense but more like a soulmate type of sense.
In this sense, this adaptation is already a failure because of the mess they’ve made with Wu Xie’s character. Add that to LYF’s failure to make Wu Xie’s emotions feel real to the audience, and we have the widespread criticism (by audience, reviewers, and novel fans alike) of LYF’s Wu Xie.
What HR failed to realize is that audiences are not stupid. If they think sidelining a main character like Kylin would make their failed screen adaptation of Wu Xie look better then they’re delusional. If anything, I think drama Wu Xie is actually better when in a scene with Kylin than by himself. One of the biggest criticisms against LYF’s Wu Xie is when he’s lost in the tomb by himself and he’s supposed to be scared and anxious but instead he looks like he’s walking around a supermarket. And LYF actually acted the best in the whole drama when he was acting with screen legend Cheng Peipei (Madam Huo) in the last 2 episodes.
HR’s actions in deliberately trying to make YY’s Kylin look bad actually had the opposite effect: it only made us audience realize how good YY was as Kylin. HR’s pettiness also makes LYF look bad when it’s not LYF’s fault that his boss is scum. LYF himself is charming and has onscreen charisma and the talent to support his popularity, so HR’s actions are actually disrespectful to LYF too because they make it look as though LYF can’t shine in his own right unless they oppress his costar YY.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
There’s a movie version with a script written by the original author himself? That’s NOT being produced by HR? And with the possibility of YY resuming his role as Kylin? Sign me up!!!
To be honest, I also think it’s best that YY doesn’t return for the drama adaptation even if HR changed their mind and begged him to come back. Their treatment of him was downright disrespectful. However, from what you’ve said about the scenes that have already been filmed but were them cut out, it sounds like there were some pretty epic sequences that the cast and crew put a lot of hard work into. It’s a shame for the fruit of their labor to be swept under a rug, never to be seen again. Regardless of what HR decides to do with the rest of the drama series and how the movie works out, I really hope that we as the audience get to see those deleted scenes sometime and show the cast and crew out appreciation for their hard work and artistic vision.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m not sure about English translations because I never even knew they existed until you told me just now 🙂
I didn’t know there are 9 novels – I always thought there were 8?
I haven’t read too far into the novels yet – I’m reading the Chinese version because my cousin has them. He’s all into the adventure style stories so he’s a big fan of the Ghost Blows Out the Lamp + Lost Tomb stories and he was the one who introduced me to them 🙂
I’m not sure about the international shipping costs… I know they’re expensive so unless you have the funds I wouldn’t recommend it…?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
There are 9 novels because the final book (I think it’s just called “The Big Finale” or something like that) is split into two books. And you’re right; I found some online sellers that have the books, and they’re pretty expensive, not including shipping costs. International shipping doubles the cost of each book. At the same time, I’ve heard the English translation isn’t very faithful to the original novels, and they apparently cut out a bunch of stuff that they thought western audiences wouldn’t understand due to cultural differences. So I’d probably want to stick with the original Chinese versions but the entire series would cost several hundred dollars! :O
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’d only read a bit of the novel before I heard about the drama series. I read halfway through the first one before the first episode aired but ever since then I’ve been trying to catch up by reading because the drama series was so disappointing. However, I had exams and stuff so it’s only now that I’ve got some free time that I can start doing the catch up…
But, if you do manage to get your hands on them, I guess the books are quite worthwhile to read… The English translations, if they’re already up to the 6th book, are already pretty far ahead 🙂 In that case you may only need to get only the last couple of books if you want or you can wait for them to complete the translations? Perhaps somebody will take over since the books have now become popular?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m not sure if I already mentioned this but the big sequence in Tibet is not only for the beauty of the scenery but also introduces what Kylin was doing before he met Wu Xie and company. According to production photos and reports, a scene of Kylin weeping over the death of his mother and how he became the last of his clan was filmed, but got cut to a 30-second scenery shot and a 5-second shot of the back of a random person in the corner of the screen walking off into the distance. That person was actually supposed to be Kylin.
The film crew got special permission to film the scenes at the protected heritage site and they and YY flew there for that purpose. It was meant to be beautiful not only visually but also meaningful in terms of character and story. Unfortunately we most likely won’t get to see it because it’s lying somewhere on the cutting room floor.
As for the English translations of the novels, I can’t comment on them because I haven’t read them. TBH my Chinese is actually not that great either but my cousin was kind enough to encourage me to try reading the books. His work involves lots of travel so he usually buys books from overseas and then travels back with them (because as you said, the international shipping costs are ridiculously expensive).
