–> My face during the first part. Brrrrr! *shake shake*
Whoaaaa. I think this episode is the first time I can see Fear running down our lovely Running Men’s backs when they learn that Chu Sung Hoon aka Chusama is the guest and the first game is Name tag elimination. With Choi Min Soo, it’s mostly his commanding presence, seniority, and mind games. With Chusama, it’s mostly fear from his bulging muscles. And then there’s Lee Shi Young, an actress known for her boxing skills. In short, our guests are in the category of brute strength, instead of wits. π
Lee Shi Young stretching before the big battle. She’s just streeeetching.
How adorable is this muscular man? I still remember those Family Outing episodes where he was all squirmy facing the sea creatures and wincing when savage Yejin performed her surgical procedure. Here, he enters the door with confidence just to pull off the scarf like an angry child. xD
The faces of horror:
Ji Hyo laughs… haha XD
Jae Suk’s wondering whether he would make it to tomorrow morning.
Gwang Soo’s in denial. It can’t be HIM?!!
Chusama is so hardcore today, cutting and shredding his sweater. We need to bring Chucky Daesung back to ease up the tension!
The elimination begins:
Haha gets turned feet-first.
GARY! This does not look natural at all. Lee Shi Young basically takes advantage (more like she’s working together with Chusama, but when you think about it, Chusama is plainly entertaining her, knowing full well he will win later on).
While Gwang Soo stalls his elimination with Chusama, Shi Young sneaks up from behind and RIPPPPS!
Jae Suk. At least you didn’t get caught by Mr. Chu.
Impala on the floor being cooked.
Ji Hyo attempts but falls for his leg tricks. Imma get myself some lessons in this stunt.
One by one his family is taken off the game, we find Jong Kook studiously hiding behind bookshelves. Can’t stop laughing.
At last, one can’t hide forever. He faces Chusama. Take a look at who’s hiding behind the door? Our little advantage taker, of course. She’s quickly subdued, whew.
I dunno about you guys but I feel bad for Jong Kookie, as the family protector, Mr. Capable, he’s challenged week in and out. This week, you can see he’s struggling to maintain a smile, but Chusama takes no breather on the guy. Pounding and ripping.
He wins after all.
Family doesn’t look surprised or pleased at Kookie’s mangled state.
Side profile – scratch on the nose.
Next game is quizzes so our two fighters are on the short end of the stick. Is it me but Shi Young has this perennial dazed look on her face? Of course, she’s gonna use her arms…
I’m bewildered when she expects the same treatment from them? Really? She really thinks the men could nonchalantly put their hands near her chest area without being eaten alive by the netizen? Pshhh. Gurl.
I like this part where Monday Couple team up to oust Shi Young. She keeps on nitpicking on little things that don’t exactly add up. Check out Gary’s annoyed face as he R-E-P-E-A-T-S Ji Hyo’s answer, claiming their victory.
OMGOSH. Chusama cracks me up. He’s just so bad at these quizzes, willing to believe Gwang Soo’s trolled answer of “crayon” to the question, “What tool is used for rice?”
His victorious, mischievous smile:
Of course, he’s gonna get some tough love later…
Exhausted. Chusama is scary but there’s something child-like and sweet about his smile. *justbeforeheripsyouapart* π
The mud wrestling game. Totally out of my imagination. Wasn’t as funny as I expected. Because the divide of power is unfair. Just look at Green Team – Ji Hyo, Gary, and Gwang Soo. Their faces say it all.
Despite their non-existent chance of winning, Gary and Gwang Soo still cheer for Ji Hyo. Aww her team is so SWEET! Gary is all, “No use of fists, please!” hinting at Shi Young’s skill. We all expected Gary to do so but Gwang Soo has stepped it up lately, especially in the Idol Race episode, flipping up her camera, letting her borrow his shoulder before the race.
And of course, there’s Jae Suk holding Ji Hyo’s hand so she won’t stumble. I love the way he’s holding it. So affectionate.
The ultimate battle. My gosh. I literally screamed “OWWWWW” at this flip. Can you imagine his weight on YOU?
Final Battle: Dakji. Each team has their own Dakji King. Jae Suk, the first one. Kim Jong Kook V2. Gary V3. But Green Team loses first round…. Hmps. I was rooting for the underdog team but am still happy that Jong Kook manages to win some of his ego back. hee.
6 thoughts on “Running Man Episode 131: “Fear rattles in all.””
compared this to family outing, i like FO atmosphere more. more entertainment and less in-your-face ego battle. Chu sung hoon should have relaxed a bit more. he’s so tense. i feel like he will break someone’s neck any minute. but youre right kappy, he has a bright cheery smile, so opposite of his body! LOL!
lee shi young, i expected some wow factors from her. not much shown.
gwang soo’s body gags! love that he’s showing more concern for ji hyo. π
thanks for this kap!
6 thoughts on “Running Man Episode 131: “Fear rattles in all.””
LOL! The scarf scene. I can’t stop laughing at CSH’s fumbled fashion. He is a terrific warrior to learn from, smart thing cutting his jacket sleeves so his enemy can’t disable him like how he disabled SpartaKook at the end of 1st round.
I totally agree, this must be the first RM I notice the family was petrified of their guest opponent(s). There should be more great warriors back-to-back to psychologically defeat the family first. Haha~ I’m mean, I know.
I do like LSY’s competitive streak; she really does have an athlete’s mindset… winner takes all. She gets so devastated when beat, or she’ll go hail merry for a win… like Minho of SHINee (the child-like beast).
I guess no one should post pics of Giraffe getting kneed in the family jewels by LSY from the mud wrestling game. Bwuahahaha~~ =P
6 thoughts on “Running Man Episode 131: “Fear rattles in all.””
I like this episode because the guests actually try and are competitive. That’s why I hope more no guests episodes like the previous one happen or more challenging episodes.
I agree with Chusama’s smile it’s so infectious. Look at his expression when he ripped Commander’s name tag, so proud. As Jae Suk said, winning is always best if you beat Joong Kook.
6 thoughts on “Running Man Episode 131: “Fear rattles in all.””
but no guest-episodes are usually the best. Like 130 (which u don’t seem to like) or the superpowers episode
6 thoughts on “Running Man Episode 131: “Fear rattles in all.””
Been staying away from this post until I had a chance to watch the episode myself. I’m a fan of Siyoung, the actress who is surprisingly successful in amateur boxing. From what I understand (watching entertainment weekly) she filmed as a boxer, and got into the sport that way. For her thin frame she is surprisingly resilient, and since her reach is a bit longer than the other female boxers (from her height) she ends up scoring more points. Her boxing matches usually ends up judge decisions rather than knock outs. Although I don’t condone violence against females, I do like her passion and she is cute.
6 thoughts on “Running Man Episode 131: “Fear rattles in all.””
lee si young was annoying, never put her in running man ever again. what a sore loser.