English Title: The Secret Angel
Chinese Title: 秘密天使
Cast: Chen Xiang (陈翔), Kim So Eun, Jang Woo Hyuk, 千明勋, Yura
# of Episodes: 10
Airing Days: Wednesday 12:00
Broadcasting Station: Sohu
Synopsis: The beautiful heavenly angel, L, used her magic necklace to save Shion from dying in a fatal car accident, and got punished by the Heaven. [Credit: Sohu]
Note: File Type: 640 x 352[MQ] and 1024 x 576[HQ] File Size: 44mb to 80mb
Subbing Groups: Files are Chinese hardsubbed, but audio in Korean. No Eng soft subs yet but Viki has a team subbing it.
♦ Episode 1
MQ: Mf / Nk
HQ: Mf / Nk / Rs
♦ Episode 2
MQ: Mf/ Nk
HQ: Mf / Nk / Rs
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Congrats on your first post Whoopie! I missed Kim So Eun…. I like her best out of all the 90s actresses. Down-to-earth and naturally charming. How I wish she would work with actors around her age. *coughKiBumcough* 😀
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
i thought she’s 89-er… 🙂
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Kim So Eun Date of Birth is 1989-SEPT-06.
I’d call her a 90’s kid. It’s more about when she experienced childhood and growing up then when she was born. She would be part of the last group of 80’s babies.
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
I kinda sort her into the 90s group because she’s friends with most of them. But yep, she’s technically only 2 months older than moi! 😛
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Ha ha….. Miss this So Eun n Kim Bum couple ~~~ ^^
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
does anyone knows where i can download the english subtitle of this series? i really hope to find one..
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
I don’t think anyone is subbing this yet, I’m looking out for it too ^^
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
does anyone knows where i can download the english subtitle of this series? i really hope to find one..please
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
si a mi tambien me encantaria encontrar el subtitulo en español de esta serie…!!!!!!!!!!! por favor que alguien me diga donde puedo conseguirla…. amo a kim so eun…. es la mejor por lejos…!!!!!!!!! una excelente y hermosa actriz
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
i love this drama but its too short… 🙁
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
hahaha i love it 😛 >:( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………………………….
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
jang woo hyuk is so handsom 😉 :*
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
:* love it
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
So in love with this uber short drama. Hated the ending, honestly, what’s up with the script zzzz. =.=”
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
erm.. epi 10 link, MF is not MF link. It’s in RS link…
Anyway, thanks for this drama ^^
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Thank you for letting us enjoy this Cute drama. Ep 10 seems to link to Ep 4. Can you reup pls?
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
somethin wrong with ep 10 links???
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Fixed, sorry for that D:!
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Ep10- Mediafire has ep04 instead of ep10; RS doesn’t work and can’t download ep10
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
I fixed it already, try dl-ing again?
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Anyone already find eng sub?…can i have the link..i googling 2 days already and cant find 1
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
Eng SUBS http://www.mediafire.com/?vlsp8f2pcevh1zs
23 thoughts on “Kdrama: The Secret Angel”
the links are all dead 🙁