Have you tried university or national libraries (I don’t know where you’re at so I’m only guessing)? I often get my hands on books from either friends or relatives or most often my uni library (because I’m a poor student who really can’t afford to spend hundreds of dollars on novels no matter how much I want to read them)…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Thanks for understanding guys. I didn’t mean for you guys to retype the comments but it’s sweet that you did. 🙂
shimokuren, now that I’m working I can say to HR one thing, “Why are you trying to burn the bridge with someone so young and rising?!!” Makes no sense and it isn’t profitable or beneficial to their image nowadays with fans following the news 24/7.
Messengerman, not a problem! ^_^
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
No worries, Kappy! 🙂
Your gif is really cute! Is it from Despicable Me?
Well, Cnetizens all call HR “LowR” in all their posts. At first I didn’t know why but now I do. LowR has no professionalism and their dirty tactics are disgusting. From a business point of view it’s just plain stupid because why would you burn your bridges with people for such petty reasons? I really hope Yang Yang’s career progresses well, because a young man with such a good work ethic and skill set (physical prowess + good looks + improving acting ability is a wonderful combination). I love watching him onscreen and I hope to see him more 🙂
I read on the news that Taekwondo Girl is off to a good start in terms of ratings and the BTS news all said that the cast worked very hard to make all the Taekwondo kicks look good, and based on what I’ve seen of the first 4 eps it does look good. They even put a notice on top of the screen warning viewers “don’t try to this at home” whenever there’s fancy kicks to the head (LOL).
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Kappy, I have 2 comments awaiting moderation but can you please approve the full version if it replying to Messengerman and not the cut-off version with only half the content? I think the comments are awaiting approval because it’s so long. Thanks 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
DONE! Was at work. Many links will send the comment to await moderation. We had spambots placing porn pictures the other day, causing the site to go down. XD I know! It’s ridiculous. So the length isn’t the problem. 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Thanks Kappy! 🙂
Oooh, so that’s what happened with the site the other day! Damn those evil spambots! 🙁
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Can someone explain the last two episodes please? I don’t recall them being in the first book. Thank you 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
That’s because the epic showdown between Wu Xie and Madam Huo is supposed to be in the 7th book. The 7th book! Why they hell they just shoved it here is beyond anyone’s guess. And they didn’t even script it properly because the point of that EPIC sequence (it is one of the most epic moments in the whole Lost Tomb series) is supposed to be an awesome Wu Xie outsmarting Madam Huo while Fatty and Kylin fight off any bad guys that tries to hurt Wu Xie. Kylin had an epic fight sequence and it’s all very touching because by then Wu Xie, Kylin, and Fatty have truly become the Iron Triangle and all 3 characters show their awesomeness.
Wu Xie and Kylin have very touching moments in this sequence because Kylin’s like “I’ll kill anyone who harms Wu Xie, even if they hide to the ends of the earth I will find them” and he gets all banged up defending Wu Xie. Wu Xie’s using his awesome brains but at the same time very aware and concerned about his friends’ well-being. Wu Xie uses his smarts to get them all out of there safely while achieving their goal of getting some of the answers they came here to get, and Fatty and Kylin (especially Kylin) kick so much ass in this sequence that even Madam Huo is impressed.
Novel fans have been puking blood over the mess of this sequence in the drama because:
1. it’s completely out of place and senseless in terms of story
2. WTF have they done to epicness of Wu Xie, Fatty and Kylin?!!
3. they’ve destroyed the characterizations and the importance of this sequence in the grand plot of the Lost Tomb novel series
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
So what happened? I mean why go to madam huo in the first place? What’s so special about the chair? Lol. And why did Cheng cheng Cheng kidnap wu die? Sorry so many questions. I don’t understand chinese. Thank you though.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
You’re welcome and please see my comments below 🙂
I can’t answer everything because I’m also confused by this drama series…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
@ Shimokuren
I think HR’ll have the same problem too if LYF doesn’t improve his acting. I have the feeling LYF don’t have motivation for this drama. Maybe all this mess made him act like this. But I hope LowR change their attitude toward YY if he’ll continue the series or toward the new/unknown actor who’ll play Kylin. I mentioned in my first comment that I’m afraid the new actor and LYF won’t have this great chemistry LYF had with YY. YY acted well, he was so impressive that I began to focuse more on him. I loved his moves, expressionless face but emotional eyes. YY’ and LYF’s Bromance/Friendship was the only thing that made me keep watching this drama, even if they cut out many of YY’s scenes.
