Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

KRAP!! KRAP!! KRAP! Why you must do this to me!? Yesterday, I was firm in my decision to skip this because the stills were lacking in chemistry and today, without considering my feelings and busy schedule in July, you revealed a cute trailer…

I hate being a #dramagirl.

**UPDATE (7/4/14): 15-minuter trailer!!**


She asks for a hug, and you went in for the kill? Pervert!

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Honestly, Li Ying. Rate Zhang Han’s kisses compared to the passionate ones of your boo? *wink wink

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Don’t know about chu guys, but food makes me very happy. C’mon, who could stay angry at Li Ying?

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  • Nothing like being fed by your big boss so that he could drink take away your healthy blood cells. Where do I sign up?
  • ā™„ their voices!
  • Awwwww, don’t make my Shan Shan cry like that… šŸ™

Behind the scenes:

15-minuter trailer!!

Source: 01 // 02 // Weibo

  1. 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

    ZLY is so cute but whoever did the makeup for her eyebrows needs to never touch eyebrows again. -________-

    • 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

      It’s oddly thick and pasty looking. Lol.

  2. 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

    Aww this is so cute. I am totally going to check it out when it airs.

    Thanks for the update

  3. 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

    A much better trailer than the first!!! Li ying s cute in adorable roles. She eats a lot for this role and only gined 4kg. Poor girl.

    Of course, zhang hans kisses cant be compared to her hubby!!! LOL

  4. 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

    Ohh it seems very interesting! I love both Zhao Li Ying and Zhang Han! Is it me or Zhang Han looks very tired in the drama?

    • 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

      I would be tired too if I hop from project to project in the same hairstyle. šŸ˜›

  5. 8 thoughts on “Zhao Li Ying & Zhang Han fight and bond over food in Boss & Me’s new trailer

    Super cute! Watching Ep.4 tonight (9/7). I think even the subbers are having a ball translating this! A highly recommended project, K! šŸ™‚

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