[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

Guess who have been added to my lovely list of Ajusshi crush? CHOI. MIN. SOO. I can’t believe I overlooked this man the past 15 episodes while everyone is making moony eyes at him. Not to mention my cursing to him when he killed Dae Pyo Ajusshi. Forgive me Dae Pyo…but Fatherly Chun wins hand down.

Right where we left off from last time, Chun reels at the shocking truth – Jin Ju is his daughter.

Outside, Yeo Woon listens to Bat’s order and prepares to kill Father Jin Gi. After a few strikes, his sword is at Jin Gi’s neck.

The Qing Warrior a.k.a New Sky Lord a.k.a Bat Senior enters the house, with his underlings surrounding the injured Ji. Sneaking from behind, Chun holds Bat Senior at knife point and whispers, “I will come back for you later. This time, I’ll let it slide.” Bat Senior motions his people to lower their swords and Chun throws a reassuring glance towards Ji before he leaves.

Having gone to the mountains for three years, Sword Saint is welcomed and hugged by Samo. His smile becomes a frown when he learns that Dong Soo has visited Hwang Jin Gi’s hideout before greeting him first. What’s he doing up there? To see Jin Ju? To see Jin Ju before Ji Sun?

Ji is tied and brought outside where Yeo Woon is hovering over Jin Gi. Before he slays, Yeo Woon says, “Do not blame me.” Luckily, Dong Soo interferes at the right moment and saves Yeo Woon from eternal damnation. I swear, if he kills my Ajusshi, Yeo Woon is shipped to my black list before he could utter another word.

Bat Senior comes out and points his sword at Dong Soo’s neck. Calm and collected, Dong Soo bends Bat Senior’s arm, aiming the sword back at him. Bat Senior is impressed with Dong Soo’s martial arts skill but concludes that he’s a tad too young. He retreats his crew. Seeing that the condition is not in Hoksa Chorong’s favor, Hong Dae Joo’s army leaves the hideout. Why, what? No fight? That’s it?!!

Dong Soo and Jin Gi help Ji inside the house. Dong Soo hands them a vial of medicine to help relieve the pain caused by the poisoned arrow. He looks around the house, noticing Jin Ju’s absence. Ji assures him that Jin Ju is safe because she was sent on an errand. He breathes a sigh of relief.

Elsewhere hiding, Chun is tending to Jin Ju’s injured foot while she’s laying there unconscious. The room succumbs to silence and Ji’s words replay in his head as he stares down at the fragile being. Maybe it’s the first time that he feels like something belongs to him (without having to fight for it) because a curious Chun ever so slowly reaches down to touch Jin Ju’s fingers. His fingers linger there for a second before he retracts it, afraid of harming her in whatever ways possible.

Chun sits outside and tends to his own wound by burning it with a flaming torch. Ajusshi, you’re so badass.

Dong Soo and Father Jin Gi aid Ji down the mountains. Along the way, Jin Gi urges her to drink the medicine. She looks at the vial hesitatingly. Woman, LIVE! Live to take care of your own daughter! Live responsibly and not die pathetically! She drinks the vial. *lowers fist*

The bad guys at Hoksa Chorong talks about their failure of the day, specifically Bat Junior. Yeo Woon nonchalantly sips his tea while Bat Senior regards highly of Baek Dong Soo.

An underling reports to a higher up officer that a military ship has sunk – the contents lost to the beating waves, some made it to shore. He sends some officers to investigate. Cut to the ocean where we see people swimming to shore, Pig’s son is seen escaping. A group of officers arrive at the scene and open the box, which is full of ginseng. Fake or real, that is the question!

Dong Soo, Ji, and Jin Gi finally reach Samo’s butcher shop. Sword Saint screams at the top of his lungs seeing Ji spit out blood.

Lying on the mat, Ji is embarrassed of her messy condition, but Sword Saint finds it a relief – she’s alive! Jin Gi recites the whole story about the sudden attack and Samo immediately asks for Jin Ju’s whereabouts. She was sent on an errand. They leave the room and Jin Gi assures Ji that he would find Jin Ju. Ji shakes her head, “No need for that. If she lived, she will be with him. If not, she would be food for the wild beasts.” Isn’t that a very odd thing for a mother to say?