Seriously I don’t have any hope for this drama anymore. There was too much nonsense in the serie that made me wonder and ask myself “What the hell is wrong with the director or the writers?”. I didn’t understand 70% of the whole drama. Thanks to the books I could understand the other 30% but many things didn’t make much sense. I mean the last 2 episodes were new for me because I only read book one and two. Now as I read your comment below I could barely understand the two last episodes. You said those scenes were in book 7 and they were an epic ones because they showed how Kylin and Fats protected Wu xie as he was busy with this madame but they didn’t show much of Kylin. The scenes were funny and filled with chaos. I was disappointed. I didn’t like this CCC either, she was annoying. Gosh, made her disappear.
But why ruined this wonderful book because of Connections and personal conflict? I’m a hobby author and I’m planning to publish my books. So I can guess how much it must hurt Uncle 3 to see how LowR is destroying his works he sweat for in many years. Such a thing is mean and painful. Books are like author’s babies. If their works are destroyed it’s like they’re doing it to their babies. I hope the movie doesn’t disappoint me like the series.
I’ll watch season 2 (if there’ll be season 2) even if they change the actor for Kylin. I’ll miss YY so much. He and Liu Tian Zuo were the only actors who truly played their roles great. They acted like the characters in the books. But because of LYF I have to keep watching the drama but I won’t watch it with much anticipation.
Do you know what Uncle 3 said about the Adaption of his books? Do you have more Informations about what is going on between HR and the actors?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I agree with you about HR / LYF / YY / Fatty. I also really liked the chemistry between LYF and YY in this drama – they had some great bromance going on in here and YY really brought Kylin to life. I dunno what happened with LYF in this drama because I think he can act much better than this. The way he played Wu Xie makes me think he probably didn’t even read the books. You’re right – LYF really needs to step up his game cuz so far his acting is really uneven – he’s passable in Ancient Sword and showed much improvement in Fragrance, but then is just terrible in Lost Tomb. Many people have commented that LYF relies on his charm and cuteness to get by instead of acting well, and even as a fan I have to admit the comments are not wrong, as much as it hurts to say…
Thanks for sharing your experience with writing – Uncle 3 hasn’t said much about the drama but his weibo posts give me the impression that he’s aware of the criticism against the drama and he probably understands why people are so upset. Right now Uncle 3 seems to be very focused on the movie adaptation instead of the drama, and he’s made it very clear that Kylin is a central character and that the movie will be scripted by him. The movie adaptation will be produced by another production company (not HR) and Uncle 3 has heard the fans and audiences’ response – he’s also trying to get the movie production company to hire YY again for the role of Kylin, but of course it depends on the production company and all…
I think Uncle 3 made a great choice with YY because:
1. YY is a long time novel fan who loves the character very much and understands the novels really well
2. he’s physically capable of playing the role and has the acting ability to back up his looks.
I haven’t paid much attention to Season 2 of the drama because I’ve lost all interest in it, but last I heard, HR is replacing YY come next season (as if it wasn’t obvious enough with all the deleted scenes), and honestly, I think YY is better off not being in the drama version anymore because:
1. there’s no point in filming scenes that end up getting cut anyway – why work for a company that doesn’t even respect him as an actor?
2. the drama adaptation sucks – they’re changing even MORE of the original story in next season, because they want to set up a Wu Xie and Ah Ning romance (WTF)
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
This sequence is also very important because it introduces the Huo and Jie family, who are very much linked with Wu Xie and Kylin. IIRC Wu Xie’s grandmother has links to the Huo family and Wu Xie’s mother has links to the Jie family, and the guy in the last 2 episodes (Jie Yuchen) is actually related to Wu Xie (a second cousin or something), which is why he always helps Wu Xie. Wu Xie actually met Jie Yuchen when they were young children, and Jie Yuchen remembers Wu Xie but Wu Xie doesn’t really remember.
In the drama, Wu Xie says he doesn’t know Jie Yuchen but feels he’s a bit familiar, so it’s most likely because of this. However, audience members who haven’t read the books would have no idea WTF is going on so it makes NO SENSE that they put this important scene (when it should happen in book 7) so early here and destroyed all the characterizations and significance of the scene.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Chen Chengcheng and High Shao are made up characters just for the drama (because the “actors” playing CCC and High Shao had connections that brought in money for producing this drama – so yep, they basically bought their way in). They weren’t even supposed to be there! I have no idea WTF is going on with CCC because she’s totally made up and I can’t effing stand her. She’s the most effing annoying character ever OMG.
The drama version of this whole sequence makes no sense because they’ve totally deviated from the novel in terms of what Wu Xie is trying to achieve, etc. so I’m also confused as to WTF is going on.
