Yep, the luckiest woman alive, Gao Yuan Yuan, also retires from single-hood this year. She has a successful career, she’s gorgeous to look at, she stars alongside gorgeous men, and in real life, she’s marrying Mark Zhao in November (!!), around the same time as the premiere of her movie, Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 2. The ironic title. Lol. They’ve already registered their marriage in June and what’s left is the official wedding ceremony. Aw.
Such a beautiful bride.
Even when she’s jilted, she broods in style. π
The movie seems like another generic rom-com. I didn’t even watch Part 1. Daniel Wu only has a cameo role this time.
Louis Koo. Age isn’t very nice to him. heh.
Vic Zhou. Looking scrawny here.
But still very youthful-looking.
Her heels look bigger than his face! >.<
How awkward is this photo? For those who are aware of the news years ago…. π
Press Conference:
The cast teasing Yuan Yuan about her upcoming wedding.
Louis celebrating his belated b-day. He turned one. Lol.
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 2 opens in theaters on November 11th.
Source: 01
2 thoughts on “Gao Yuan Yuan, a bride in both real and reel weddings”
Ahhhh… oh no, dubbed. Good thing it’ll come out in dual audio later. I saw the Cantonese trailers to this second one too. I prefer seeing this in Cantonese like the first one.
I watched DGBMH1 for Daniel Wu, and I liked it… so will definitely watch 2 since the original cast is in it. Daniel, Louis, and Yaun Yaun had amazing chemistry together in the first one. Aw, Daniel only had time to make a cameo? Miss him a lot, and now he’s on hiatus because of his parents’ health. When I see Daniel and Miriam together in any new movie, my heart skips a beat and reminisce Love Undercover 1 & 2 days — they were so cute together in both films. You probably won’t remember the Caucasian beauty playing Christine in They Kissed Again, well, she was sexy in DGBMYH1… V-E-R-Y S-E-X-Y.
)= Both, Louis and Miriam didn’t age well. Stress was truly unkind to the both of them. Louis took on new challenges as a director, while Miriam is juggling being a career mom. Well, goes to show these celebrities are human too. Heehee~
Zaizai, *eyes glistening popping heart-shaped bubbles* is going back to his scrawny form way back in Meteor Garden days, I suppose. LOL~ Saw him up close and personal at one of their F4 concerts in the US back when and he was stick thin, like a toothpick wearing layers and layers of purple rag. LOL~ Still a hot man, because if you’re lucky to have some kind of small talk with him, just listening to him speaking to you in his soft voice… oh wow… I still get shivers hearing him talk. Hmm, I wonder if Vic’s performance in this movie can top A Moment of Love. *patiently waits like still water*
The cougar, Gao Yuan Yuan, caught her young strapping lad, eh? Congrats to
herthem! She surely has charisma, on and off screen.I’m curious who the guys will end up with. Kiikii~
2 thoughts on “Gao Yuan Yuan, a bride in both real and reel weddings”
Hello there, Queen of the Big Screen!
I had an inkling you might have seen the first part. heh. I’m iffy with movies, as always! But posting pretty pictures is an innate power now. π
You made me implode internally with that description of Vic’s soft voice. I truly want to attend his/F4’s concert once in this lifetime. Someone, hook this girl up please!