9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!


Yes, yes. The premiere date is set: February 5 on Hunan TV! Mark your calendar, folks! And from the trailer alone, I’m rapidly shipping Wallace with Qiao En. They’re just so angsty and inappropriate! What have you done to me, Yu Zheng!?


Qiao En: “He must not know who I am.”


Oh! What happened? Did you guys fight over…girls?!


Qiao en’s smug look after Wallace saved her from his Sifu!


“Oh no! Must cover up my valuables!” – Qiao En

Source: iFeng


  • Gee, how many times did Chen Xiao (Lin Ping Zhi) kiss Yang Rong (Yue Ling Shan)? Poor Wallace Huo (Linghu Chong), every time he is nearby to witness their growing affection.
  • Chen Xiao is lucky to be cast as Yang Guo because his transformation to evil is not cute. Ling Shan is a cat, isn’t she? The woman drops dead several times, and in the next scene, you’ll be seeing her alive and getting killed again!
  • Did they use the same editing crew from Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils? Because I swear that’s the same CGI wolf. 😛
  • Dicky Cheung, one of my favorite actors, is now acting as a wise one for the younger generation. 🙁 He hasn’t aged that well.
  1. 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

    wowzers!! so many juicy scenes between wallace and qian en!!! i wonder whether it’s awkward for the kissing scene since they did date during the filming of another drama…..lol…

    hahaha that same 2-second wolf. LOL!

    • 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

      did they date each other during Twins? omo omo..

      but i don’t get it… Qiao En looks ‘bad’ and evil in some scenes.. and Wallace and the other girl look like they love each other.. is it love triangle story or something like that?

      • 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

        oh yea! its that drama, i read the news years ago. but i was shipping her with ming dao. LOL!

        did you not see the previous versions of this series Yui? Qiao En plays DFBB, not a good person from the beginning to the end. looks like she befriends wallace in this version, falls for him, but their beliefs are different so they end up fighting… like when he stabs her in the trailer.

        • 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

          Like Yiu i was also getting a little confused. I remember Alice made an earlier post on this drama right – didn’t she say something about Qiao En’s character playing a guy who turns into a woman? Are they supposed to be in love – is their love the one inferred in the trailer – but they can’t be together and he kills her in the end?

  2. 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

    Subbed trailer by Chenguang Liu!

  3. 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

    Jesus this has got to be the worst liberty ever taken with a Jin Yong novel. The, evil, androgynous Dong Fang Bu Bai, ultimate antagonist who commits atrocious deeds throughout the book…turns out to be involved with Ling Hu Chong romantically. I swear, it blows my mind. Come on, anyone looking at the pics would think Qiao En was playin Ren Ying Ying (or maybe Yue Ling Shan), but who the hell would think it’s DFBB???
    And yet, the crazy thing is, I’m shipping them. Gah. Either they end up together, screw the original (well, since such liberties are already being taken…) or they better make Ren Ying Ying REALLY outstanding. Please. I don’t want to go down with a dying ship again…

    • 7 thoughts on “9-minute trailer for ‘The Swordsman’ is revealed!

      Welcome to the ship of the inappropriates, Skyblaze! I won’t sink alone now. 😛

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