LOL one of the main reviewer comments about this drama is that even novel fans can’t understand what’s going on because they’ve changed SO MUCH STUFF from the original novels. The character backgrounds, stories, and plot elements have been changed so much they’re almost unrecognizable from the books! Most of the time novel fans are trying to guess what’s going on in the drama based on what they read in the books LOL
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I guess I have to wait for Viki to sub and for the recaps. This drama was so disappointing. I came here for LYF. It was him that made me love Chinese dramas. Because of him I know some chinese actors now. Lol. This drama also introduced me to the books. Omg! I even ordered the whole english translated books on amazon and im 19 ( i had to ask my mom to buy it for me) But what the heck i started this.. I should go all the way. I hope LYF’s new movie is good. Thank you again.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
You’re welcome and I’m sorry I’m not much help. I’m also a LYF fan and I watched this drama most wanting to see him but this drama and his performance was truly disappointing. If you got your hands on the books then I think that’s wonderful and hopefully you’ll enjoy them much more than you did this drama.
I actually haven’t read too far into the books myself (I can’t read that fast LOL) so I apologize for any confusion. I rather watch LYF in his other projects and just sort of forget this Lost Tomb drama LOL 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Finally caught up reading this page and comments. Now I can stop hijacking the Whirlwind Girl page. 😉
I knew something was going on between HR and YY but I had no idea it was this bad. No wonder YY has been having to clarify wherever he goes that there’s nothing wrong with between him and LYF. HR is totally digging their own grave on this one and it shows a lot about their business practices. The length they’d go to ruin a fresh face’s career. Why waste so much money on filming his action scenes and then cutting them out? Waste of money, manpower and time. Maybe they should have dumped that chunk of change on improving the script and characterization and saved money by not hiring the actors for CCC and High Shao. (I’m not going to lie, I felt like Wu Xie was their babysitter in the series. Two clingy and annoying kids with a Gary Stu.)
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I’m not going to lie, I felt like Wu Xie was their babysitter in the series. Two clingy and annoying kids with a Gary Stu.
They can’t not hire CCC and High Shao cuz they had connections that brought in money for the production – which is why these 2 annoying characters were created just for them in the series (they’re not in the novels)
Drama Wu Xie’s characterization has been ruined beyond all salvation and so has the script too, for that matter. I mean, I understand that adaptations often need some changes from the original book but not when they mess up everything that badly!
Yeah at first I also had no idea why the media always say that YY and LYF don’t get along and then YY always having to say that it’s not true… *sigh* HR doesn’t care about audience response because they have lots of money and the rights of many well-known novels have been bought by HR, which is why a lot of fans of those novels are now worried because of the mess HR made with Lost Tomb. These other novel fans don’t want to see their beloved book adaptations get ruined like the Lost Tomb drama … I understand their feelings because I’m also a fan of some of these books! 🙁
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Which books did HR buy?
I have seen worse adaptations but not one with this much drama around the production company and the cast members. Talk about bad press!
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Off the top of my head, HR owns the drama rights to the really popular wuxia novels like the Zhuxian series and Kunlun series. They also own the rights to some popular romance/modern novels too but I rarely pay attention to them so I can’t tell you the titles of those…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I swear once I got through Lost Tomb series once I can’t stomach watching it again, except for the very little amount of Kylin scenes that survived the cutting purge. I think a Cnetizen did a count of all of Kylin’s scenes and the total screentime in the series didn’t even add up to a full 45 minute episode. *sigh*
Screw 2nd Season – I’ll save my efforts for watching the movie adaptation instead (I hope it will be good but I’m not gonna get my hopes up like I did for this drama series). In the meantime I’ll watch Taekwondo Girl and enjoy the fluff from there 🙂 It’s pretty fun and entertaining so far! 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
So ridiculous. Now I understand the rage from the novel’s fans. It just sucks with all the anticipation leading up to this series. And to think they want to film 8 seasons. Huh.
