Now tell me, are you still not moved by Do Yoon’s first public declaration of love? Love makes us fools. Gah! The effect is 10x intensified in drama land. Had it been someone else, he wouldn’t bat an eyelid, and eliminate her on the spot – that’s the blunt Haemil for ya. Wait, does he even talk?
For those (perverts! Me! 😛 ) waiting for a shower scene, dive in. We’re in a pool. heh.
Episode 11:
Do Yoon leans in…and kisses a drunk Joon Young. This move automatically wakes her up. She pushes him away and he quickly clarifies that it’s an accident. Right on them lips? Yeaaaaaaa lover boy.
She calls him a ‘pervert pyscho’ and keeps hitting his hard-muscled chest (naughty girl!). He doesn’t know what to do and just grabs her hands, which leads her to kick his shin. Jae Ha appears at the top of the stairs and wonders what’s going on. Joon Young quickly swirls him away from the pervert.
Do Yoon continues down the stairs and finds Jane laughing at his ridiculous kiss. She offers to sweeten up his mood with a warm kiss, but thankfully, he refuses.
In Joo returns home and sees Doo Hee frantically gathering up the curtains for cleaning. But those have been cleaned just three days ago, Umma? Apparently, Doo Hee can’t get over her pride and feels the need to busy her mind with something other than food. In Joo tells her she should’ve followed Grandma’s words and let Joon Young leave. Doo Hee shakes her head, how could she teach her daughter with that kind of behavior? In Joo assures her that she’s not the type to repeat the same mistake. Honey…you can’t count.
In her room, In Joo schemes another plan – she looks over Haemil’s information, given by Baek Sul, and conveniently deletes the last line: “Allergic to Mushroom.”
The next day, Joon Young is struggling to draw flower petals using chocolate cream and In Joo volunteers to show her the proper way. See? Isn’t this better?
Do Yoon is called over to fix the sink and Joon Young immediately purses her lips in his presence. In Joo takes his opportunity to give Joon Young the information on the chefs and excuses herself to change clothes, leaving the beanie couple alone in the practice room.
She childishly raises her fist at his back and Do Yoon promptly mumbles, “You better put that fist down, or else I won’t fix the sink!” Afterwards, he tries to get her to thank him but she hands him a coin as payment.
Then something else catches his attention – a bowl of mushroom on the table, and he warns her that many people die from mushroom allergies, “You must check it carefully.” Joon Young doesn’t listen and asks him to leave.
Outside, Do Yoon calls Jane and she confirms that she did add his allergy to the list. He muses with the idea for a while and sees In Joo walking up the road, clasping her hands together tightly. He tests his theory out by walking up behind her and she jumps nervously. He advises her to clean her mind if she’s so scared in broad daylight.
In the kitchen, we have a show down between two groups – Arirang’s head chef Im Do Shik and Sanarae’s head chef. A mountain can’t contain two tigers so they decide to have a battle. The loser must obey the winner’s instruction for the day.
The battle: Blindfolded, the chefs must identify the 7 ingredients laid out by the other team. Winner: Sanarae’s Head Chef.
Sitting comfortably outside, the two men chat. Sanarae’s head chef knows that Do Shik lost to him on purpose and asks why. Looking beyond the situation, Do Shik confesses that he’s always been a traditional chef and hence does not know much about international food like his junior chef. For this event, Sanarae’s chef is a better fit, he feels. Aw, Do Shik, why aren’t you the Executive Chef?
It’s welcoming day, and both Joon Young and In Joo are dressed in hanbok to welcome the international chefs. Joon Young’s dress is brightly colored while In Joo must fire her stylist. The colors are dull and mature beyond her age.
So where’s Haemil? Well, Do Yoon is busy unloading veggies behind the restaurant! Jane pulls up her car and is exasperated to find him still working like a diligent maknae. He tells her not to worry, he’ll be at the Food festival as Haemil after he’s done.
Meanwhile, Baek Sul scans through the kitchen and menacingly picks up a mushroom when In Joo rushes inside. She says, “You’ve worked hard,” to a stone-faced In Joo, both knowing the exact intention of the other.
