Chinese Title: 新还珠格格
Cast: Vicki Zhao, Ruby Lin, Alec Su, Zhou Jie, Zhang Tie Lin, Fan Bing Bing
# of Episodes: 24 (Mainland)
Airing Days: Completed
Broadcasting Station: Hunan TV
Synopsis: Xiao Yan Zi met Xia Zi Wei, a poor girl who marched a long way to find her father, the Emperor, but nobody would take her seriously. Xiao Yan Zi decided to sneak into the mountain where the Emperor hunts, but Zi Wei could not handle the tiring mountain climb, therefore asking Xiao Yan Zi to tell the Emperor her story. On her way, Xiao Yan Zi gets shot and could not fully explain her story, making the Emperor mistaking her for the Princess. Here starts a long and painful story of getting everyone to their proper roles, but many dangers lies near – the death sentence if anyone lies to the emperor, and an evil Empress who is waiting to catch Xiao Yan Zi in the act. Added on top, Xiao Yan Zi’s lack of proper manners and knowledge of books has driven her closer to jeopardy. [Credit: Wiki]
NOTE: Videos are hardsubbed by the brilliant team HZGG Fansubs. File Size = 600+/-MB.
♦ Episode 1
♦ Episode 2
♦ Episode 3
♦ Episode 4
♦ Episode 5
♦ Episode 6
♦ Episode 7
♦ Episode 8
♦ Episode 9
♦ Episode 10
Alice: Looking at the old cast brings tears to my eyes. This drama is special because I have probably watched it every year since I was eight (my mother practices the same custom, hehe). And every single time I would laugh at the same antics or cry at the same scenes. It’s beautiful and carved a deep spot in my heart.
Vicki Zhao did her best here, fully engrossed into her character, she made it her own. Her Xiao Yan Zi is winning in my book, playful and endearing (despite being annoying in the latter episodes of S2), and spot on with every expression. A few years back, I didn’t dare think Vicki’s XZY was irreplaceable. But now, I can’t put another actress in her place.
Ruby Lin still looks the same. Wah. I’m watching her produced series Qing Shi Huang Fei. Enjoying it too.
And the King! I loved Zhang Tie Lin. I’m always moved to tears when he forgives the girls and embraces them reassuringly. Gah. It gets me right in the guts!
Enjoy this ride! Spazz away!
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
I really loved the cast back then. I still think that they’re cool <3
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
Hello, new here, not really, just one of those silent readers whose just too lazy to comment. Lovin’ the new change you got there, perhaps a change for the new year 🙂
I was surprise to see this drama when I got here, such an old drama. My mom loves this drama, I would sit and watch with her and she would translate along the way as my mandarin was not good back then.
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
Hey there silent readers Cean and Mew! 😀 Glad that people still remember this series from 14 years ago!
Let see if pictures work in comment:
Pretty trio

best father and daughters ever!

10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
Lol I have this drama original VCD (There no DVD yet last time -_- )
Love the first two season but their season 3 make me sick because their cast for season 3 suck xD
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
When it was airing in my country, me, my siblings, grandma and even my maid (who is indonesian and dont understand chinese!) will always sit in front of the tv and watch it and laugh/cry together!
And I love the actor who acted as the Emperor here! He’s the best Emperor actor to me. Has got the looks and aura for it. I was totally WTFFFFFFFF when they changed the actor in S3. Hated that guy.
Ruby Lin is just so pretty! I could stare at her whole day. *.*
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
now where was I when this drama came out? it is very well-loved.
alice, sometimes i think you’re really old cause you watched many “ancient” dramas. hehe B)
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
Cool, oh! A male fan! My brother (20) loves it too. Season 3? Didn’t exist in my book. EVILLL. heehee
XZY, haha your initials is the same as…Xiao Yan Zi! My whole family loves it as well. Especially my mom, she supports XZY in everything! Even when she is being a spoiled baby in S2 (journey outside the palace).
Frea, hahaha 😛 I’m not that old….(?) 😀 My mom exposed me to these ancient dramas when I was a kid! She could whip down 30 episodes a night easily. Panda Eyes.
Our couples: I really like Er Tai…. ^^

10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
This is the root to all my drama addictions!!! Words do not express how dear this series is to me..and the casting is just irreplaceable (and they have tried and failed and tried and failed again). Hehe I too have the original VCD box set for both seasons and I really must rescue them from collecting dust at my parent’s place.
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
hi dear
i love this drama very much..
i’m going to download this drama,
but why this link didnt worked for me?
thanks in advance 🙂
10 thoughts on “[Special] Cdrama: Huan Zhu Ge Ge Episodes 1998”
The links are from MU so they don’t work. I didn’t save a copy of this series on my hard drive since I have the dvds.