Japanese Title: 桜蘭高校ホスト部
Cast: Kawaguchi Haruna, Yamamoto Yusuke, Daito Shunsuke
# of Episodes: TBA
Airing Days: Fridays
Broadcasting Station: TBS
Synopsis: The story revolves around a high school girl named Fujioka Haruhi (Kawaguchi) at the prestigious Ouran Academy, who stumbles upon a group of male students who have formed their own club as hosts. Accidentally breaking an antique vase, Haruhi ends up owing the club a vast amount of money, and she ends up posing as a host in order to repay her debt. — Tokyograph [Pic + Credit: Wiki]
NOTE: Videos are Raw Mp4 file (800×450). File Size = 200 + MB. The video quality is not stunning but it’s pretty for its small packages! Check Screen capture. Soft subtitles can be found at DarkSmurfSub and Kizuna Fansubs. Drop by the respective sources to say your thanks! 🙂
♦ Episode 1 – (1200×780) OR (800×450) Quality is roughly the same, check for yourself.
♦ Episode 2 – (1200×780) OR (800×450)
♦ Episode 3
♦ Episode 4
♦ Episode 5
♦ Episode 6
♦ Episode 7
♦ Episode 8
♦ Episode 9
♦ Episode 10 (1200×780)
♦ Episode 11 (1200×780) *Finale!
**31st Completed Project!! Aww, this goofball is over guys!! My Mori!!
Alice: Oh gosh, this drama is downright insane and silly thanks to the manga-mixed expressions but surprisingly has many genuine moments. It took me a while to stomach episode 1, however, once the actors settled into their quirky characters, you’ll find yourself smiling at their sincere interactions.
Yamamoto Yusuke is the reason I checked out this drama since he was wonderful in Atashinchi no Danshi but now I’ll be sailing on this boat because of these cheeky host clubbers. hee!
Mori is mine, hands off ladies!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
I can't believe they've made a live-action version of this Manga!
i <3 Mori also but putting my verdict on the actor after i've devoured these episodes!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
I love the manga… but i'm always weary about watching live action anything…. I didn't even dare to go near Kimi Wa Petto as the manga was perfect as it is….. I have to say, Hani Sempai in the pic look a bit creepy….
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
This is like crack. I laughed my butt off more than once.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
I'm not a fan of manga in general so I can't really compare the two. Their facial expressions are pitch perfect, that's what I heard from my friends.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
hi I must say I've been "using" (not really the right word but I think you'll understand me nonetheless) your blog to keep up to date with all the new dramas and everything but never dared to download any of your "links". But however I tried once for the drama Mary stayed up all night. However it was dubbed in tagalog or malay or tai or viet or something along those languages. Soo I was wondering are all the episodes dubbed ? 'Cause your blog is in english soo :s
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
You confuse me. Mary Stayed Up All Night is a korean drama so the language is in Korean. None of the dramas here are dubbed.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Alice, first of all am surprised to see a Jdrama here, i also thought abt checking out this because of Yamamoto Yusuke i also love him in Atashinchi! So the verdict is good? I'm very wary of Jdramas cos they're so much into the physical comedy & am not very used to it – i still haven't finished Hana Kimi which i started who knows when.
Have you checked the Jdrama remake of You're Beautiful? Its called Ikemen Desu Ne, & apparently the cast is not as good looking as the Korean actors! LOL! Some didn't like it cos they obviously compared it to the Korean version, a problem seems to be ovreacting – i think that's a staple in Jdramas, they do a lot of over the top physical acting – but others liked it & instead watchd it in the context of a Jdrama. The bang A.N.jell seems to be approachable in this one – i don't know if i can watch w/out comparing, seriously who can forget JGS! That's wat made the drama a hit, his seriousness & the incredibly ridiculous situations he found himself in
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
I loved the anime and I am so glad you decided to follow this! It perfectly feeds my deep love for the ridiculous. Thanks for putting it up here!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Annette, Ouran is the second Japanese project here ^_^. I like the first two episodes! Yamamoto Yusuke's transition between drama queen and gentle boy is smooth and hilarious. Lots of over-the-top faces to look at. I concur with you about the "comedic scenes", especially in live adaptations. It's like the people acting aren't even real. Most likely, they jump out of a manga page or an anime episode.
No, I haven't checked out Ikemen Desu Ne yet. They lack ANJELLL's beauty and of course JGS's charm who made the drama his. That's all I got from my friends. hee.hee.
peacockonrampage, since you have read the manga, mind giving me a one word spoiler? Does Mori have a love interest throughout the story? 'Cause I'm going to prepare my sword-cane (City Hunter's reference). =P
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
So far this drama has my interest….Haruna Kawaguchi is so cute being a boy….although she is young, she is improving a lot from her previous dramas.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
This drama really make me rolling on the floor! banzai!! hehe
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Hallo Alice.. Im Fans of Ouran High School Manga. That is sooo… funny… Thank you Alice. Although that is weird but J Dorama always release my stress because soooo funnnyyyyy… Love it.. Gomawo~~
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
at last the live action is here…
speculation bout this live action had been discussed like ages ago..
i cant say i'm totally happy when i heard that yamamoto yusuke was going 2 play tamaki senpai..
dont get me wrong, i like him since hana kimi..
its just that rumours had been spreading in forums putting je boys as the leads. hehehe
however i love him soo much!!!
he really succeeded in portraying tamaki's character!!!!!
haruhi is a no doubt a banzai!!!!
whew sorry 4 d long comment…
thanx 4 the links ^^
hmmm… i think honey senpai needs to act cuter.. like super cute 2 the max!!!
nice 2 meet you alice.
p/s i like ur secret garden's banner ^____^
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Prita, yes, it's definitely a stress reliever. ha!