The Korean Food Festival commences and the first to present is Haemil. I’m not sure what he’s making so you guys can just settle with some delicious screencaps. Although I think the whole scene lacks the ‘wow’ factor, Haemil looks so fine in the black uniform with golden strips. The crown of his bangs is colored with dashes of gray. Sexy!
Next up, Joon Young and In Joo take the stage with their dazzling dishes. More pictures:
The international chefs are called on stage to taste the dishes. In Joo’s food is delicious and tasty. When it comes to Joon Young’s rice plate, the two other chefs raise up their thumbs to congratulate her. However, the real attention is focused on Haemil because he hasn’t touched the food yet. The audience simmers to silence and Haemil stares worriedly down at the plate on his hand. In Joo urges him to eat, followed by Joon Young’s meek smile.
Finally, he picks up a small amount of rice, swallows it slowly, and turns to see Joon Young’s expectant smile. Then, he faces the reporters and lifts up his thumb. The crowd cheers but he’s clearly affected seconds later and Jane hurries up the stage to support him, and takes him down the stage.
In the back hall, Haemil crumbles to the ground. In Joo runs up and uses an Epi Pen to temporarily release the severe symptoms. All the while, Joon Young is standing in the back, shocked and scared.
Jae Ha later finds her sitting outside the event and tells her everything will be okay. In Joo also comes out and advises Jae Ha to go back inside and be ready to answer questions from the media. He doesn’t have the heart to leave but Joon Young assures both of them that she’ll return to her room safely.
Back in the main hall, In Joo and the other chef presenters bask in the glory of another successful event.
Like an obsessed freak, Baek Sul intrudes Doo Hee’s office and flips over her name plate. In Joo hurries inside to tell her mom about the bad news, Haemil is going to sue Arirang. To her dismay, Baek Sul sits in the seat like it’s rightfully hers. I actually can’t believe In Joo would fall for this measly trick. So she honestly believes that nothing would happen? And to think she has studied abroad to know the law better…dumbo.
Do Yoon stirs awake to Jane’s voice. But she gets right to the problem – the sharp Haemil would’ve known about the smell of mushroom, why did he still eat it? Do Yoon evades the question and gets ready to leave, though Jane says quietly that he doesn’t need to hurry – Arirang is in a mess with yesterday’s event, so no one is paying attention to the missing Do Yoon. He tells her to stay put until he returns, and she wonders if the reason behind his silence is Go Joon Young?
Do Yoon doesn’t answer the question, which confirms Jane’s concern. She’s upset and decides that they can’t stay here any longer if that girl stands in the way of their revenge. Ah, so they’re working together to get back at his mother, but why Jane? What’s her back story?
Da Eun calls Joon Young to congratulate her friend on the event but Joon Young is in no mood to talk and hangs up. The mole, Soo Jin, enters the room with a tray of food, and informs Joon Young of the lawsuit. Tears fall. I’m beginning to think there isn’t an episode where she doesn’t cry…
Unsettled, Joon Young heads outside and bumps into her real father Young Bum, and bows in apology. Turns out father is on his way to meet Grandma, who is worried about Doo Hee’s condition. He requests Grandma to pay Doo Hee a visit because she only listens to her words.
Grandma instructs Doo Hee to stop and come back to lead Arirang, which is currently in a mess but the latter is stubborn, insisting that she finishes all these curtains first. Fed up, Grandma yanks the laundry out of Doo Hee’s hand and takes the blame for the whole ordeal. Doo Hee disagrees, “It’s my fault! The moment I found out that Joon Young can make the sauce, I wanted to die! I wanted to! ‘This is mine! I found it!‘ were the words spinning in my head!” Now we know where In Joo learn all these traits from… She’s like a morbid mix between Doo Hee’s stubborn pride and Baek Sul’s scheming spirit.
It’s night time, after the Food Festival, and Jae Ha’s assistant comes running up to him, and praises In Joo’s calm alertness in handling the incident. Jae Ha’s eyes spark up in suspicion and he hurries off.
