Modern drama! Please!
I’m sure by now everyone has learned of the latest and very successful campaign for ALS. Non-celebrities and celebrities alike are gathering together, raising awareness and donating money. To read more about ALS, please click here for the official website. You can also donate by clicking on the donate red tab (UPDATE (8/25): Best method – Look around your local communities, as I’m inexperienced in this donating welfare). Any amount of contribution counts. Any way to help is always appreciated. Please do not hesitate!
I saw the videos on youku and has uploaded them onto youtube for those who can’t view it on Chinese streaming websites!
Chen Xiao challenges 3 people: Zhao Li Ying, Gao Hao, and Wang Xi Yuan.
Zhao Li Ying accepts the challenge! 🙂
Ice is important! It mimics the numbing effect of ALS. I’m not nitpicking on those who don’t use ice but just explaining to those who don’t know why “ice?” CX and ZLY both had ice.
Have any drifters done the IBC and would like to share their videos? 😉
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
lol, chen xiao looks like a gangster when he’s throwing ice in the buckets.
im afraid of cold so ill just donate!!
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
Good to see Chen Xiao and ZLY participating in this worthy cause 🙂
ALS is such an awful disease. It’s good to see celebrities trying to help out.
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
^ It’s good to see celebrities and also anyone else donating/participating trying to help out.
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
This challenge surely heighten over in Asia ever since Boku no Ita Jikan‘s broadcast.
I agree, it’s just not the same without the ice. Some just don’t fully comprehend the challenge, I suppose. That’s how I distinguish the degree of sincerity in accepting the challenge.
What!?! Drifters exposing themselves in videos? It’ll be the first. Hmm, all I can say is, if you can find me (and my IBC) then I won’t deny nor make excuses for myself. =p I accepted the challenge on a very hot and dry day, then I got sick afterwards from the ice cold shock. LOL! I was deprived of sleep for a while too. I feel so lame and weak at times. And, yup, a gooooooooood sleep cures all.
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
I didn’t know it was started in a Jdrama! That’s very sweet and should be credited!
I’m sure my challenge won’t be accepted. People are hardly active around here!
Props to Keane for doing it right! *shakes pompoms* But if you want us to hunt down your videos, you gotta give me more hints! 😛
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
Actually that statement about the ice bucket mimicking ALS is a misconception about the challenge. The ice bucket challenge had its origins elsewhere.
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
I understand this challenge raised awareness in a cause that was set in the back burner for quite some time compared to other outstanding charitable cause, yet there are reasons for that, so I wonder do people comprehend all the BTS to ponder, stop, and think HOW MUCH OF YOUR DONATION truly goes into research… oh say… less than 10% every dollar. This “non-profit” organization is walking wobbly on a straight path. An organization with better intentions must put forth in the line of 50% net worth into research.
I’m sorry to sound sour, I have contributed in other organizations I feel are more worthy of my time and efforts. I only accepted this challenge simply because I was dared to by a family member. I don’t feel this organization deserves more recognition other than that. So, I’d be relieved if you aren’t able to find me, Batman. Not something I’m darn proud of, since it was based on a dare and that I refuse to put my money where the sun don’t shine.
I suggest generous hearts look into who’ve been around much longer.
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
You will probably hate me for saying this, but I think it would be good I come out clear about this (what with all the Ice Bucket thingy that are going around nowadays!).
I disagree with the Ice Bucket Challenge but I agree re. raising awareness for ALS. I believe the Ice Bucket Challenge is more of a trend. Most ppl do it because it is fun and they can be seen as ‘helping someone’ while having fun. Sure, ppl are more aware of ALS now and perhaps for the time being, donations will increase due to the awareness + trend factor; but it will most likely die down again – like any other trends. I am supportive of any campaign to raise awareness and to encourage ppl to donate to help others BUT not one that blatantly uses a precious resource such as water when in other parts of the world, ppl are suffering because they could not even get a bucket of clean water! Show those videos of ppl dousing themselves with water to a child in Africa who walks 10km everyday just to get a bucket of clean water and you will get a shocked and confused look on their faces. Why are ppl wasting water unnecessarily? To these children, it is similar to us seeing someone dousing themselves with gold!