Fusae, hello and welcome here! Honey needs to be cuter? haha! I read similar stories about Yamamoto Yusuke but he's raking in great reviews from the audience. ^_^
Added some simple promoting banners to the post, click buttons to see!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
wawawawawawawwa,,, i really10000x loved the anime!!!!
ops.. i'm forgetting my greeting.. hello alice!!
this is my first time posting here.. thanx for all the good drama u upload here..
when i saw the anime i had always thought tht it is impossible to hv the live action.. who on earth can display tamaki sempai and honey sempai.. and mori sempai.. kyouya sempai.. kaoru..hikaru.. did i just list them all.. ok.. i'm getting insane..
tamaki is too gorgeous to be true and honey.. i'm speechless.. i dnt think i can elaborate anymore,, so i refuse to see the dorama but i'm getting curious.. hehe..
the dorama makes me insane.. i'm laughing non stop..
well, i'm more impressed with their work to make it more anime-like but i dnt think all the actor are suitable in potraying the character.. honey need to be more cute i think.. But i still love it..
alice.. u need to prepare sword-cane because mori has love interest..
it is honey sempai.. haha..
ok.. i write quite long for first timer.. lastly.. thanx alice!!!!!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
honey senpai needs to be cuter..in the anime version he's much cuter:)
but i prefer the anime more than the live action..
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Thanks alice for the fast upload…I've been waiting for this since I watched the anime…There will be no second season for OHSHC anime, and surprisingly they remake the anime into live action which I think way better than 2nd season…Im expecting a blonde tamaki senpai, but, a dark blonde tamaki appeared..Hahah..Its ok since yamamoto yusuke is a great actor..perhaps they want to twist the original anime storyline but it's still OK with me…Anyway, thanks again ^___^
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
thanx for the link..really love this drama..bring lots of laughter..hehe thanx again ^^,
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
I love the drama as much I love the anime! My sister and I used to talked the live action drama of OHSC, we even nominated few names but none of them take any role here..but, OSHC Drama captured my heart at every scene that I've watched! Thanksss Alice….LOVE IT VERY MUCH, can't wait for the next ep!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Greetings to everyone here, love reading ya'll comments!
waniey, aww, really? I can't bear to use my sword-cane against Honey SenPai….I guess we can share! he!
Shafia33, I guess they have to tone down his cuteness in the live adaptation but I'm fine with it. ^^
VioletIngrid, I think they pick out the main subplots for this version, which is great so far but 23 minutes is reallyyyyy short! MORE MORI please!
jujozZZ, you're welcome!
me, it captured my heart too with the hilarious antics used by Tamaki. Dude, what's with you wanting to become her Papa! hehe
I haven't seen episode 5 uploaded on d-addicts yet. It should have been up yesterday's night. Me thinks something's up.
So, be patient everyone.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Episode 4 cannot be downloaded..
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Thanks Alice (^__^)
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Aw, I just watched episode 8! Warm, fuzzy feeling all over the place!
The dude no longer looks like Jang Geun Suk with the new haircut. He reminds me of Wallace Huo.
And Tamaki…*swoons* I'm finally feeling our OTP.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
You're awesome! The anime for this is awesome. Hope live action is just as awesome. Jdrama and Kdrama. <3 thanks for doing this. Did i mention you're awesome? =D
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Eps 9 is my favourite… equivalent to Anime eps 16…. The path to learn about yourself.. Panora Box… If you dont open, you dun know what you will get….=P
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
i never knew you had this here. i've been you're follower for a while now and i never expected a jdrama here. YOU ARE SO COOL! thanks for this! i loved the anime. i'm hoping the live action is also as good. thanks for this alice! and yeah, you're cool. 🙂
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
hey alice, are there other sources where i can download srt subs of this? well, darksmurf requires one to be a member to be able to download. and the other link provides .ass sub files which cant seem to work on my laptop. so, any suggestions?
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
please disregard my previous comment. i was able to get the .ass files work now. hehe. i'm sorry for the trouble. thanks for the upload! 🙂
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Thank you, Alice, for bringing us such a great project
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Thank you so much for this 😉
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
hi alice.. is that the last epi??? epi 11?? :/
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
hi there alice! do you, by any chance, know when they will release episode 11's eng subs? just curious. 🙂
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
hi karlo… u can check darksmurfsubs.com for eng subs… i got my subs there… 🙂
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
whats the other jdrama u have here alice? :)) thanks
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
i think this is the only one…the other one…korean ver. of You're beautiful was dropped due to lack of interest.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
it was really funny.. thanks alice! they're really funny!
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
i cannot download ep 10….can u try re-check plssss……
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
I checked it is still working.
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
From the photo, I can't see any good looking guys … lol …
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
i cant download eps 6 T.T
can u fix it?
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
When you get a chance, could you reupload these? None of the files can be accessed, it throws up the “invalid link” message.
Thanks so much for your hard work on these, it made my day to know there’s english subs & decent quality video available 🙂
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Please guide me.. I am not familiar how your links to download works.. What hosting site should I choose to download the episodes?? Thanks a lot..
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
can you please reupload the 800×450 mp4 versions? been looking for that version everywhere…
44 thoughts on “[Download] Ouran High School Host Club Episodes”
Where can I download full ouran high live action and also atashinchi no danshi if you have one? please message meeee soooon :((((( give me links . thank you!!