No more ghost Kappy! I’m officially back. It was a good trip, I’ll post pictures after I sort them out, making sure that nothing inappropriate grazes your screen. Lol. I like that when I return, I see badass pictures of my girl crush in her glorious demon make-up, hair, and costumes for the drama and the game app of Hua Qian Gu aka The Legend of Flower, which is scheduled to premiere on HunanTV coming June 9th! This also means the end of The Four (I need to continue watching this one) A longer trailer will be released very soon so hold on to your horses! I’m excited mostly because she’s been missing from the small screen for way long! And this is HER HAREM drama. All female actresses should have their own harem drama. That should be the law. =D
Let’s start off with some un-impressive but still very gorgeous stills of the drama. Lol.
Wallace Huo with his porcelain skin.
Actor Joe Xu Hai Qiao with actress Bao Tian Qi.
Zhao Li Ying with actor Zhang Dan Feng.
He has longer brows than her…. Yo, whatchu be doing at night, Sifu? Carefully brushing them?
Ready for her dark turn after being burned/betrayed by her ONE TRUE MASTER? I saw fan-taken pics of her dark days in the drama – the same look or its very similar.
Some of her other cosplays images for the game as well.
Like a Sailor Moon sister. 😉
Rocking the eyeliner and the accessories!
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
Hola, Kaptain A! Welcome back . . . How is it then? Esperamos que disfrute de sus vacaciones . . I hope you have a grand time looking a vastness of the blue and peaceful ocean, with flying fishes around and meeting new. friends . . . .
Anyway, I am thankful to see your lovely lady here with Wallace Huo . . (all leading men, paired with our dear Ruby Lin . . we tried to reseach, my goodness, just to catch a glimpse of who they are, too).
Welcome back again – I hope you have that inner energy now . . to tackle so many writings in the entertainment industry . .Muchas gracias por todos sus esfuerzos. Thank you so much, dear Kappy!
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
I had a good time, thank-you! It was good to step away from the internet and the daily routines and be free for 7 days! =D
Fabulous beaches and scenery. I will post pictures later. ^^
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
My group here in Canada are so excited to see your pictures and to see how do you look like . . It seems I am thinking if you look like a Wonderwoman as in your picture . . Kaptain in Spanish is Kapitan – meaning chief – a powerful person . .just wondering . . and guessing . .
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
Oh no, I’m not showing my zombified face! You guys might run away! 😀
Just pictures of the beaches and where we visited. ^_^
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
Wow, mi querido Kaptain A; we are smiling to one another when we read your lines here. Since this Virtual Voyage is the very first blog that I joined, I have not navigate your other pages here; that’s why, I might missed seeing your pictures or I overlooked it . . We only keep asking ourselves, que es un Kaptain A? Who is this writer named Kaptain A? Why? We consider you our teacher and mentor in understanding the Chinese movies and TV series . . Un buen profesor . .
Of course, we will not run away; I felt in my heart – you’re one lovely person to like . .
Si, si – yesssss – we are excited to see those beautiful beaches and places you visited . . Best regards. . Marilina y compania . .
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
Looking forward to seeing this (after my finals)
Wallace’s hair bugs me. It’s all wrong for his face shape.
ZLY looks better in the white getup than the red one. The “demon goddess” look doesn’t really suit her.
How come there aren’t any new stills of Demon Lord Sha Qianmo??? Don’t know anything about the actor playing him, but in the book he’s the best character in the whole thing!!!
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
She has so many white outfits that I just jump at any chance for colors! 😀
I know right! I think it’s because he’s relatively unknown so the production team isn’t heavily promoting him. =(
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
ZLY looks good in white, so I guess that’s OK 🙂
Dongfang and Sha Qianmo are just as important characters as Master is (and TBH they’re more popular among book fans anyway), so I think it’s only fair that they show us some stills of Dongfang and Sha Qianmo as well as Master. I love Wallace and I’m mostly watching for him, but I want to see the other characters as well, not only him. The way they’re promoting this makes it look like Master is the only male main character or something when the story is actually split pretty evenly among the 3 guys.
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
I mean look at that poster: they put Dongfang off somewhere to the edge and Sha Qianmo is this tiny dude at the back while the side characters (apart from ZLY and Wallace) are up and center. Jiang Xin’s character is a little more than an extra in the novel yet she’s right in front and center. I like Jiang Xin and she looks great here, but c’mon, the placements are all wrong.
It’s a similar problem with the new released poster of Lost Tomb as well. They’ve destroyed the iron triangle of the main characters by sticking Tang Yan’s character (who’s not even in the 1st book!) right in front and center, while shunting off Yang Yang’s and Fatty’s to the sides behind her. Actually that poster pissed off a lot of book fans and there’s been so many photoshops of that poster where they fix the placements LOL
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
They did that with The Hobbit as well by sticking Tauriel and Legolas all the way in front and center while shunting Thranduil off to side in this tiny figure. I like Tauriel and Legolas but FFS they’re not even in the book … I guess both Asian and Western film/TV like to do this and just put the more famous actor(s) in front… *sigh*
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
Sometimes, I think I’m lucky that I don’t read these books because I might spill blood at the production team’s favoritism. From what you and others said, Dongfang and Sha Qian Mo are gonna steal my heart for sure. Screw Master (Sorry Wallace!). 😛
Good luck with your finals Shimo!! 😀
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
URGH seriously, out of the 3 leads, Sha Qianmo and Dongfang are way more likeable than Master, cuz these guys sacrifice everything and are willing to die for Hua Qiangu, while Master repeatedly hurts her! It’s such an abusive relationship they have, Master and Hua Qiangu. There are parts in the novel where it makes you feel like strangling Master and I actually cheer whenever Sha Qianmo and Dongfang show up to defend/save Hua Qiangu.
The filmmakers are smart in getting Wallace for Master because many novel fans like Wallace so it makes it more bearable to watch onscreen. That said, I’m still pissed off at the unjust favoritism and everything because it’s just all wrong for the story. 🙁
Thank you for the well-wishes! I need all the luck I can get! 🙂
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
Wow back to work so soon after you trip! Glad to see you were not lost at sea.
I am super excited to see ZLY on screen again it’s been awhile.
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
I’m back to work today as a matter of fact. ^^ Just got home from 10-hour shift. Kinda zoned out at work. Sigh~
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
YAAS for ZLY coming back to the small screen! But as much as i adore her and like Wallace, I have to pass this one. I’m sorry. The story don’t intrigued me and not a huge fan of teacher/student storyline. This and the one with the Hawick will be skip! She looks beautiful in the blue outfit! Very lovely!!!
I love that she’s trying to show a more seductive and evil look with the red outfit and all, but it looks kinda funny to me.
16 thoughts on “Fierce make-up marks Zhao Li Ying’s character transformation in The Journey of Flower”
I didn’t watch the one with Hawick either…. Just saw cuts of her and Kenny on youtube. Lol.
But this one is a huge project for her, so as a fan, I must support even if my heart does not yearn for this pairing or the story. Really miss her face onscreen! ♥♥♥