That was the mouthful name a few weeks ago (not really, I shortened it) but the name has recently been updated to The Inheritors. I think I might be the only one not hyped up about this drama… Maybe because of school, maybe because of my fear of being disappointed, but I don’t actively chase after the news for this baby. I generally like the cast members but my brain has a few questions…
01. Why the heck is this drama set in HIGH SCHOOL? The plot is about little, teeny kids finding friendship and love in the midst of riches and stitches. AND? Why can’t it be set in a college setting? Unless the writer is planning to time-travel to the future, I don’t really understand why they have to be so young….
Of course the problem is not being young (pshh) ….which leads to…
02. Look at that chiseled face. Now tell me how Lee Min Ho could convince you he’s a testosterone-driven teenager boy? He just played an ancient warrior not so long ago… And if that face + body hangs around school, the stalkerdom will increase in membership while everyone fails their exams. What’s one Lee Min Ho + 1 Lee Min Ho? 😛
I’m neutral with Park Shin Hye you see, mostly because she hasn’t moved me in any roles. I feel like she should pass up playing the poor, Candy roles. Her character title is funnier – Heiress of Poordom (okay, I made up the last word but the meaning is still there.) Now you know which academy is in charge of producing poor female characters relentlessly. Destroy this center, I say!
Let’s hope she’s not another Geum Jan Di. Half of my enjoyment of any drama depends on the heroine… so if we have another poorly written Miss Geum, someone will be fed to the sharks.
03. Don’t you think the above picture is missing someone? Lee Jong Suk! I swear these three boys are the Representatives of High Schoolers in dramaland. Imagine the following scenario:
Drama Director: “Yo, I need another tweeny boy to fill up the classroom!”
Agency: “Is the father Jang Dong Gun? Our boys may be high schoolers but we’re very selective!”
Drama Director: “Psh, get off your high horse, be glad your alien-looking boy is getting jobs!”
Kap: “I beg to differ, he looks like a harmless piranha! Chomp! Chomp!”
Anyway, this time Kim Woo Bin gets to romance Park Shin Hye’s character, forming the third leg of our high school romance. Is that something breaking, I hear? heh.
Kang Ha Neul repeats his role in Monstar, by playing another student body President. XD
Cutie Pie Kang Min Hyuk. Whoa. He has grown up a lot since Heartstrings but still shining with boyish charms. He’s paired up with F(x)’s Krystal. Not sure about this couple, mainly because Krystal has this perennial grumpy expression every time I see her photos.
Krystal Jung plays Lee Min Ho’s ex girlfriend and Kim Ji Won struts in brand named clothes and bags with a high school air. 😀
The pair that I’m looking forward to is…
04. Younger than both Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye, Im Joo Eun must have offended her agency because why the heck did she get a teacher role? BAHHHH…. but read this:
Diligent in her teaching and slightly awkward in her social life, Im Joo Eun’s character catches the eye of Choi Jin Hyuk’s perfect man role effortlessly. Aww. That sounds adorable. Shipppy-happy is me!
05. The writer is Kim Eun Sook. Judging from her past works, she isn’t a risk-taker, casting big names for her projects. Which isn’t wrong but for a household writer, I wish she had ventured out of the batch of established celebrities and promoted newbies instead. Surely, she could launch a few new faces into the mix. And while I did enjoy Secret Garden the first time around, its not a drama where both lead characters are developed on the same wavelength. Joo Won has more layers while Ra Im doesn’t have a life of her own after meeting him. Her life revolves around him – one aspect I didn’t enjoy while rewatching the drama. So now I’m worried…
Done with my ramblings! Regardless of my saying, Heirs is already a guaranteed crack drama. Pray that it deserves that compliment!
Happy Friday!
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
*SIGH* high school? no way ! Lee min Ho doesn’t look like a teenager.
From what I’ve read, it will be kinda like BOF version 2 mixed with Gossip. I don’t know what to think of this drama. The casting is okay but the story seems too much “cliché”, too much ” déjà-vu”.
I don’t know if I’ll watch it. Hum, I will probably =p
PS: I absolutely have NO expectations for Heirs.
