Yay! My crush is co-starring with another bright and handsome singer-turned-actor in 2015. Yes. She does not sleep. Though I initially wanted her to pair with Li Yi Feng next, his bromate, William Chan, is lovely in my book. I’m sure she’ll collaborate with his other half soon enough. There’s no official name yet so I’m simply calling it Zu Mountain, which could also be known fully as The Gods and Demons of Zu Mountain. There have been many versions, both in dramas and films, that originated from the epic novels spanning 64 thick volumes written by Huan Zhu Lou Zhu.
And guess who’s the producer? Well, it’s Nicky Wu. Look at him below all dedicated and makeup-less choosing scene locations for the drama. It’s said to be his most expensive production to date.
Sideways, I thought he was Jackie Chan….
This is rather funny. The production is only in pre-planning phase but it’s already ranked as highly anticipated and the trio were invited onstage to give thanks at today’s iQiyi awards show. I’m like what?! Take a look:
In short, it’s one of those wuxia dramas where evil forces threaten to destroy mankind and a group of apprentices/warriors from the Zu Mountain must use their powerful skills and awesome wielding weapons to protect this realm. It’s hilarious how this seems like the underlying theme in all wuxia dramas. Waiting anxiously for other casting additions!
Below is the opening themesong of TVB drama adaptation of the novels in 1990 starring Eddie Kwan, Pauline Yeung, and Aaron Kwok (wow!). The themesong is sung by talented singers, Jacky Cheung and Shirley Kwan.
The sequel is filmed a year later (1991) with Nnadia Chan, Ekin Cheng, and Eddie Kwan. Themesong is sung by Deric Wan and Nnadia and they performed it below. The second clip is a music video of the OTP (they look so sweet together!)
Zu Mountain was also adapted into the big screen in 2001 starring Ekin Cheng, Cecilia Cheung, and Louis Koo. Two clips posted.
There are other versions as well but these are the main ones I’m interested in. Is it crazy that I’m contemplating the idea of watching TVB versions first to get an idea of the storyline and characters? But the cheesy effects and CGI are gonna be challenging visually. It’s a good thing I like the cast, especially Miss Nnadia Chan and Eddie Kwan. The main male lead is one of the elder apprentices and William has that role down in spades cause he was also a Da Shi Xiong in Ancient of the Legend Sword. 😀 I’m also pumped up because the main OTP will be fighting together and she’s no weakling!
Gosh, so many new dramas next year. What’s happening life!??!!
Source: 01
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
i know you want that title so im just gonna give it to you alice….”ZLY’s SUPER FANGIRL.”
seriously, you smell out every piece of news about her!!
wow, those dramas were made before i was even born!! looks so outdated….even the colors are bland! good luck with watching it….let me know afterwards? LOL
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Thanks! What a girl gotta do around here to be titled super fangirl. heee!
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I love ZLY too..she is very talented actress, always have chemistry with all male lead at every drama she in (boss n me, FPM, a wife’s secret etc..always read all about her and really wanna watch everything about her especially when she is with chen xiao but unfortunetly I don’t understand chinesse language at all and no one will subs it into english too…poor me..hiks..soo many thanks for u who have already share information about her with english..
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
It’s unfortunate for some cdramas. So I will try to cover her news since I’m ZLY’s super
stalkerfangirl. 😀Welcome. ^^
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Really really wanna see both of CX n ZLY… Hope happy camp will invite both of them again perhaps with HZ, ZZX, WH with the question which romantic scene is the best hahahhaha..just wanna see CX expression coz I think he always look like mad everytime they got on stage with other actor especially when they promo the palace and when they in happy camp on 2013 with lee joon gi (CX kissed ZLY on stage OMG)..but always look happy when only both of them got interviewed and sometimes he made ZLY embarrased with his eye…(again..poor me only watch they gesture without understand every single word they said..hikss) ..just think with my high imagination 😉
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I know how you feel. Been dying to see my babies together (Her cameo in Condor is disappointing!) He’s extra sweet and cheesy around her. 🙂 She’s the reserved one out of the two.
A fangirl’s imagination is the best part, yes yes? 😛
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
@pooh: can you give me the link when CX kissed ZLY on the stage…..and happy camp with Lee join gi please please……
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I’m not a big fan of period dramas actually so I hardly watch cdramas except for some interesting offering like BBJX, (mostly TR production). I would much prefer them to star in a modern rom-com. William is so cute as 大師兄, I watched 古劍 but couldn’t finish it (I played the game before I watch the drama, definitely prefer the game over the drama)… I’ll see how this drama go, if it’s good, I’ll probably watch it.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
All the xianxia stuff that’s so popular these days, like Chinese Paladin, Ancient Sword, Hua Qian Gu?