In Joo asks Soo Jin about Joon Young’s condition. Soo Jin raises her voice, “No matter how much you hate Joon Young, a person was hurt! Arirang might get shut down. How did you become like this?” In Joo waves off the responsibility saying that Joon Young should have checked everything thoroughly. Soo Jin is appalled at her response and gets up to leave. Outside, her jaw drops, seeing that Jae Ha has overheard everything.
His face pales in disappointment and hurt, and he orders Soo Jin to keep quiet about what happened.
Jae Ha calls Joon Young and asks where she is. She doesn’t want to let him know but he guesses correctly anyway – to Haemil’s hotel.
Carrying a bag of food, Joon Young is determined to get on Haemil’s good graces. Unfortunately, Jane picks up the call from the lobby and denies the meeting. She lets Do Yoon know and he stands up, ready to go outside. Jane reminds him that Joon Young is here to meet Haemil, not Kim Do Yoon. Dejected, he asks to use the pool.
Joon Young hears the employees talk about opening the pool for Haemil and a light bulb goes off in her brain.
Are you ladies READY for some hard abs? hehe 😛
Do Yoon takes off his bathrobe and I laugh at Jane’s reaction, “You’re not wearing your mask? Then again, my eyes would hurt not seeing this gorgeous face! Let’s go back to England…?” and he dives into the pool.
Since Joon Young can’t get through the door with the two bodyguards standing there, she asks a kid to distract them, and sneaks inside the pool with ease.
Although Do Yoon thinks swimming frees his mind, I think it has the opposite effect, his mind is full of Joon Young’s images.
With his back to her, Joon Young calls out “Haemil!” and he quickly hides in the water.
Jane comes back and calls in the guards to “escort” the intruder out. In other words, they literally throw Joon Young to the ground and her prepared foods splatter all over the floor too. Dang, these guys.
Jae Ha sees all this and grabs the guy’s collar, asking what’s he doing but the guy replies that they have told her nicely but she didn’t listen. Jae Ha releases his grip, and helps Joon Young up. Joon Young senses that something’s wrong with him but Jae Ha just silently wraps the food.
He then stares at her and Joon Young adds, “Don’t worry, I won’t misunderstand. You would’ve done the same thing for other people.” However, Jae Ha corrects her this time, “You’re wrong. If it were someone else, I wouldn’t care.” Joon Young looks up. He continues, “Because it was you, that’s why I carried you home. And it was because of you that I applied the medicine. Also, it was because of you that I ran after for…” She whispers his name, confused, and he notes how embarrassing it is for him to say. “How can a woman have no clue?”
Uhh…someone please tell me, that’s not a confession?
The atmosphere is now awkward, so Joon Young changes the subject as she still needs to give Haemil the food. Jae Ha thinks it’s best that they wait in the locker room. Other ideas begin to form in Jae Ha’s head and he bends down, whispering, “Are you here to see Haemil’s face or his body?” They change location to a sauna room. Hey, no fair, I was waiting to see more abs. *pouts*
When asked why he came here, Jae Ha answers it’s because of her.
Unfortunately, Do Yoon has guessed Joon Young’s thinking process and returns directly to his room. This is interesting to Jane and she sits closer, wondering, “Do you like me or her better?” He’s evasive again and inches away from her. Jane tells him that no matter who he is, he’s still deceiving Joon Young, so he ought to stop whatever he’s feeling for Joon Young. Do Yoon ignores her and asks food to be ordered. Jane continues though, “We’ve worked together for fifteen years. But for the first time, your eyes aren’t focused on cooking, but something else.”
Instantly, he inches closer to her and playfully pushes back a strand of hair from her face, “Who am I looking at right now?” Jane doesn’t flinch and asks him to stop, he’s the type of guy that is so afraid of break-up that he can’t bear to have a pet. Ooo…does that mean it’s a one-sided love from this gorgeous young lady?
Do Yoon stands up and urges her to stop clinging to him. In the case she still wants money from him, go back to England and file a lawsuit there.