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
tis Boys over Flower: Ver.2!!!
except more girls than one. lols. i really have no idea why they think they can play high school students anymore. imagine their faces when the writer contacts their agency. “hi old lee min ho, do you want to play a high school boy in my upcoming drama? because im a famous writer, you can’t reject!”
park shin hye is predictable in such roles. i can already see her pouting and looking sad. and when the drama calls for kisses, we know where she’ll go. she really oozes no sexual chemistry with her male costars, a very sad thing…..
is the uniform at this high school, white shirt + black pants!?? all the guys wear such colors….but kim woo bin looks soooooooooooooooo freakin good. that piranha looking boy!! LOL
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
I say the writer chose a high school as backdrop ’cause I would no way believe the smokey pair (Robin nods smiling until synchronized to Batman’s rhythm) are professors in college. =P
I’ll pop in from time to time if there are recaps but I doubt I will watch this since I’ve commit to Medical Top Team by then. Furthermore, I’ll be investing my time in Answer Me 1994 (please DramaLords share the same quality as 1997… I hear Twitter project!.. but I’d rather wait till it finishes airing to marathon it at one go as I’ve done 1997) and too curious about YEH’s Mi-rae’s Choice (c’mon, Lee Dong-gun and Jung Yong-hwa… what’s not to love?).
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
Oh wow, YEH has a new drama? That’s the one I’m going to look forward then. Haven’t watched any k-dramas since Nine and I miss you. I’m tired of the storylines and I wasn’t too keen on the current trend of mellowdramas.
Apparently Mi-rae’s Choice is time-travel… Oh well, it’s YEH and I just want to see her again.
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
me too me too me too!
i dont get it either… why HIGH SCHOOL WRITER-NIM???? hahaha…
i enjoy watching Monstar as a school-backdrop drama because the storyline is about idol-band-bullying-friendship etc..
but when i heard about this Heirs,i was like “what the heck, is it drama for LMH??? chebol story again? HIGH SCHOOL AGAIN???”
this Heirs about rich boy with poor girl, can’t help but to remember BBF/Meteor Garden/Hana Yori Dango … aaahh i hate Cinderella LOLsss
with a bunch of popular names and handsome guys, i just hope this drama won’t ruin my Kang Ha Neul.. LOLs..
and i cant stop laughing on ‘ mainly because Krystal has this perennial grumpy expression every time I see her photos’.. seriously! cant agree more! 😀
oooppsss… ^^v
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
Friday is my least favorite day! Night lab! BURRRRRRR
RedPandaFox, I think Kim Eun Sook secretly wants to surround herself with all the young, pretty boys. The least she could do was made the storyline in college. You know, decrease the years?! I look at her profile picture and woman looks a little too happy! heh. Who wouldn’t be if they were staring at pretty things that talk and smile all day? 😉
No expectations. No hype. From me. Just gonna let the flow take me ~~
Frea, indeed BOF Ver. 2! YES! The pouting! She has a habit of doing it. I’m guessing she got it from filming You’re Beautiful. Boy, did that drama turn people weird and funky. 😛
Keane, oh yay! Another shipper on the same boat! Rock it Robin!
Ah ~ Medical Top Team, the one with Kwon Sang Woo, Jung Ryeo Won, and Joo Ji Hoon. Gotta be honest while I adore JRW, the guys do not appeal me! Unless KSW goes around the ward shirtless (yes, he’s welcome to invite a buddy, no complaints.) ha! 😀 JJH is a special case because I never….really liked him. Dunno why. The Goong Effect, perhaps. xD
Looking forward to Answer Me 1994! Gah! Hope it is able to retain the magic of the first one. 🙂 I saw YEH’s hair for Mi Rae’s Future and I just wanted to bang my head against a pole. REALLY DRAMA? Neutral about the guys. Yong Hwa should join RM and LDG always looks sleepy. Those eyes! heh.
yuifee, I’m okay with Monstar too since they look young enough but here the boys are 80000ft tall with well-defined cheek bones and jaw lines. 18?! Stop lying! 😎
I know right? Why can’t the main girl be RICH for once in Kdramaland? Sigh.
ha. Yea, that’s basically how I feel about Krystal. hee!
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
Kim Eun Sook must totally be super happy ^^ So many pretty people! Do you happen to know exactly when this drama will air and against wich dramas?
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
Direct competition with Robin’s project – Medical Top Team (Kwon Sang Woo, Jung Ryeo Won, Joo Ji Hoon), which airs a week before (10/2). The Inheritors airs 10/9. Then a few weeks later, Pretty Man joins in for fun w/ Jang Geun Suk & Lee Jang Woo.
It’s nearing the awards month so they’re dishing out their final weapons. 😛
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
Like many others I’ll watch it just to see Lee Min Ho oppa and the rest of the beautiful cast 🙂
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
This is a commercial exercise. Expect another BOF equivalent.
11 thoughts on “My questions for ‘Heirs: Wear the Crown, Bear The Weight’”
The Heirs is gaining popularity nowadays because its really a good drama.With all the cast i really like Park Shin Hye’s acting and is really compatible with Lee Min Ho.Congratulations to the writer and director! Now, who has the big laugh by being top rated ranks as number 1 wed-thurs drama. This drama proves that Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho’s chemistry is not questionable,and trully DAEBAK………To all the cast,Fighting………….