Wouldn’t even have existed if not for the Shu Mountain series.
Even great masters of wuxia like Jin Yong have said that they were inspired by Huanzhu Louzhu.
OMG I’m so pumped for this!
Middle-earth movies may be ending but now I got Shushan to look forward to! Bring it on! 😀
(I have high hopes for you, Nicky! Please don’t disappoint!)
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Shu Mountain is the one that started it all…
Literally the FIRST xianxia novel EVER
I have yet to see a drama adapt that does the story justice
I can’t wait to see this!
Yay! 😀
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
And I’d LOVE to see how this drama version will end cuz the original novels didn’t have a proper ending (Huanzhu Louzhu never got to finish those novels)
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Oh Shimo!! Thanks for letting me know! Had no idea that even Jin Yong was inspired by this writer. I actually don’t know who he is neither his works at all!
Have you seen the TVB versions yet?
I’m sure Nicky will do his best if he’s already scouting for locations. Hurray for real mountain scenes! Please have lots of them.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I had a very quick look at the old versions (TVB and movies) and from what I remember, I didn’t think they did the story justice because they couldn’t get the whole scope of the story. Like, maybe they were limited by the older technology back then or just didn’t have the resources to film something as expansive as Shushan. It’s such a HUGE tale with so many characters and it’s SO LONG that it’s like Silmarillion + The Hobbit + Lord of the Rings, so imagine 20 years ago with limited budgets and technology … it’s not gonna turn out well, right?
But hopefully with the tech advances nowadays + the bigger budgets, they can better bring the Shushan story world to life onscreen. There’s some really beautiful scenery out there in China (which Nicky is probably scouting for) and the cast is much bigger in Cdramas these days because of China/Taiwan/HK joint productions, so I think that’ll probably be an improvement from the past productions.
HZLZ is from an even older generation than Jin Yong. JY is almost 95, so you can imagine how old the Shushan series is. HZLZ lived around the end of Qing Dynasty towards the beginnings of the Republic era. Shushan was first published in 1932. So yeah, it’s comparable to the Middle-earth Legendarium (The Hobbit was published in 1937) in terms of how old it is as well as the HUGE span of characters and mythology.
Just like a lot of modern fantasy stories are influenced by Tolkien, much of today’s xianxia are influenced by Shushan. You’ll see lots of references to ideas/themes pioneered (so to speak) by Shushan in modern works like Chinese Paladin, Ancient Sword, Hua Qiangu, etc.
LOL I better stop before I end up writing an essay or something haha 😀
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
^ oops I meant to say: JY is around 90. (I got him confused with Stan Lee who’s a couple years older, my bad)
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
With the storyline spanning over 64 volumes and as you said there is no ending, it is definitely a challenge for any producer to pick it up. TVB only has 20 episodes for each season, which is definitely not enough to cover the whole storyline. I’m guessing they are only gonna pick the meaty plot lines and elaborate the story threads from there.
But since this is a mainland production, going over 50+ episodes is not hard. Lol. It’s a good thing Nicky hooks the leads immediately cause this is gonna take a while. I’m just excited for a new wuxia drama!! 😀
Variety, producers! Variety!
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
So I think this is an ambitions project for Nicky but I have faith in him because his Incisive Great Teacher turned out really well (one of the best dramas of 2014, I reckon) and it’s always good to do something different – Jin Yong adaptations have been done to death and it’s about time some other works like Shushan got some decent time onscreen.
Don’t get me wrong cuz Jin Yong is my NUMBER 1 wuxia favorite ever, but I think there’s just been too many adaptations of the same thing over and over again these days. I want some variety in my TV shows LOL 😀
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
^ sorry I meant AMBITIOUS (good Lord, I can’t type properly today)
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
The Shushan series is a challenge to read, let alone to adapt. Because it was written over many years (1932-1948) with many different storylines and characters, the stories/timeline jumps all over the place and it just gets so massive that some critics have said it’s chaotic (which is why the main story was edited/abridged/annotated by another famous author/editor and published later to help people read the book). I’ve heard that Shushan is one of the least read wuxia/xianxia books because of this (but don’t quote me on it), and also most people nowadays don’t really read old books like these (I found out when I asked around at Chinese bookstores), which is why I’m surprised that Nicky chose this particular story to adapt.
I don’t know which part of the Shushan series Nicky is adapting. Is he adapting the Shushan main story or are the Shushan prequel and sequel included as well? I’m really interested to see how he’s gonna do this. It’ll be fun 😀
It’s like trying to read The Silmarillion. The storylines jump around and there are literally hundreds of different characters doing different things in the same universe but the stories are all connected in some way (just not in chronological order). It’s like trying to read a disorganized fictional history encyclopedia. That said, it’s still awesome tho 😀
Now if somebody were to adapt The Silmarillion… hehehe 😀 😀 😀
LOL I can go on and on and on about these books.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I can just imagine people going crazy trying to fit all the characters in one drama. Hopefully, we will hear news soon about the storyline he’ll be including and expanding.
