LOL. Sorry guys, the heat wave in the East is killing me.
“Li Ying, don’t go yet. I still need to give you 20cc.”
There it is…
“My goal, so close yet so far.”
“Master, let’s stop this quest of becoming a vampire. I can’t bear to see you lose blood to gain immortality!”
“Honestly, it’s because I’m tired of holding you up, old man.”
“Lookie, all those wrinkles!”
I guess she wants some of his blood too. 😛
“Girl, wipe the smear off your lip once you’re done!”
“See?! What’s so good about becoming a vampire if you’re fainting all day!”
“Yesh, sleep…so I can drink your blood….”
I had too much fun writing this post. LOL.
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
This was so bad kappy, I’m dying of laughter *rolls around on the floor*
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
P.S. The best one was “Li Ying, don’t go yet. I still need to give you 20cc.” I stifled my laughter so awkwardly my professor was looking at me funny T_T
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
As always, I’m bored in my cost management class so I decided to lurk on AVV and see if there are any new posts.
While loading the page, my brain goes, “Hurry, hurry, hurry”, which is quickly interrupted by another thought, “Oh, Wallace being nice post! Yay!”
So being a slave to my bored brain, I start reading the post. By the end, I’m stifling a choking fit in the middle of lecture since I was drinking bbt while reading…Too hilarious Kappy!
Lesson to take away from this:
Reading AVV in class was never a bad idea… Now, I will be more cautious next time! 😀
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
Omg this is so funny. Just what I need today.
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
LOL! 20 cc & “Yesh, sleep…so I can drink your blood….” hahaha XD
this post made me forget the horrific changes the director and producer are making to this drama. instead of being a fantasy, they have now become a regular drama, taking away all the cool elements!!! SO ANGRY!
zly has no chemistry with wallace in the stills!
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
The drama version of the story bears no almost resemblance to the original apart from using the characters’ names. OMG WTF they should’ve just made an original story/drama instead of saying it’s “based on the novel” because it’s almost nothing like the original!!!
Totally agree about the lack of chemistry between Wallace and ZLY in the stills. C’mon guys, you’re supposed to be epically angstily in love with each other!!! Why are you guys just posing for the camera instead of showing us the love???
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
i know!!! this is a bad pairing (and seems like everyone has the same feeling…)….they never had chemistry since the first day…..wallace looks too robotic and cold and distant for this part…
just curious if you were to pick another actor for the master role who would it be since you know more about the story than me… lol.
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
See, I’m all for Wallace playing the role of master in this because he fits the character so well! He was my first choice for the role when I heard about them making HQG into a drama, so no complains about casting him.
ZLY has done solid work in other projects and her looks are also suitable for the part. Both are good actors in their own right so I don’t understand why when together they just have no chemistry at all! WHY???
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
im just gonna go on a swing and say that maybe they are not physically attracted to each other so they fail to bring even the fake emotions? like you said, both are great actors. maybe the age gap isn’t working out…..wallace is a decade older than her…79 and she’s 87.
the other cast members DO NOT LIVE UP TO THE BOOK versions. very sad…………..
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
LOL I read that as Wallace being 79 yrs old and ZLY being 89 yrs old for a moment before I realized you were talking about their birth year hahaha 😀
Yeah it’s most likely they’re not the least bit attracted to each other (c’mon, not even physically? They’re both pretty attractive people!). It could be because of age difference but I don’t really think it’s a good excuse because Nicky Wu and Liu Shishi have a 17 year gap between them, and their first collaboration in Bubu Jingxin already made sparks fly! And Wallace and ZLY are actors with experience – it’s their job as actors to make sparks fly if they’re gonna play a couple – they have to convince us audience that they ARE the characters, not just acting as themselves!
GDI as for the other characters – I’m just very disappointed. At this rate even the cameo by Jiang Xin (and the rumored cameo by Hu Ge) are gonna steal the show. Cuz from the stills Jiang Xin is looking damn fierce and she had more chemistry in her still with Wallace than ZLY does. If Jiang Xin was younger maybe they could’ve gotten her to play HQG instead – she certainly looks the part of HQG in the later parts of the book (LOL)
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
attractive people usually don’t end up with equally attractive people! lol only in dramas! hahha XD just something i observe in today’s society…
if they are not attracted to each other, it’s hard to spark chemistry, even good actors can’t fake it. they will pose for the camera like the stills above but won’t show anything. it’s a sad case really cause zhao li ying usually has chemistry with all her actors! not hawick lau…. lol….
jiang xin looks great, love the makeup and her costumes! maybe they should have made hqg evil as well. MMUHAHAHA
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
heeehee! I’m glad some of you liked my lame sense of humor in this summer heat. 😉
Nutella, Princess of Lan Ling hasn’t had an air date yet…I’m waiting in bated breath. Every.Single.DAY!
tokidoki, nice to see you around lurker! 😛 Cost Management Class?! The Master of Bargain then? hehe.
DrinkingHotWater, glad to make your day. ^^
oh Frea, don’t remind me of the those changes! Am still sad and quite disappointed in the costumes and hairsyles of the supposedly badass male ensemble.
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
ROFLMAO this is the funniest Hua Qiangu post I’ve seen yet 😀
As a huge fan of the novel, I’m so damn disappointed with the all the crazy changes (OMG don’t even get me started on that I had such a huge rant at my blog about it *sigh*) but your post just made me LOL so much I’ve stopped being pissed off over the changes 😀
I dunno why but I’m not sensing ANY chemistry between Wallace and ZLY. Nooooo, this can’t be!!! They’re supposed to be this EPIC ANGSTY LOVE STORY why aren’t they showing it??? The stills make them look like they’re posing instead of angsting/being epically in love! 🙁
And what they did with my beloved Sha Qianmo is enough to make me wanna cry. OMG WHYYYYYYY
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
Screaming why is the right reaction from fans of the book! Glad to be able to make you forget about the changes for one whole minute.
The other male leads look so pathetic and downright poor that I didn’t bother posting their pictures. Shallow me. I know. 😎
I agree with everyone about the lack of angsty chemistry from these two. Lovely actors, so it’s a pity.
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
Wallace was my top pick for the role so I was really looking forward to seeing him in this. ZLY has done some solid work in the past and looks young enough for the role. They are both solid actors in their own right but for some reason when together they just have no chemistry. *shrug*
Gah HQG has a parade of some of the BEST male leads ever so I’m beyond disappointed that they didn’t get better actors to play those parts. Like, even the supporting male characters are interesting! (There are a couple of interesting female characters but most of the main characters are male.)
TBH I wasn’t even gonna watch this drama until I heard they cast Wallace as Bai Zihua. But I’ve been looking at so many stills and all the info released so far and I’ve found them pretty disappointing in terms of story… *sigh*
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
Maybe in motion, they will exude the slightest physical attraction? That was how I feel for Boss & Me stills too. Zhang Han and Zhao Li Ying were like robots in the first few stills. But once the real trailer came out, I’m oddly excited. X)
I pray for us!
17 thoughts on “Wallace Huo donates blood regularly on the set of Hua Qian Gu”
The opening line killed me. Lol
Why is our ptetty master always hurt in the story lah?? They dont have couple chemistry, im afraid…….