If you ask me, which is the more urgent situation – it would be clean water (that affects approx 800 million ppl worldwide) over ALS which is a very rare INCURABLE disease. Access to clean water and sanitation are basic human right needs and are reversible if everyone chip in to help. It is also worth checking just how much of your donation for ALS really goes to research and support for ppl living with ALS. You will find that only a measly amount goes to research and support for ppl with ALS while the rest are taken up for admin and ‘other activities’ such as promotion of this Ice Bucket Challenge. If you really want to help those living with ALS; give to or sign up for local communities and societies that DIRECTLY supports them in their day to day living.
Finally, I would just like to say:- Buy a pin, flower or get a haircut or whatever to raise awareness but this way of raising awareness is a blatant disregard for one of the world’s most precious resource – water. If you really want to help – just give money or better still, enlist as a volunteer. No need to be wasting water.
My advice to those of you who wish to donate or help raise awareness to think twice before doing it – what your actions may mean to others who may not be as blessed as you are with your natural resources.
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
I want to see their new drama together ;_;
miss them so much
Looks like Chen Xiao still remember Li Ying although they don’t have time to meet each other like last year
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
Aryael, you made a lot of valid points so no one is going to hate you! 🙂
I agreed with you – as a matter of fact no one from my family is doing it because my grandma forbids wasting of water, which we finally saw why when she brought it up. My mother was born during wartime – without a bed, without clean water, without electricity. The only thing that was near to them was a bomb dropped 2 miles away. So I completely understand where you’re coming from. I have read of this discussion before and boy did it turn out ugly for many involved.
SOB story over!
P.S. I’m tired after my exam (I passed!) =D
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
I am sure you are relieved after your exam. Good to hear you passed. My son has a viva tomorrow and I am waiting to hear the result. I am not about to ask for your mum’s age but yes, those of us who could remember the hard times appreciate what we have now and do not take it for granted. That is why some of the things young ppl do nowadays just doesn’t make much sense to us. I think the younger generation nowadays are much more self-centered than in the olden days when we have so much responsibilities and expectations even at a young age. Being the eldest, I had to cook, wash and clean for my siblings while my parents worked.. and I was only 6 when I cooked the first meal for myself and my younger siblings. The irony is both my kids- grown young adults – can’t even boil an egg properly! They grew up in an age of peace, privilege and opportunities.
Ok, my sob story over!
p.s: I’m having writer’s block! >_<
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
I hope your son passes with flying colors! My brain is basically mush right now. I need fluffy drama with no angst. ;D
I can’t disagree, young people are very privileged nowadays. They have cellphones and iPads way before the older generations. And exposed to many things they shouldn’t be seeing/hearing… I’m also the eldest of 4 kids and while I didn’t master the brilliant chef’s skills of my mother’s, there were definite regrets.
How could you let your kids live to young adulthood without learning how to boil an egg, Aryael! Those are important ingredients in a good instant noodle bowl! That’s disastrous!
Writer’s block? Are you telling me, you’re an established writer?!
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
How could I let my kids live to young adulthood without learning how to boil an egg??? Seriously, I don’t know how that happened! LOL
But they will learn now that they are living away from home. Put them in a situation where they need to learn life skills and most kids learn quite fast!
Established writer? Well…. I wouldn’t know. I’ve published a few here and there, but writing is not my main occupation. I just have one ‘project’ that I promised since last year and the due date for the first draft is near and I am nowhere as productive as I would like to be. What about you? What are you studying at the moment?
14 thoughts on “Ice Bucket Challenge: Chen Xiao challenges Zhao Li Ying ♥”
That’s the way to go. Put them into a situation. Time to learn how to catch a fish! 😛
The exam I took is a state license to practice something in the medical field. 😉 Now I need to go job hunting! The most dreaded part for anyone.
The due date is near and you’re still not done? DUN DUN DUN! Too much drama-watching for you this year? =D