My mom says the TVB adaptations only have cute OTP. She doesn’t remember much else. Lol.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I’m very interested in the developments of this drama so I’m glad I can always count on you for all the latest news! 😀
It’s great you’re so resourceful! I haven’t even seen anything about this drama in the works before you posted about it here. I like Nicky and I like what I’ve seen of William so far (he was great in Ancient Sword). I have seen ZLY around but haven’t actually watched her performances so I’m looking forward to seeing her in Hua Qiangu and also here.
Yeah it’s pretty difficult to fit so many characters and stories into one series. I’m guessing this may end up being around at least 50 episodes. I think the wise thing to do would be to pick out all the best storylines and film that instead of trying to fit every little thing in, but we’ll wait and see how the producers/scriptwriters go about this 😀
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
It’s called professional stalking. 😛 I would get paid well as a reporter.
I stalk ZLY (+30 actors/actresses) almost every day. I know, I’m crazy. I need a life. Lol.
Yep, let’s wait and see Nicky work his magic. WOOOOOO~~
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Lol, what a strange award. I really looking forward to this pairing. Also excited to see ZLY on the Christmas episode of Run, Brother
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
It’s one of those popularity award shows, this time hosted by streaming site, iqiyi. I’m also excited to see her on a variety show!! With her new co-star, Ryan. Wonder how she would do.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
am i the only one who pay attention on William Chan? he’s hot. i watched some of his movies, and i like him. i havent watched any of his wuxia movie/drama (does he have any?) but gotta check this one out! 😀
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Oh, Yui! I pay attention to all the pretty and talented boys. 😀 I mentioned his drama in the last paragraph, comparing this role to his last role in wuxia drama, Legend of the Ancient Sword, where he played the Big Brother in the sect. You can check his tag and find posts related to him if you have time.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
LOLs, same here!!
i read some of those tag 🙂 and im curious about his Legend of the ancient sword.. but unfortunately hasnt had engsub yet.. and what about his Butterfly fragrance?? any news about that drama? or i miss something 🙂
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
If you have access to viki, subtitle is available there. Only streaming though.
The Legend of Fragrance only has news of premiering in early 2015 thus far. No confirmed date yet. You have Silent Separation to keep an eye on, Missy! heh.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
thank youuuu Kap! gonna visit viki 🙂
hehe, yups, my Silent Separation! i hope, there will be another drama adapted from novel. cuz nowadays, im so into C-novels 🙂
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I remember the TVB version, I quite like it back in the days. Watching the Zu warriors Eddie Kwan, Jimmy Au, Arron Kwok and the girls were epic lol. Well when you were young people flying on sword is always cool! I don’t know the real story of the Zu warriors, I know there were mainland production with Steven Ma back in the days, but it didn’t tickle my pickle didn’t even finish that version. I think the Ekin Cheng, Louis koo movie version was pretty crappy too! I am actually excited to see this adaptation, since it is long over due for a new one. I am not a fan Nicky Wu Romance White hair maiden adaptation, I hope he dose justice for this series.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Definitely. Giving credit where credit is due, TVB did really well despite the limited technology and budget fees. It speaks volumes if older folks in many families (including mine) still own the VCDs of some series. ^_^
I watched a few episodes of White Hair but… the storyline is not my cup of tea… if all else fails, I could fall back on the pretty cast train. XD
Hopefully, I can finish the TVB versions before this series come out. 😀
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Yes there was also the sequel with Ekin Cheng and Nnadia Chan, I liked that series as well. The story was so different compared to other series made back in that era. I just loved Ekin’s character when he became evil, he was so bad ass in that Zu Mountain Saga. However they lack in the costume design in the sequel, but the story line was pretty engaging. I hope you give that series a try too! Anyhoot I hope people will watch the TVB version, it was very entertaining, I thought the costume were pretty odd back then, especially Jimmy Au’s ultra short shorts, lol pretty weird in ancient times, but I learn to appreciate the uniqueness of the characters, and I love how everyone had their own colors! My favorite were not the main leads but the supporting characters and villains, which were Jimmy Au, Mimi Kung , Aaron Kwok , his sister and the monk dude. I think if I have time I shall revisit my childhood fantasy series lol!
I really liked the 1986 version of the white hair maiden with Boonie Ngia and Savio Tsang, I think that is the best version, I like how I am dating myself lol. That adaptation followed the novel more closely, I actually Love Lin Nishang character, she was pretty funny and always teased Zhou Yihang, in Nicky Wu one it seems like Yi Hang is the one teasing her. Okay sorry talking to much 🙂
P.S great site! Now I have a new place to chit chat! all my other bloggers are not updating due to their busy lives.