Dong Soo officially greets Samo and asks about his health. Samo is surprised that spending years in the mountains has made him a gentleman. hah! Samo doubts Dong Soo’s martial arts skills and they have a quick battle outside. He ends up losing the weapons in his hands and blames the body stiffness on his constant chopping meat. Dong Soo sees ginseng in a box and learns that it’s Ji Sun’s business. He waits for her.

Ji Sun returns from the markets and sees a stranger looking at her ginseng. Quietly, she picks up a bow and an arrow, preparing to shoot if he steals. Dong Soo turns around and a shocked Ji Sun lets go of the arrow. Ermmm…the girl doesn’t even recognize you, Dong Soo. How much could she love you (or does she)? I don’t think Dong Soo’s flaming love has died down guys…it’s mellow now but still strong. Almost like how Sword Saint loves Ji.

Ji Sun shows him her accomplishments in the past three years and thanks him for his encouraging words. Sword Saint and Dong Soo head to the palace to see Prince Yi San.

Chun enters the markets and waddles his way through the curious looks of people. He realizes that everyone is cautious of his dark presence. He buys some ingredients for foods and stops by a stall. Chun picks up a red lucky charm, intending to buy it for an unmarried woman, his daughter.

He comes back to their hideout and cooks foods. Jin Ju’s eyes flutter open and the moment she sees Chun, she draws her sword and points it at him. Chun remains calm and heartwarming to her hurtful words. Jin Ju gets up to leave but is quickly pulled down by her injured ankle. He tells her to wait until her foot is healed before she goes down the mountain. Not looking at her, he pushes the tray of food in her direction. Aw! Aw! Aw! As it dawns on Jin Ju that this dangerous man has tended to her injured foot and cooked her food, she relents.

Jin Ju wonders why he’s so nice to her because it won’t change her ill opinion of him. Chun smiles, is that what Hwang Jin Gi taught you? Jin Ju becomes defensive, no one is allowed to badmouth her father! Chun mutters, “He is the father…?” Oh Chun, my heart breaks for you.

Dong Soo and Sword Saint head to the palace. In the yard, they are attacked by three masked men and Dong Soo fights them. In the midst of fighting, Yi San calls stop and the masked men take off their masks – it’s the mountain brothers! They laugh and hug Dong Soo. And we get to see the same foolish grin of the young Dong Soo.

The King wants to see Sword Saint and the Prince volunteers to prepare ginseng tea for everyone. When the palace lady hands a tray of tea to the Prince, she has on an evil smile, which is noticed by Dong Soo.

Inside the King’s chamber, Sword Saint maintains his decision from before – he wishes to live a peaceful life. In his place, he wants to recommend a young disciple. The Queen, sitting on the side, appears unwell and faints on the mat.

Before the royal doctor arrive, Dong Soo rushes in to feel the Queen’s pulse. The King is enraged at his crude behavior but Sword Saint explains that he’s Baek Sa Ging’s son and his disciple. Having no other choice, the King allows Dong Soo to start the treatment. Kneeling behind her, Dong Soo presses on the important acu-points, forcing the bad blood out.

The Queen’s father barges in. “I heard that the Queen fainted because she drank ginseng tea!?” Yi San clarifies that he didn’t personally make the tea, he only brought it in. The Queen’s father insists that investigation be carried out on these poisoned ginseng but Dong Soo announces that it’s not poison. How can he be so sure? Dong Soo drinks the tea and smiles reassuringly at Prince Yi San.

Now that her foot feels better, Jin Ju decides that it’s time to find her father. Once she’s outside the hut, she sees Chun lying unconscious on the steps, weary and sick-looking. She reasons with herself, “He’s an evil man, if he dies, I shouldn’t be bothered!” But her kindness wins this internal conflict as she picks up the red lucky charm. Jin Ju limps around the forest, searching for herbs/food.

The Queen’s father relays the story back to Pig and his camp. Pig looks uneasy and when the Queen’s father leaves, he aims his sword at Rat (underling). Turns out that half the ginseng brought into the palace is josam (fake ginseng). He orders them to get rid of the evidence in the royal kitchen and calls for General Kim Sang Gun.

In the palace meeting hall, the King is (again) pressured by the Queen’s father to investigate the ginseng case thoroughly. Outside, he whispers to Pig, “All the imported ginseng in the royal kitchen go through your hands.” He warns, “If there’s a problem with them, I won’t let it slide.” Ooo! The bad guys are breaking up?

