For a good minute there, I was laughing my head off, pondering to replace the guys’ names in the post title with “uncles.” For little girls’ sake, Hu Bing is 43 this year! He’s 20-year her senior. Creeeeepy. Ming Dao is lucky, he looks quite young for a man in his mid thirties. If you don’t know already, If I Love You is the THIRD installment to the Queen of SOP franchise, revolving around the cheeky character of Adam Bell, played by Ming Dao, in the first part.
Stills from the drama:
Dude, I love your long hair and when it’s tied up, it’s sexy! Please don’t cut it! EVAR!
WITHOUT Excessive photoshop and color saturation.
Di Jie is enjoying all the handsy. 😛 You’re looking too giddy there Uncle Bing Bing.
Press Conference:
This photo cracks me up. Like those cheating photos you see online. Kissing one guy but holding hands with someone behind their back?
Di Jie’s side profile is stunningly beautiful. 😉
3 Trailers: (OMG, are their voices undubbed? EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!)
I love that Li Qin is the one grabbing Ming Dao’s wrist! HEHEHEH!!
(Ming Dao’s tears, aww, poor my froggy prince)
If I Love You will be replacing Gong 3 on Hunan TV next week on May 4th. As you know, I uploaded part 1 (ft. Chen Qian En & Zhang Han) & part 2 (ft. Zhang Han & Zheng Shuang) when they aired, but I’m hesitant this year. How many would tune in?
Source: 01
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
I vote yes. You must post this one Kappy. It looks 10 times better than Part 2 so if you did that one you CANNOT deprive people of this (by people I meant me…but ya probably got that :p)
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
Maybe third time the charm for this series? I did not finish either part 1 or 2. Now I’m itching to go back and watch Adam-centric episodes with Chen Qiao En. No one should place another male lead when Ming Dao is flirting with CQE 7 ways to Sunday in part 1. XD
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
I didn’t finish part 1 either (only watched it for Godfrey ^^) and skipped part 2 but I remember how Ming Dao and CQE were :). The trailer for this one does look quite promising. Let’s pray for it to be palatable and keep our expectation extremely low.
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
Godfrey is easy on the eyes. May not be the best actor but in real life, he’s so adorable, like a man made of marshmallow, opposite from his model, fierce face!
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
Have you seen him in Mortal Instruments? Yum yum yum!!! I need more Godfrey in my life. Why hasn’t he take up any project recently? Do you think he may have a cameo in this drama?
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
Godfrey, m-mmm… he was HAWT in Volleyball Lover with Annie Chen. All those nekkid scenes… *coughs* I mean underwear modelling PPL segments… uhm yeah.
He rocks guyliner so well in MI: CoB, and then his good English enunciation. Makes me shiver in a good way. =P We should get to watch him in all the sequels to MI, right? According to his I/G, he’s busy shooting CoA, most likely. Finally, the production is moving along! A bit mysterious there, Magnus Bane. I’m stalking Gao Baba’s (white pom) BadBoyTheo’s I/G more. LOL!
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
haha I think we did discuss The Mortal Instruments in the random spazz corner. While I did look forward to Godfrey’s character, I was severely disappointed when he appeared in his underwear, showing off all kinds of skinny twigs. Very unappealing and it still upsets me!!
I don’t think he will cameo….since they basically replaced him with Hu Bing. Another Hunk – but me haz no feelings for him. XD
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
I should really get around to watching the first two, but with the amount of delicious eye-candy I may just watch this first cause, why not. Fingers crossed for eng subs, but hey – I can deal with just looking. =D
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
Do you have an English Sub for this new tv series, “Only if I love you”
I tried searching on Youtube but all doesn’t have any subs.
Hope you could help! 🙂
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
I have watched “å¦‚æžœæˆ‘çˆ±ä½ /Only If I Love You” up to episode 34 already. I love it so far. I like the story, great actors, beautiful scenery and they did a wonderful job dressing these actors. I’m waiting for more episodes to be uploaded on YouTube. 🙂
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
^ ^ Huh, JH? It only has 34 episodes. Where’s the more coming from?
The whole series is already out. Craz-zay! Heyyyyyyy, where’s Godfrey Gao in this whole mess of beautiful creatures? I don’t see Bianca either. Haha~ Cameos?
I still haven’t finished SOP1. Amazing landscapes though. I need more time. So many dramas, so little time. Le sigh.
12 thoughts on “Ming Dao & Hu Bing compete for Li Qin’s love in If I Love You”
Hi Keane,
According to this link there should be 42 episodes – also I watched until #34 and it seems unfinished. This is too weird.