Still waiting in the sauna, Joon Young passes time playing with a sand timer. Jae Ha returns and scoffs at Haemil’s sickness, “Sick? If he can swim for that long, he ought to join the Olympics!”
Jae Ha thinks they better wait, that guy can’t return to his room wet. Riight. He sits down beside Joon Young as she reminisces the countless times she has waited for someone else, holding a sand timer in hand. She turns to him and thanks for what he’s said earlier. When she returns to Udo Island, she’ll remember the kinds words. He insists that it’s not her fault and she downplays the sadness by bragging about her chef skills in Udo. She admits that when she’s here in the city, all she does is cry and mope, so it’s evident that she’s fit near the ocean.
He asks her to stay, “Please don’t go, Joon Young.”
Alice: I’ll rant about Jae Ha when the time comes, which is next episode for some curious minds. Today, I feel like expressing my love for robot boy, Kim Do Yoon.
Why do I like him with Joon Young? Before we start, I’m not a fan of Romeo and Juliet, yunno, them and their love at first sight moments.
With Do Yoon and Joon Young, I see a nicely paced storyline, from them not caring about each other, to them taking notice of each other’s presence. It may be one-sided love at the moment, but I’m sure Joon Young will gradually see the little things he’s done (or will do) in the near future for her. From the conversation with his mom, we can see that he’s lived like a hoodlum in another country for years. To me, he lived like that because of the overbearing guilt he thinks he’s responsible for towards his dead twin brother. The vans, the toys, and his wrenching childhood before he became Haemil were done on purpose. Even now, when Do Yoon’s playing Haemil, it feels like he’s playing the part for his brother, had the latter been alive. Also, it’s proof that he’s successful without evil mother’s help.
Because of his brother, Do Yoon has also become a guarded person. The only way to get past his walls is to somehow get through his dead brother. Joon Young did it last episode by speaking to Ji Yoon like he was a living entity. Strangely enough, I feel that her acknowledging Ji Yoon in that manner confirms to Do Yoon that his brother was once alive (since nobody does). He’s excited and moved all at the same time.
After that day, he finally opened up his heart and it’s the scene where he sold the van. It symbolizes him moving on with his life, and not delving in the shadows of his dead brother. Even Jane questioned where his focus is. It has always been revenge…but where is it now?
Plus, it’s cute seeing him interact with Joon Young, being all new (and awkward) to this genuine feeling of love. The boy really doesn’t know how to express himself. Don’t cha see the way he just grabs her arms and looks lost? hah.
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
Love Do Yoon! He is hands down the most interesting character in this whole drama. I can’t wait to see what becomes of him. Thanks so much for this recap! You’re the absolute best:)
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
Thanks for the recap. Go Do Yoon!! I share your view, I prefer the development of Do Yoon with JY. They seem to have better chemistry! Looking forward to your future recaps.
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
Thank you so much for the recap. I’m pro Do Yoon! I hope that he will end up with Joon Young.
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
Yeah, me too! I hope Do Yoon and Yoon Young will be together. They look so cute together. If they end up together the feud between the mothers can stop. GO DO YOON and YOON YOUNG!
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
Dying to read your recap for episode 12. Quick! Quick ! And of course many thanks for your effort. Looks like we’re a bunch of Do Toon fans here!
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
you’re definitely going to rant about jae ha in episode 12 kap…..seriously…what a man…..
the writer is killing jae ha in my eyes. do yoon is the MALE LEAD for me. no arguments here. 😀
its unfortunate, Viki is not releasing softsubs….wwaeeeeeeee????????
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
I read all your recaps and I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work!
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
I love the silver sprinkle on the hair, nice touch.
I agree with you frea, Jae ha just keeps sinking, i felt nothing when he confessed to Joon Young. I get no emotion/feeling, its all dry
9 thoughts on “Recap: Feast of the Gods Episode 11”
hello all
there is an official poll MBC made to vote to which couple u prefer, here is the link:
plz go vote for do yoon XD