I’ll have to catch up on Taekwondo Girl soon. The trailer did not impress me much, but this “resisting Yang Yang” thing isn’t working so I have to give in. :p
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Yeah I wasn’t too impressed with the trailer too but honestly the actual series is much better than the trailer makes it seem like. I’ve seen the eps out so far and they’re pretty good. Plus the main girl is quite good at the sad scenes and she’s a much better actress than the trailer makes her out to be. Yang Yang is really good as our main guy too because his subtle expressions are very in character and very good to watch 🙂
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
As for the Lost Tomb series, the author (Uncle 3) right now is focusing more on the movie adaptation. After listening to all the fans’ and audience response, Uncle 3 (who’d picked YY for the role himself) is also trying to recommend YY for the movie version of Kylin, but it all depends on the movie production company whether they hire him or not…
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
…and also YY’s filming schedule
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
I downloaded your episodes to watch (thank you), but you are missing huge chunks between episode 3 and 4. A huge long scene missing. I even tried re-downloading to see if that was the issue. I confirmed it after watching it streaming and downloading from another site. I haven’t looked to see if you are missing more between more episodes, but just letting you know.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Can you tell me which scene is missing? I don’t follow this series so have no idea what’s what. Each episode is around 40~ mins (after cutting the credits roll) and all the episodes are around that duration so I’m clueless.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
episode 3 ends with Wu Xie and the ghost women on the boat with him and his friends/family vanished. Suddenly episode 4 starts where Wang Pang Zi has randomly joined the party, their helping their injured friend and running from something. What is missing is Wu Xie semi being attacked by the ghost women and then returning to consciousness on the boat. Kylin/Zhang Qi Ling (different names depending what site I look at) is unconsciouness/not doing well (don’t speak chinese not sure what is happening), they spot a village. They go looking for the village and a boy leads them to it after taking their money. They meet a female character don’t know her name and she lets them stay at her place. They take rooms. Wu Xie takes care of Kylin/Zhang Qi Ling. Then the party eat dinner together, and another female character (don’t know name again) joins them and starts talking with them. Next day the whole party the guys and now girl going to s site. Meet a man who leads them to the site where they dig up and enter the tomb. Enter tomb. Discover caskets and things. More writing and caskets. And discover Wang Pang Zi in there too. Keeping looking and discovering things. And then attacked by bug monsters. (detailed but not too detailed of scene missing. Your episode 4 picks up after that. Would you like me to post link to where I got the episodes with the complete scenes you are missing? According the their videos I got and their order of things your missing episode 4 and 5 from them which cover all those scenes.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Basically your missing two episodes worth of footage. I don’t know if your missing more past that since I haven’t had time to sit down and watch the rest of the other episodes I got from another site.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Okay, I checked and I think the website you downloaded from labeled the episodes differently from mine. My Episode 2 contains all the footages you described. These videos are taken directly from Qiyi (the official broadcast version) so what they streamed is what I have.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
no it doesn’t. All the footage I told you about is supposed to have happened after the end of episode 3. When you watch your episode 4 all that footage is missing, and it doesn’t connect to episode 3. It starts in the middle of a different scene not picking up where episode 3 left off with is the faceless women on the boat. Episode 4 of yours starts out with the running from something in the tomb already, helping their injured friend. Also there is a complete party change with that uncle joining the party, which suddenly in your copy he is there with no explanation. Nor any explanation as to why their suddenly in the tomb.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
did you follow her instruction and use other file hosts beside MU for the repack? the previous version is labeled incorrectly.
her copy of episode 2 has all the scenes you mentioned, i confirmed. some sites label pilot episode 1 as episode 1 itself so that mix up is common.
for instance
episode 1 = pilot ep. 1
episode 2 = pilot ep. 2
episode 3 = episode 1
episode 4 = episode 2
episode 5 = episode 3
her episodes connect, not sure whether you are confused since you downloaded so many versions, this version is from qiyi as stated. as a matter of fact, she cut the logo from the beginning of each episode to save size.
episode 3 starts with the boys entering the tomb, searching around, fatty getting attacked by bugs, and ends with the guys carrying the injured man with kylin leading them to a hall where they rest for a bit and then they hear something approaching so wu xie covers his own mouth and the injured man, while fatty puts the flashlight in his mouth (lol). episode 4 begins with that same scene and kylin saving wu xie from the zombie attack and stay to fight, then blah blah blah.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
no, MU is fastest for me so thats where I got it from. Other sites take wayyyy to long. Hours. So the issue is only with the MU links then?
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
yes. as stated above in the post, don’t download from MU (ep.1-3) because the old files are linked to the MU account when she did a repack, so only the old files are still there. new files are NOT.
lols. hope this helps since i did watch some episodes and know what and who to look for. kap is probably losing hair since you keep insisting that the footage were not there …..when they were. so funny.
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Thanks. lol. come join me with the animals I work with and by the end of the day you would no longer be thinking straight either. : )
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Episode 4 is no longer working. Is it possible for you to upload it again? I have honestly stalked across so many websites and at some point youtube had it and just as I was watching it, it got taken down. I’m so sad because I really want to understand this story and its so great of you to upload these for us. It is so hard to find this when you don’t speak the language (but I will watch regardless of what they say). Thank you so much!
117 thoughts on “Cdrama: The Lost Tomb (Season 1) Episodes”
Episode 4 Mega is still working: Link here. 🙂