Pig and his camp head over to the punishment ground where the palace lady is being tied up (she made the ginseng tea earlier). She cries that she did everything according to his order and Pig smiles, “As long as your lips are sealed, there will be no issues.” He turns around and tells the assassin to finish her. However, when he learns that she didn’t throw away the wastes after boiling the tea, he lets her go to remove the evidence.

Jin Ju stews some medicine and spoon feeds Chun. She explains that she’s doing it because her father taught her that kindness must be doubled and returned generously. I don’t think Chun is listening to her words because his eyes concentrate on her face as if he wants to remember every single line and contour of it.


Chun: “I should thank you.”
Jin Ju: “What is your relationship with my mother?”
Chun: “Ga Ok is the one in my heart. My heart belongs only to her.”
Jin Ju: *softens at his words and Chun smiles gently* “Why are you smiling?”
Chun: “Because you’re beautiful.” Jin Ju smiles at that and is reminded of her dad’s same compliment.

All the important men in her life has recognized Jin Ju’s beauty, inside out. Where’s yours Dong Soo?

Yeo Woon is sent to meet with Pig about the josam matter. The fake ginseng is brought by Hoksa Chorong from the East Coast to Pig. Yeo Woon says he can’t do anything about it and leaves. At home, he ponders about Pig’s order, kill everyone who is related to the handling of Josam. Bat hears the news and asks for the list of merchant’s names. He rips a page and hands it to Yeo Woon, “You handle these guys.” Killing spree….

After he kills one man, Yeo Woon asks his assistance, “Is Yoo Ji Sun on the list?” Yes. Oh gosh, you’re going to speed to her rescue right? AGAIN?! You know what? Here’s the line _____ sign your name to become her bodyguard.

As expected, Bat locates Ji Sun, who is with Jang Mi and Mi So in the storage. He corners them and Ji Sun says she’ll go with him, just don’t harm the other two. Mi So, who is fast becoming a girl I like, holds up a leek (haha) and spreads out her arms to put on a brave font.

Promptly, Yeo Woon wears a mask and levels his sword to Bat’s neck, backing him out of the storage. Samo comes home and sees the commotion. He doesn’t know who the masked man is but asks him to kill off Bat. Or he could do it himself. Not wanting to get further involved in this, Yeo Woon flees the scenes. Bat raises his sword to chop Samo but is quickly disabled by a needle. Dong Soo and Sword Saint enter the house. Dong Soo comes to Bat’s side and puts him under by placing a needle in his neck.

When Bat comes to, he’s facing everyone in the household. Dong Soo lets him go because he won’t be able to pick up a sword again. A needle has been placed in Bat’s body, causing him to lose all his abilities to fight. I don’t know…Bat still has a mouth…he can still order people to do the dirty deed for him. Here, just hand me a sword and I’ll do the finishing task because apparently you swordsmen are too…nice?

Inside the house, Dong Soo explains why he thinks the ginseng tea is not poisoned. He has tested the cup earlier. Samo is all but impressed, this kid is doing big things!

An unexpected guest visits the house, it’s Cho Rip! The two friends embrace. I notice that it’s only when he’s around his close friends does Dong Soo feel that he could drop the stoic and stern face to smile burden-free. Poor him, he’s been infected by Sword Saint. heh.

Not only Cho Rip but Prince Yi San has arrived unannounced too. Cho Rip brings with him two bowls of ginseng, taken from the palace storage. One is what the palace lady gave him when he asked for the remaining ginseng. The other bowl is the one the palace lady didn’t give it to him. They ask for Ji Sun’s expert opinion.

Meanwhile, Yeo Woon follows Pig’s son. He tells his dad the military ship used to carry Josam has sunk. Pig is dead worry because if the Josam ends up in government’s hand, it could lead to more troubles (possibly death) for him and his whole family.

Ji Sun confirms that one bowl has Nasam (the real expensive ginseng) while the other bowl contains Josam. Interestingly, although Josam is fake ginseng, it doesn’t have poison. They still need to find out why the Queen fainted. Dong Soo volunteers for this task.

Prince Yi San inducts Dong Soo as a Porter Soldier, an un-ranked soldier that handles wagons. The prince bestows Dong Soo the sword named Sa In. “Use it well to preserve his country.

Alice: I have been converted guys, officially a Chun’s girl right now!

