Fly! Fly Cha Tae Hyun! Shed that whiny image of yours on 1n2d! heh.
Wow. Awesome! The trailer is epic. The upcoming wed-thur drama focuses on the life of wizard (!!) Jeon Woo Chi as he adopts a weak persona while on a mission to revenge for his teacher and beloved girl. Somewhere along the road, he finds himself entangled with the people’s problems and is seen as their hero. What to do?
I’m pumped for this!
5 thoughts on “Epic 13-minute trailer for Jeon Woo Chi”
I request we follow this drama PLEASE!!! and that is based only on the cast and trailer! I think the casting of Cha tae hyun for the lead is perfect. His acting style and real life personality (from variety shows) fit the character to a T. Add in members of After School as supporting cast, and theres no way you can lose! Plus I love dramas that have magicians/wizards.
5 thoughts on “Epic 13-minute trailer for Jeon Woo Chi”
Yichung is a goner the moment 2 AS girls are added. I like Uee so there’s no problem there. heh!
Cha Tae Hyun never disappoints.
This drama is…on Wed-Thurs, which I already have sobfest I Miss You.
Any member want to pick up this baby? *puppy eyes*
5 thoughts on “Epic 13-minute trailer for Jeon Woo Chi”
Any member pick it up yet? The first 2 episodes are out, but since KBSworld will air this with english subs (in horrible quality 2 – 3 weeks later). I’m thinking about waiting for those.
5 thoughts on “Epic 13-minute trailer for Jeon Woo Chi”
Nope. It’s as quiet as a forest. Who knows, someone might spontaneously pick it up later. When the episode airs on KBSworld, is the quality just as bad?
CTH & Uee looks odd together…. =/
5 thoughts on “Epic 13-minute trailer for Jeon Woo Chi”
Whoa…I can’t recall any kdrama with wizards 😀 kmovie yes but not kdrama…i’m excited for this and it’s nice to see some ppl from After School again.