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
40 episodes in total. I think I can do it! 🙂 I’m anticipating Aaron’s character the most. He looked so young back then (old old childhood crush)! Now, age hasn’t been kind to him. Lol.
Don’t worry about the age, you’re not the first to unintentionally reveal the sacred secret. hehe! I’m older in spirit. 😎 I don’t remember much about older adaptations of White Hair and the one you mentioned was produced by ATV. They adapted some great novels, if I remember correctly, because they didn’t always do Jin Yong.
Always welcome here to chat about anything! I know, real life is a pain. Tsk!
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Oh wow, I just finished watching Shushan saga from the lot of old vcds/dvds Vietnamese dubbed TVB golden era catalog; thanks to one of my uncles’ drop off. I won’t spoil it for you, but I was more invested in S1 than S2. It was one of the best during its time. It was heartwrenching to watch star-crossed lovers go through hell and back to stay together. TVB made good stories like those. Taboos, you know, were such great hits back then because society oppress the topic.
Oh man, the nostalgia! Those OSTs were awesome. Loved Wan Siu Lun’s voice (I even have a 24K best hits CD of his), and loved most of his dramas too. Chan Chung Ling was in the prime of her times; she was considered as the HK Meg Ryan. I’ve always thought of her acting chops there lacking, IMHO. She was just one of those idol crossovers riding a high horse. There were better TVB actresses during those times, so S2 really didn’t offer as much dynamic as in S1 although Ekin Cheng truly did soar high in fame afterwards being the true star in that show.
Oh gawd, didn’t like the movie version at all. Nothing beats 80’s TVB version, so far. Glad to hear you’ve jumped aboard the 80’s TVB legacy train with this saga. Hope you enjoy it to the very end!
As for White Hair Bride, my bias remains for the movie version with Brigitte Lin. (=
Are you surprised I haven’t spazz one bit about my ex-crush Nicky Wu up till now? Haha~ I will leave “no comment” until the final product is out and about. Looking forward to this because your leading lady is indeed hot commodity. Wise choice, Nicky! =p
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Dang, Keane! You’re so fast!! S1 & S2?!! Crazy. I have work the next few days so less time to play and watch anything.
I remember Brigitte Lin as Dongfang Bubai in Swordsman!
Nicky does look very proud at his choices. He can’t stop smiling at the award when they were up onstage. XD
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Well, I gotta thank the single life for this opportunity. No regrets wasting time away on these TVB dramas.^ ^
Work, on my side, has been on halt due to all the harbor strikes. Can’t get containers in because of labor strikes, so many headaches on that matter, so I needed a stress reliever. (=
Just noticed that Nicky Wu image picking location. Is he wearing lenless frames? Hahaha~
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Brigitte Lin is my all time favorite Bride with White Hair and Dongfang Bubai <3
I'm such a huge fan of her versions I cant watch the newer versions of those characters without comparing them to Brigitte…
and I still love Brigitte's versions the best 🙂
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Brigitte Lin is my mom’s favorite actress of all times. She loves Brigitte’s 70’s film projects more than her later work, in the exception of The Three Swordsmen starring with Andy Lau (my mom’s ultimate bias).
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
I love the 1991 version starring leads:- Ekin Cheng and Chang Song Ling. Tragic tragic romance but excellent chemistry. During the 1980s till early 1990s, the pairing of Ekin Cheng and Chang Song Ling attracted big ratings, the most popular being the series ‘天涯歌女’. I love the OSTs in ‘天涯歌女’. Youtube link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYk4jPsRUtE&list=PLF8ABE44CBB629257
Pardon this aunty for digging up old series for discussion, but again back to Zu Mountain Saga:- I like the version where Ekin Cheng plays Shek San and Chang Song Ling played Yu Ying Nam. Dare I say Ekin was the most dashing Shek San! 🙂
I am looking forward to this modern interpretation of Zu Mountain Saga. No doubt the costumes and special effects will be exceptional. 🙂
39 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying romances William Chan next for wuxia drama Zu Mountain”
Tragic Romance??!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!! Me no wanna watch sad romance!! *throws hissy fits*
It’s good you mentioned these older series Aryael because I vaguely remember them and their soundtracks. My mom would be overjoyed if I could find all her beloved OSTs. She still has 1983 & 1995 Condor theme and sub-themes playing in her car! XD
I checked out the series you mentioned. English name is Song Bird with Nnadia and Leon Lai! Aw! Now TVB King, Wayne Lai, was only an extra in there. So sweet to see how far he has come up the ranks. But that drama has some stellar casting too. I might have to put it on my watch list, which is growing at a not-so-cute rate. Lol.