Last episode Chun asks Ji, “If you die, how can I live?” I think I have found the answer (Chun probably did too), it’s Jin Ju. Her kindness and righteousness stir Chun’s steel heart in this episode. He becomes a marshmallow when his daughter feeds him, talks to him, and smiles at him. Dare I say, he feels like a new person, almost like he’s preparing to enter the next stage of his life. A stage without battle and blood shed. If he could, he would give it up for Jin Ju’s sake. I believe him. For she has become his motivation to live peacefully and responsibly (whether or not her mother is around).

Choi Min Soo stole the highlights in this episode for me, he was spot-on with every emotion. I only wanted to see him and Jin Ju together. His uncertainty when he touches the tips of her fingers, his gentleness when he pushes the food to her, and his fatherly desire to buy her a gift warmed up my heart. Seriously, Choi Min Soo! You have me obediently wrapped around your pinky. Pshhh! *rushes to find his other dramas*

Can I be your daughter too? Photobucket

  1. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    Yay, my Million-Dollar-Smile-shik is baaaack, and looking hotter than ever!  RAWR!! But even that paled in comparison to Chun's righteous bad-assedness in this episode.  CMS is a frickin' ball of awesome, ne?  Search out "Sandglass" and "South of the Sun," then report back when your tears have dried. 🙂

    I still want to put my fist through a wall over this whole stupid real/fake/who gives a crap ginseng story, though.  BLECH.  10 more episodes of this?  Kill me now… 😀

  2. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    lol thanks for posting this

  3. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    that pic you posted of in (Bat) face with his mouth open is hilarious 

  4. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    Cherkell, I've been downloading Sandglass, it's definitely on my list for sure with its monstrous ratings!

    10 more episodes of ginseng? *rolls eyes*

  5. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    Kill it! Kill it with fire! 🙂 (Bats and Rats I mean) I've liked Chun since the beginning of the show >< he's so bada**!! I mean sureee the sword saint is suave and all but Chun's just awesome. 🙁 he lost some points for the whole killing the good people but that's his role. I mean this episode and the next takes the cake 🙂 Honestly speaking…the ginseng sideline simply bores me. It's just…blah blah blah blah. I want Yeo Woon and Dong Soo to fight in the rain already!!! Not kill each other but like…collapse in exhaustion next to each other ><. Also…why can't any of the bad guys die? So many good people have died already 🙁

  6. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    Whoeooehoeoeeee! Yeah, this drama is getting better and better~ can't help but agree! To be honest, I do wonder… is Choi Min Soo really the father of Jin Ju? Or did Jijust say that in that moment, so that Jin Ju would be saved…

    There is a chance that Sword Saint is the father… :o!

  7. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    can't wait for the ep.18 recap~~

  8. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    yhhhh lol you have to see the other eps lol just wait and see

  9. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    LOL i think it's hilarious 

  10. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    Indigo, I think we need to call in the Pest Exterminators. hehe

    I never knew about the awesomeness that is Choi Min Soo. I never liked Chun watching the previous 15 episodes. haha One episode has totally turned me into a fan girl. Ajusshi is totally badass!

  11. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    im a chun girl too!! ahhh he breaks my heart :((

  12. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    i know right lol i never hated him from the start i was just curious and couldn''t make out whether he was bad or good lol i just think he's in the middle lol or not either

  13. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    I KNOW he's awesome every way lolz

  14. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    If you pay attention, just when Bat found Ji Sun on the street, Jang Mi helped Ji Sun carrying the stuff they bought from the market, and Mi So was so envy that she handed over Ji Sun a CARROT to make sure she has something to carry home.  LOL Mi So is so cute yet so mean. 😉

  15. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    ohhhhhhhh wow i didn't know that lol which ep is it in this one?????

  16. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    AhWB, I noticed it and laughed my head off in that scene. I love Mi So. JS's face is like, "Okay okay…hahaha…"

    Maria, it's near the end (~51 min) when Bat finds the ladies walking in the dark street.

  17. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    ahhhhhhhhhh ok i'll check it out hehe

  18. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    just seen that scene where miso hand a carrot to ji sun thought it was funny ji sun looked happy to take it lolz

  19. 21 thoughts on “[Recap] Warrior Baek Dong Soo Episode 17

    also think that was brave when jang mi and miso stayed by ji suns side like they were protecting her making sure in (bat) didn't do anything lolz 

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